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[36mMaltheas[1;30m [[0;31m1605|1605[1;30mhp]-[[1;31m0|60[1;30mbp]-[[1;36m260|260[1;30mmv]-[[1;33m359,960,435[1;30m]-[[1;37m3[1;30m]-[1;31mE [1;30m[[0;31mS[1;30m]-[0;31m-[1;31mWastelands[0;53mlook [0m [1;37mThe Gateway[0m [1;33mFive dark gems are imbedded in the floor, forming the points of a large,[0m [1;33minscribed pentacle. Along the lines of this dark structure can be seen[0m [1;33mshimmering lines of black energy tracing its outline with an entrancing[0m [1;33mand silent repetition...[0m [1;37mExits: north east south west [0m [1;32mAn elaborately carved statue of the Goddess Moonbeam stands in the center of the pentacle.[0m [1;34mA marble fountain overflowing with pudding stands in the far corner here [0m [1;35m(Hide) (Translucent) Paliy, Sorceress of Light is hovering here.[0m [1;31mPaliy is engulfed within a blaze of mystical flame.[0m [1;35m(Hide) (Translucent) Rajatan Firefist, Shadow Adept of the Inconnu is hovering here.[0m [1;34mRajatan is surrounded by cascading torrents of energy.[0m [1;35m(Hide) Firefist, Acolyte of Inferno is hovering here.[0m [36mMaltheas[1;30m [[0;31m1605|1605[1;30mhp]-[[1;31m0|60[1;30mbp]-[[1;36m260|260[1;30mmv]-[[1;33m359,960,435[1;30m]-[[1;37m3[1;30m]-[1;31mE [1;30m[[0;31mS[1;30m]-[0;31m-[1;31mWastelands[0m [36mMaltheas[1;30m [[0;31m1605|1605[1;30mhp]-[[1;31m0|60[1;30mbp]-[[1;36m260|260[1;30mmv]-[[1;33m359,960,435[1;30m]-[[1;37m3[1;30m]-[1;31mE [1;30m[[0;31mS[1;30m]-[0;31m-[1;31mWastelands[0;53mWho DS[0m Avatar [1;32m Tornan serves the Serrelinda [0;36m([1;37mDragonslayer[0;36m)[0m Avatar [1;32m Valtar. [0;36m([1;37mDragonslayer[0;36m)[0m Avatar [1;32m [AFK] Turlough................[Dawnbreaker].............{HoIC} [0;36m([1;37mDragonslayer[0;36m)[0m 15 Thief [1;32m Orchida or whatevea you need Mista [BOT] [0;36m([1;37mDragonslayer[0;36m)[0m Avatar [1;32m Nightspawn is new and improved. Look Night for details. [0;36m([1;37mDragonslayer[0;36m)[0m Avatar [1;32m [AFK] Tortall Greyborne. And then there was silence {IC} [0;36m([1;37mDragonslayer[0;36m)[1;32m [0;36m[[1;37mThe Symposium[0;36m][0m Avatar [1;32m Lunnalkann. [0;36m([1;37mDragonslayer[0;36m)[0m Avatar [1;32m Nikita is made of sugar and spice. No licking pls! [IC] [0;36m([1;37mDragonslayer[0;36m)[0m Avatar [1;32m Arca Nvwls-Etheros. [0;36m([1;37mDragonslayer[0;36m)[0m Avatar [1;32m Sisko captain of Deep Space 9. [0;36m([1;37mDragonslayer[0;36m)[0m Avatar [1;32m Tobie Moonbeam, The INSANE Pixie! [0;36m([1;37mDragonslayer[0;36m)[0m Avatar [1;32m Hecar, last of the elder Greybornes. [0;36m([1;37mDragonslayer[0;36m)[0m 25 Druid [1;32m Lofwyr the Greater Demon Killer. [0;36m([1;37mDragonslayer[0;36m)[0m [1;32m13 players.