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My Home Page

My Home Page

Welcome to my little corner of the world wide web! This site is still under major construction. I have just started this and hope to get at least a few different things up soon.


August 31, 2003
I got terribly bored today, so I made yet another wallpaper. This time it's Agent Smith from Matrix. Go take a look at it and and remember to tell me what you think.

August 22, 2003
I have uploaded three stories. They are all Stargate fanfic.
I also uploaded a new wallpaper. It's the Twins from Matrix Reloaded.
Two links are now added as well.

August 20, 2003
Ok, I know, I lied, the stories are not uploaded. Had some technical issues, and don't feel like dealing with it now, so you'll get the stories and stuff later.
On the plus side, I made a new wallpaper. It's an Orlando Bloom one, just look under 'wallpapers.'

August 10, 2003
I've finally got a few things uploaded. I have six different wallpapers up right now. And as I type this I'm uploading some of my stories.

About Me

Stories, Poems, etc...

