
From time to time I take it upon myself to make some fanart.
No, I don't draw. I don't paint. I don't even do crayon sketches. I mess about with images and text in an image editor.
Anything on this page is a result of boredom, modern technology, and a mind that has melted.

Name: Bewitch The Mind
Fandom: Harry Potter
Notes: This was designed as an icon for my LiveJournal.

Name: Happy Birthday SnapeToy/South Park Meets Snarry
Fandom: South Park and Harry Potter
Notes: I originally made the two characters using the South Park Create-A-Character, but then it turned out to be SnapeToy's birthday and I owed her great debt for
writing some brilliant fiction, and so she got this little Snarry birthday e-card of sorts.

Name: Spike's Wall
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Notes: It's part of the infamous quote. You know the one - from the very end of 'Doomed'

Name: Vote Bartlet
Fandom: The West Wing
Notes: Simple as it looks. Another LiveJournal icon.

Name: Vote Snape
Fandom: Harry Potter
Notes: Inspired by the 'Vote Bartlet' icon, another LiveJournal icon.

Name: Who's Wand Is That?
Fandom: Harry Potter
Notes: There is no explanation. None. It's meant to be a film poster thingy. I just thought those two pictures worked really well together.

Name: Jaffa Cake Giles
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Notes: An lj icon inspired by Giles' Jaffa Cake eating in a scene of 'End of Days'.

Name: Snazzy Ted, aka My Fandom Has Snazzy Eye-Wear
Fandom: Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
Notes: I wanted a Queer Eye LJ icon, and I wanted it to be Ted. Et, voila!

Name: FAB 5- A Queer Revolution
Fandom: Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
Notes: I wanted more Queer Eye LJ icons, and I started with the Fab 5...

Name: TED - A Queer Revolution
Fandom: Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
Notes: And then came Ted...

Name: CARSON - A Queer Revolution
Fandom: Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
Notes: And then came Carson...

Name: THOM - A Queer Revolution
Fandom: Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
Notes: And then came Thom...

Name: KYAN - A Queer Revolution
Fandom: Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
Notes: And then came Kyan...

Name: JAI - A Queer Revolution
Fandom: Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
Notes: And finally Jai (because he's the one I like least).

Name: A Shucking Tragedy
Fandom: Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
Notes: A quote of Ted's from 'Talk, Dark, & Dancin': Josh Diaz' refering to a possible accident while shucking some oysters.

Name: Flexible Carson
Fandom: Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
Notes: "Oh, God, I'm so flexible" - Carson as Ted bends him in various ways in 'Top of the (Trash) Heap:Al D.'

Name: I Stay Awake
Fandom: The West Wing
Notes: I didn't really realise this was fan art of a sort until just now, when I was thinking about where the quote was from. It's from a scene in 'Night Five' when Stanley asks Bartlet what happens when he tries to sleep. It appealed to me in my insomniac stage, and it hasn't really worn off. There's a fancier, blue version somewhere, but I like the edgier side of this one.