[0m [36mMaltheas[1;30m [[0;31m1605|1605[1;30mhp]-[[1;31m0|60[1;30mbp]-[[1;36m260|260[1;30mmv]-[[1;33m359,960,435[1;30m]-[[1;37m3[1;30m]-[1;31mE [1;30m[[0;31mS[1;30m]-[0;31m-[1;31mWastelands[0;53mWho Inc[0m Avatar [1;32m Saraphin, Fallen Angel of the Inconnu. [0;36m([1;37mInconnu[0;36m)[0m Avatar [1;32m Feyd is Punk in Drublic. [0;36m([1;37mInconnu[0;36m)[0m Avatar [1;32m Dreanno Ravenyze: The remedy is worse than the disease. [0;36m([1;37mInconnu[0;36m)[0m Avatar [1;32m Skytal, Mithridate of the Inconnu. [0;36m([1;37mInconnu[0;36m)[0m Avatar [1;32m Rajatan Firefist, Shadow Adept of the Inconnu. [0;36m([1;37mInconnu[0;36m)[0m Avatar [1;32m Maltheas, Methuselah of the Kingship Clan. [0;36m([1;37mInconnu[0;36m)[0m Avatar [1;32m Firefist, Acolyte of Inferno. [0;36m([1;37mInconnu[0;36m)[0m Avatar [1;32m Ifalna, brewer of Sorrows. [0;36m([1;37mInconnu[0;36m)[0m Avatar [1;32m Paliy, Sorceress of Light. [0;36m([1;37mInconnu[0;36m)[0m Avatar [1;32m Zet, smashes and bashes. [0;36m([1;37mInconnu[0;36m)[0m [1;32m10 players.[0m [36mMaltheas[1;30m [[0;31m1605|1605[1;30mhp]-[[1;31m0|60[1;30mbp]-[[1;36m260|260[1;30mmv]-[[1;33m359,960,435[1;30m]-[[1;37m3[1;30m]-[1;31mE [1;30m[[0;31mS[1;30m]-[0;31m-[1;31mWastelands[0;53mWho Asc[0m Avatar [1;32m [AFK] Mordrith Banderas won't hesitate to put a bullet in a pixie. [0;36m([1;37mAscendere[0;36m)[0m Avatar [1;32m [AFK] Laine Bela Morte. [0;36m([1;37mAscendere[0;36m)[0m Avatar [1;32m [AFK] Forssini, that Forgotten Hero [GtA] [0;36m([1;37mAscendere[0;36m)[0m Avatar [1;32m [AFK] Baralis, Lord of the Dawn. [0;36m([1;37mAscendere[0;36m)[0m Avatar [1;32m [AFK] (ATTACKER) Tupac Shakur. [0;36m([1;37mAscendere[0;36m)[0m Avatar [1;32m Rennard laughs at angels who fall and can't get up. [0;36m([1;37mAscendere[0;36m)[0m Celestial [1;32m [AFK] Kaiowas Bela Morte. [0;36m([1;37mNumber One, Ascendere[0;36m)[0m Avatar [1;32m Zemiax Darkmoon. {Amicitia Optimates, Cleric} [0;36m([1;37mAscendere[0;36m)[0m Avatar [1;32m Latinkh Gyllenhjalm. {Amicitia Optimates, Cleric} [0;36m([1;37mAscendere[0;36m)[0m Avatar [1;32m Latinka Gyllenhjalm. {Amicitia Optimates, Cleric} [0;36m([1;37mAscendere[0;36m)[0m Avatar [1;32m [AFK] Arne Gyllenhjalm. {Amicitia Optimates, Storage} [0;36m([1;37mAscendere[0;36m)[0m Avatar [1;32m [AFK] Khelf Treves-Bela Morte [Of Mice and Myth] [0;36m([1;37mAscendere[0;36m)[0m Avatar [1;32m Dakid got his corpse purged and didnt even get a t-shirt. [0;36m([1;37mAscendere[0;36m)[0m Avatar [1;32m [AFK] Arendahl: I can taste it in your tears. [0;36m([1;37mAscendere[0;36m)[0m Avatar [1;32m Mortis Gyllenhjalm. {Lord, Amicitia Optimates} [0;36m([1;37mAscendere[0;36m)[0m Avatar [1;32m Ganbazon Talloak. [0;36m([1;37mAscendere[0;36m)[0m 45 Augurer [1;32m Tiirlin the Enchanter. [0;36m([1;37mAscendere[0;36m)[0m -----------------------------------[[1;32m IMMORTALS[0m ]------------------------------ [1;32mGreen Ceirana. [0;36m[[1;37mOverseer of Guilds[0;36m][1;32m [0;36m([1;37mDeity of Ascendere[0;36m)[1;32m [0;36m[[1;37mVisionary Consortium[0;36m][0m [1;32m18 players.