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Mandy LeCroix

This website is OOC, dedicated to a character played in Vampire the Masquerade. No one is allowed to monkey-stomp me about being a breach, because this is my disclaimer. Thbbt. The stories and fics are personal musings, and the livejournal musings, personal thoughts, and stuff she'd put in a diary, if she actually owned one. ... I think that about covers it.

-Stephanie Jo

UPDATED 2/21/06

Official Backstory For best effect, read it aloud with a southern accent. Trust me. *grin*

Family A downtime scene that changed Mandy forever.

Jumper A short story that happens the week of 2/14/05, after Mandy dropped to a humanity of one.

Photos: When good girls go Gangrel

Mandy's Playlist A series of song-fic style writings about Mandy's life. First five completed, plus "Love is Blindness".

Something Interesting. A meme generator that is scary accurate.

Mandy's LiveJournal As stated above.

Vampire for Dummies: A crash course in what the heck I'm talking about.

One World by Night: an organization of VtM chronicles across the globe.

Columbus in Darkness The OWBN Chronicle I am a Storyteller for.

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