
"Can we be men for a second?"
"Okay, but just a second."
-Casey McCall and Daniel Rydell

"That night in Minneapolis with the Jaegermeister, we didn't do anything untoward, did we?"
"You mean, did we get married?"
-Casey McCal and Daniel Rydell

My Sports Night Fan Fiction:

All The Bases Loaded:
Pairings: Dan/Casey
Rating: PG-13
Story Type: Stand-alone
Complete/WIP: Complete
Warnings: None.
Summary: "You know that neither of them had actually been to a game?" Written for the sn_playbook ballgame challenge.

One Man's Ending...:
Pairings: Dan/Casey
Rating: G
Story Type: Stand-alone
Complete/WIP: Complete
Warnings: None.
Summary: Casey's first night of retirement (future fic). Written for the sn_playbook happy ending challenge.