[0m [36mMaltheas[1;30m [[0;31m1605|1605[1;30mhp]-[[1;31m0|60[1;30mbp]-[[1;36m260|260[1;30mmv]-[[1;33m359,960,435[1;30m]-[[1;37m3[1;30m]-[1;31mE [1;30m[[0;31mS[1;30m]-[0;31m-[1;31mWastelands[0;53mwhere[0m Players near you in Inconnu Citadel: | [1;32mSaraphin [0;37m [0m| [37mCorridor of Vapors[0m | [1;32mFeyd [0;37m [0m| [37mCorridor of Vapors[0m | [1;32mDreanno [0;37m [0m| [37mDungeon of Servitude[0m | [1;32mSkytal [0;37m [0m| [37mDungeon of Servitude[0m | [1;32mRajatan [0;37m [0m| [37mThe Gateway[0m | [1;32mMaltheas [0;37m [0m| [37mThe Gateway[0m | [1;32mFirefist [0;37m [0m| [37mThe Gateway[0m | [1;32mPaliy [0;37m [0m| [37mThe Gateway[0m [36mMaltheas[1;30m [[0;31m1605|1605[1;30mhp]-[[1;31m0|60[1;30mbp]-[[1;36m260|260[1;30mmv]-[[1;33m359,960,435[1;30m]-[[1;37m3[1;30m]-[1;31mE [1;30m[[0;31mS[1;30m]-[0;31m-[1;31mWastelands[0;53mlook [0m [1;37mThe Gateway[0m [1;33mFive dark gems are imbedded in the floor, forming the points of a large,[0m [1;33minscribed pentacle. Along the lines of this dark structure can be seen[0m [1;33mshimmering lines of black energy tracing its outline with an entrancing[0m [1;33mand silent repetition...[0m [1;37mExits: north east south west [0m [1;32mAn elaborately carved statue of the Goddess Moonbeam stands in the center of the pentacle.[0m [1;34mA marble fountain overflowing with pudding stands in the far corner here [0m [1;35m(Hide) (Translucent) Paliy, Sorceress of Light is hovering here.[0m [1;31mPaliy is engulfed within a blaze of mystical flame.[0m [1;35m(Hide) (Translucent) Rajatan Firefist, Shadow Adept of the Inconnu is hovering here.[0m [1;34mRajatan is surrounded by cascading torrents of energy.[0m [1;35m(Hide) Firefist, Acolyte of Inferno is hovering here.[0m [36mMaltheas[1;30m [[0;31m1605|1605[1;30mhp]-[[1;31m0|60[1;30mbp]-[[1;36m260|260[1;30mmv]-[[1;33m359,960,435[1;30m]-[[1;37m3[1;30m]-[1;31mE [1;30m[[0;31mS[1;30m]-[0;31m-[1;31mWastelands[0m [36mMaltheas[1;30m [[0;31m1605|1605[1;30mhp]-[[1;31m0|60[1;30mbp]-[[1;36m260|260[1;30mmv]-[[1;33m359,960,435[1;30m]-[[1;37m3[1;30m]-[1;31mE [1;30m[[0;31mS[1;30m]-[0;31m-[1;31mWastelands[0;53mn[0m [1;37mCorridor of Vapors[0m [1;33mA strange mist permeates the air around you as you travel down the[0m [1;33mpassageway. A dull light shines from gems embedded sporadically in[0m [1;33mthe walls. To the south, you smell the sweet scent of night air.[0m [1;37mExits: north south [0m [1;35mFeyd is Punk in Drublic is sprawled out here.[0m [1;35m(Hide) Saraphin, Fallen Angel of the Inconnu is deep in slumber here.