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.:: Made 4 MEsT ::.

.:: SomE banDs that Will Be menTionEd ::.

hello hello hello! my name is shannon and ur checkin out my site! WELCOME my friend..ok this site is dedicated to MESt and GOod Charlotte..and when its up its gonna be one kick ass site! 3 of the links are up!! the last one im working on now! i had another site..but nothing seemed to work right so i had to let it go! but this one im gonna try. and im gonna have the help of my friend joanna! THANK u! goal for this site is to have updates/ pics..some good bios and news about other bands to get them noticed! yep!alrite well enough of me yapping! ill get working. i hope u stick with me and keep checkin out the site. i will do my best to make it the best as with my dear friend joanna..if u have n e ideas or want to send pics or jus want to say something e-mail me and i will get back to u! thankz so much lookin forward to makin a great site! **b.V. aka.shann**

**when the site is up and running i will have a -cd review section- so send in ur reviews!** (e-mail address @ the bottom of the page)

.:: What Will bE in ThE siTe? ::.

.:: Updates/news ::. *info about up and coming events*
.:: Info ::. *bios and anything interesting*
.:: PIcs ::. *need i say?*
.:: New Bands ::. *info about up and coming bands*
