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The Masquerade

The Camarilla existed first and foremost to enforce an edict

-- A Masquerade--

by which to hide.

They erased all evidence of Themselves from sight of the living and slowly

-- over many, many years--

 They became as myths to the minds of man.

And thus concealed they have continued to grow in power

And to guide Humanity to suit their whims.


    This is a site about an RPG (NOT a videogame) Called Vampire: the Masquerade. V:tM (Vampire: the Masquerade) generally has sort of a dark, gothic mood, though the story depends on the storyteller. The Vampire games I've played have been pretty good but the game is as good as you make it. I hope this site helps you make the game fun.

The Story of Caine

The Vampire Clans

     The Camarilla

 The Sabbat

              Vampire Abilities (disciplines)

Vampire Terms





This page was last updated 5/22/03