[0m [36mMaltheas[1;30m [[0;31m1605|1605[1;30mhp]-[[1;31m0|60[1;30mbp]-[[1;36m257|260[1;30mmv]-[[1;33m359,960,435[1;30m]-[[1;37m3[1;30m]-[1;31mE [1;30m[[0;31mS[1;30m]-[0;31m-[1;31mWastelands[0m [36mMaltheas[1;30m [[0;31m1605|1605[1;30mhp]-[[1;31m0|60[1;30mbp]-[[1;36m257|260[1;30mmv]-[[1;33m359,960,435[1;30m]-[[1;37m3[1;30m]-[1;31mE [1;30m[[0;31mS[1;30m]-[0;31m-[1;31mWastelands[0;53mn[0m [53mn[0m [53mn[0m [53mn[0m [53ms[0m [1;37mDark Sanctuary[0m [1;33mYou stand upon the supposed resting place of Abel, the first Lord of the[0m [1;33mInconnu. Dark energy emanates from the floor, feeding a cleric who has[0m [1;33mbeen enslaved by Abel's still-powerful spirit. Here, indeed, is a safe[0m [1;33mlocation to rest and regain your undead power.[0m [1;37mExits: north east south west [0m [1;34mA black marble fountain glistens in the darkness.[0m [1;35mA healer, subdued by the will of Abel, performs his duties reluctantly here.[0m [36mMaltheas[1;30m [[0;31m1605|1605[1;30mhp]-[[1;31m0|60[1;30mbp]-[[1;36m256|260[1;30mmv]-[[1;33m359,960,435[1;30m]-[[1;37m3[1;30m]-[1;31mE [1;30m[[0;31mS[1;30m]-[0;31m-[1;31mWastelands[0m [36mMaltheas[1;30m [[0;31m1605|1605[1;30mhp]-[[1;31m0|60[1;30mbp]-[[1;36m256|260[1;30mmv]-[[1;33m359,960,435[1;30m]-[[1;37m3[1;30m]-[1;31mE [1;30m[[0;31mS[1;30m]-[0;31m-[1;31mWastelands[0;53ms[0m [53ms[0m [53ms[0m [1;37mInconnu Vault[0m [1;33mA long rectangular room stretches out before you, the ceiling of the vault[0m [1;33marching high overhead. Along the western wall rests a large chest composed[0m [1;33mof mithril containing a variety of armor, while an array of weaponry hangs[0m [1;33mfrom a large oak rack along the eastern wall. Shelves carved into the[0m [1;33mstone walls skirt the room, filled with a myriad potions and scrolls.[0m [1;37mExits: south [0m [1;32mA heavy wooden crate rests here, ready to be delivered. (60)[0m [1;32mTwisted pieces of metal, imbued with the vitae of the Ancestors, lay on the ground.[0m [1;32mLanfear's Toy Box[0m [1;32mShelves of stone skirt the vault with potions and scrolls.[0m [1;32mA cauldron spits and hisses as murky liquid bubbles forth.[0m [1;32mA small iron coffer is filled with small flasks.[0m [1;32mA large oak rack dominates the eastern wall with a display of weaponry.[0m [1;32mA great chest of mithril along the western wall brims with armor.[0m [1;31mA smoldering stone lies in the center of the clearing.[0m [1;32mAn oak rocking horse with a mane of knotted yarn tips slowly back and forth.[0m [1;32m(Glowing) Shards of iridescent light shimmer in a brightly glowing ball. (5)[0m [1;32mA strange leaf lies mangled on the ground.[0m [36mMaltheas[1;30m [[0;31m1605|1605[1;30mhp]-[[1;31m0|60[1;30mbp]-[[1;36m255|260[1;30mmv]-[[1;33m359,960,435[1;30m]-[[1;37m3[1;30m]-[1;31mE [1;30m[[0;31mS[1;30m]-[0;31m-[1;31mWastelands[0;53ms[0m [53ms[0m [1;31mAlas, you cannot go that way.[0m [36mMaltheas[1;30m [[0;31m1605|1605[1;30mhp]-[[1;31m0|60[1;30mbp]-[[1;36m255|260[1;30mmv]-[[1;33m359,960,435[1;30m]-[[1;37m3[1;30m]-[1;31mE [1;30m[[0;31mS[1;30m]-[0;31m-[1;31mWastelands[0;53ms[0m [53ms[0m [1;31mAlas, you cannot go that way.[0m [36mMaltheas[1;30m [[0;31m1605|1605[1;30mhp]-[[1;31m0|60[1;30mbp]-[[1;36m255|260[1;30mmv]-[[1;33m359,960,435[1;30m]-[[1;37m3[1;30m]-[1;31mE [1;30m[[0;31mS[1;30m]-[0;31m-[1;31mWastelands[0;53ms[0m [1;37mDark Sanctuary[0m [1;33mYou stand upon the supposed resting place of Abel, the first Lord of the[0m [1;33mInconnu. Dark energy emanates from the floor, feeding a cleric who has[0m [1;33mbeen enslaved by Abel's still-powerful spirit. Here, indeed, is a safe[0m [1;33mlocation to rest and regain your undead power.[0m [1;37mExits: north east south west [0m [1;34mA black marble fountain glistens in the darkness.[0m [1;35mA healer, subdued by the will of Abel, performs his duties reluctantly here.[0m [1;34mThe subdued healer utters the word 'naimad'.[0m [1;34mYour serious wounds mend and your pain ebbs away.[0m [36mMaltheas[1;30m [[0;31m1605|1605[1;30mhp]-[[1;31m0|60[1;30mbp]-[[1;36m254|260[1;30mmv]-[[1;33m359,960,435[1;30m]-[[1;37m3[1;30m]-[1;31mE [1;30m[[0;31mS[1;30m]-[0;31m-[1;31mWastelands[0m [36mMaltheas[1;30m [[0;31m1605|1605[1;30mhp]-[[1;31m0|60[1;30mbp]-[[1;36m254|260[1;30mmv]-[[1;33m359,960,435[1;30m]-[[1;37m3[1;30m]-[1;31mE [1;30m[[0;31mS[1;30m]-[0;31m-[1;31mWastelands[1;37mCorridor of Vapors[0m [1;33mA strange mist permeates the air around you as you travel down the[0m [1;33mpassageway. A dull light shines from gems embedded sporadically in[0m [1;33mthe walls. To the south, you smell the sweet scent of night air.[0m [1;37mExits: north south [0m [1;35mFeyd is Punk in Drublic is sprawled out here.[0m [1;35m(Hide) Saraphin, Fallen Angel of the Inconnu is deep in slumber here.[0m [36mMaltheas[1;30m [[0;31m1605|1605[1;30mhp]-[[1;31m0|60[1;30mbp]-[[1;36m253|260[1;30mmv]-[[1;33m359,960,435[1;30m]-[[1;37m3[1;30m]-[1;31mE [1;30m[[0;31mS[1;30m]-[0;31m-[1;31mWastelands[0m [36mMaltheas[1;30m [[0;31m1605|1605[1;30mhp]-[[1;31m0|60[1;30mbp]-[[1;36m253|260[1;30mmv]-[[1;33m359,960,435[1;30m]-[[1;37m3[1;30m]-[1;31mE [1;30m[[0;31mS[1;30m]-[0;31m-[1;31mWastelands[1;37mThe Gateway[0m [1;33mFive dark gems are imbedded in the floor, forming the points of a large,[0m [1;33minscribed pentacle. Along the lines of this dark structure can be seen[0m [1;33mshimmering lines of black energy tracing its outline with an entrancing[0m [1;33mand silent repetition...[0m [1;37mExits: north east south west [0m [1;32mAn elaborately carved statue of the Goddess Moonbeam stands in the center of the pentacle.[0m [1;34mA marble fountain overflowing with pudding stands in the far corner here [0m [1;35m(Hide) (Translucent) Paliy, Sorceress of Light is hovering here.[0m [1;31mPaliy is engulfed within a blaze of mystical flame.[0m [1;35m(Hide) (Translucent) Rajatan Firefist, Shadow Adept of the Inconnu is hovering here.[0m [1;34mRajatan is surrounded by cascading torrents of energy.[0m [1;35m(Hide) Firefist, Acolyte of Inferno is hovering here.[0m [36mMaltheas[1;30m [[0;31m1605|1605[1;30mhp]-[[1;31m0|60[1;30mbp]-[[1;36m252|260[1;30mmv]-[[1;33m359,960,435[1;30m]-[[1;37m3[1;30m]-[1;31mE [1;30m[[0;31mS[1;30m]-[0;31m-[1;31mWastelands[0m [36mMaltheas[1;30m [[0;31m1605|1605[1;30mhp]-[[1;31m0|60[1;30mbp]-[[1;36m252|260[1;30mmv]-[[1;33m359,960,435[1;30m]-[[1;37m3[1;30m]-[1;31mE [1;30m[[0;31mS[1;30m]-[0;31m-[1;31mWastelands[0;53mn[0m [53mn[0m [1;37mCorridor of Vapors[0m [1;33mA strange mist permeates the air around you as you travel down the[0m [1;33mpassageway. A dull light shines from gems embedded sporadically in[0m [1;33mthe walls. To the north, you hear incantations being muttered.[0m [1;37mExits: north south [0m [36mMaltheas[1;30m [[0;31m1605|1605[1;30mhp]-[[1;31m0|60[1;30mbp]-[[1;36m249|260[1;30mmv]-[[1;33m359,960,435[1;30m]-[[1;37m3[1;30m]-[1;31mE [1;30m[[0;31mS[1;30m]-[0;31m-[1;31mWastelands[0m [36mMaltheas[1;30m [[0;31m1605|1605[1;30mhp]-[[1;31m0|60[1;30mbp]-[[1;36m249|260[1;30mmv]-[[1;33m359,960,435[1;30m]-[[1;37m3[1;30m]-[1;31mE [1;30m[[0;31mS[1;30m]-[0;31m-[1;31mWastelands[1;37mCourtyard of the Maven[0m [1;33mThe fresh night air is cool upon your skin as you enter into the courtyard.[0m [1;33mFour large trees grow around the perimeter of the court, and a number of[0m [1;33msmall hedges grow along the path. Three marble buildings are situated[0m [1;33maround the courtyard, one at each end, with a flight of steps leading up to[0m [1;33mthe double door of each building.[0m [1;37mExits: north east south west [0m [36mMaltheas[1;30m [[0;31m1605|1605[1;30mhp]-[[1;31m0|60[1;30mbp]-[[1;36m246|260[1;30mmv]-[[1;33m359,960,435[1;30m]-[[1;37m3[1;30m]-[1;31mE [1;30m[[0;31mS[1;30m]-[0;31m-[1;31mWastelands[0m [36mMaltheas[1;30m [[0;31m1605|1605[1;30mhp]-[[1;31m0|60[1;30mbp]-[[1;36m246|260[1;30mmv]-[[1;33m359,960,435[1;30m]-[[1;37m3[1;30m]-[1;31mE [1;30m[[0;31mS[1;30m]-[0;31m-[1;31mWastelands[0;53mn[0m [1;37mChamber of Discipline[0m [1;33mA grizzled, scarred man nods in your direction as you enter. Training [0m [1;33mweapons hang in large wooden racks. A pile of scrolls rests in a chest[0m [1;33mbehind the racks. Upon the floor lay mats stained with the blood and[0m [1;33msweat of the trainees.[0m [1;37mExits: north [0m [1;35mChiron evaluates your abilities with a steady gaze.[0m [37mChiron speaks not a word, acknowledging you with a slight nod.[0m [36mMaltheas[1;30m [[0;31m1605|1605[1;30mhp]-[[1;31m0|60[1;30mbp]-[[1;36m243|260[1;30mmv]-[[1;33m359,960,435[1;30m]-[[1;37m3[1;30m]-[1;31mE [1;30m[[0;31mS[1;30m]-[0;31m-[1;31mWastelandsAlas, you cannot go that way.[0m [36mMaltheas[1;30m [[0;31m1605|1605[1;30mhp]-[[1;31m0|60[1;30mbp]-[[1;36m243|260[1;30mmv]-[[1;33m359,960,435[1;30m]-[[1;37m3[1;30m]-[1;31mE [1;30m[[0;31mS[1;30m]-[0;31m-[1;31mWastelandsAlas, you cannot go that way.[0m [36mMaltheas[1;30m [[0;31m1605|1605[1;30mhp]-[[1;31m0|60[1;30mbp]-[[1;36m243|260[1;30mmv]-[[1;33m359,960,435[1;30m]-[[1;37m3[1;30m]-[1;31mE [1;30m[[0;31mS[1;30m]-[0;31m-[1;31mWastelandsAlas, you cannot go that way.[0m [36mMaltheas[1;30m [[0;31m1605|1605[1;30mhp]-[[1;31m0|60[1;30mbp]-[[1;36m243|260[1;30mmv]-[[1;33m359,960,435[1;30m]-[[1;37m3[1;30m]-[1;31mE [1;30m[[0;31mS[1;30m]-[0;31m-[1;31mWastelands[1;37mCourtyard of the Maven[0m [1;33mThe fresh night air is cool upon your skin as you enter into the courtyard.[0m [1;33mFour large trees grow around the perimeter of the court, and a number of[0m [1;33msmall hedges grow along the path. Three marble buildings are situated[0m [1;33maround the courtyard, one at each end, with a flight of steps leading up to[0m [1;33mthe double door of each building.[0m [1;37mExits: north east south west [0m [36mMaltheas[1;30m [[0;31m1605|1605[1;30mhp]-[[1;31m0|60[1;30mbp]-[[1;36m242|260[1;30mmv]-[[1;33m359,960,435[1;30m]-[[1;37m3[1;30m]-[1;31mE [1;30m[[0;31mS[1;30m]-[0;31m-[1;31mWastelands[0m [36mMaltheas[1;30m [[0;31m1605|1605[1;30mhp]-[[1;31m0|60[1;30mbp]-[[1;36m242|260[1;30mmv]-[[1;33m359,960,435[1;30m]-[[1;37m3[1;30m]-[1;31mE [1;30m[[0;31mS[1;30m]-[0;31m-[1;31mWastelands[1;37mCorridor of Vapors[0m [1;33mA strange mist permeates the air around you as you travel down the[0m [1;33mpassageway. A dull light shines from gems embedded sporadically in[0m [1;33mthe walls. To the north, you hear incantations being muttered.[0m [1;37mExits: north south [0m [36mMaltheas[1;30m [[0;31m1605|1605[1;30mhp]-[[1;31m0|60[1;30mbp]-[[1;36m239|260[1;30mmv]-[[1;33m359,960,435[1;30m]-[[1;37m3[1;30m]-[1;31mE [1;30m[[0;31mS[1;30m]-[0;31m-[1;31mWastelands[0m [36mMaltheas[1;30m [[0;31m1605|1605[1;30mhp]-[[1;31m0|60[1;30mbp]-[[1;36m239|260[1;30mmv]-[[1;33m359,960,435[1;30m]-[[1;37m3[1;30m]-[1;31mE [1;30m[[0;31mS[1;30m]-[0;31m-[1;31mWastelands[1;37mThe Gateway[0m [1;33mFive dark gems are imbedded in the floor, forming the points of a large,[0m [1;33minscribed pentacle. Along the lines of this dark structure can be seen[0m [1;33mshimmering lines of black energy tracing its outline with an entrancing[0m [1;33mand silent repetition...[0m [1;37mExits: north east south west [0m [1;32mAn elaborately carved statue of the Goddess Moonbeam stands in the center of the pentacle.[0m [1;34mA marble fountain overflowing with pudding stands in the far corner here [0m [1;35m(Hide) (Translucent) Paliy, Sorceress of Light is hovering here.[0m [1;31mPaliy is engulfed within a blaze of mystical flame.[0m [1;35m(Hide) (Translucent) Rajatan Firefist, Shadow Adept of the Inconnu is hovering here.[0m [1;34mRajatan is surrounded by cascading torrents of energy.[0m [1;35m(Hide) Firefist, Acolyte of Inferno is hovering here.[0m [36mMaltheas[1;30m [[0;31m1605|1605[1;30mhp]-[[1;31m0|60[1;30mbp]-[[1;36m236|260[1;30mmv]-[[1;33m359,960,435[1;30m]-[[1;37m3[1;30m]-[1;31mE [1;30m[[0;31mS[1;30m]-[0;31m-[1;31mWastelands[0m