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Mussyndrome: A lapse of being hopelessly in love

Monday, 16 February 2004


i love you
eventhough i said that
you can leave me
i want other chances
to adore you
i still believe in you and me

(i wrote this on account of 15/02, sunday)
wat a has been up and down and down and further down...hmm...woke up arnd 2pm today to the sounds of my cousins wreaking havoc in the living around 3, hisham a.k.a. jack call me up when i was just about to start strumming the ol' guitar...he ask me out today to hang out at causeway point...i agreed and was ready in no time...

when i reached there, he isnt there i juz sat around till he arrive at arnd 4 i think....then came quranni with her adidas ate at pizza hut after drawing out some cash frm the nearby atm...ahh...such a

after the meal, we had our small talks on the stuffs that happens in our life and boy was it fun to catch up on old times...haha...went home to the bazaar that was set up a few days ago in my residence...

had a chat with shahnaz...haha...can u believe she actually wrote a post bout me in her blog? aint that sweet?...(vomit..), we chatted for awhile when she suddenly disappears...haha...

the day ends with me comforting raz who obviously is in a very delicate situation...dude, be strong...

Posted by vamp/m_rased at 12:54 AM WST
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Sunday, 15 February 2004

Valentines' Day-cum-Friendship Day
you are not alone
i am here with you
though you far away
i am here to stay

you are not alone
i am here with you
though we far apart
you're always in my heart

yeah, its the day...the day where lovers say "i love you beau...i love you too" is nothing but a painful experience one has to endure when infatuation passes by...i hate cupid, his bow and arrows, the targets he hit...and misses...

haizz...i dunnoe if wat i m feeling right now is either hatred frm the fact that i had to spend v-day without anyone special by my side or its loneliness that drifts slowly to my shore...haizz...its just that...i have not been eating well nor been having enuff sleep to cater to my everyday life...

fish ah! the day began with me woking up in my sofabed at 8am with just 5 hrs of sleep...yeah...i stayed up till 2.30am to catch spongebob is one funny character...well, today's plan is to catch an afternoon movie and finish the day with a sumptous steamboat at marina...yeah right...

2.45pm-i was getting ready with me dialing jebbo's hp number in the process....he didnt pick up...wonderful...calls up his house, his mama picks it and shouted "PENG!!" and still he never came to the phone...nvm...

3.30pm-on the bus to jurong point with me constantly trying to get through to that idiot...finally he picks up his phone with a rather pathethic tone...

heres an excerpt of the whole thing...pardon the swearing...

mus:eh fucker, why u never pick up that damn bloody phone?
jeb:oh..sorry this girl ask me out today ah...
mus:girl? wat the fuck! you promise 2 wks ago u want to go out with us...K4 outing and shit...and now u say u going out with other ppl?
jeb:sorry ah, but she persuade me(tries to explain..)
mus:(cut him off..)so we have to endlessly call u and persuade u to go ah? is that it?
jeb:no ah(tries to explain..AGAIN!)
mus:(cut him off..AGAIN!)eh fucker, just bring her along ah and no more tok cock..k
jeb:no, she wants to meet her fren..
mus:wat fuck ah jebbo! break the date ah...K4 more important sial...sunny risk his day at work which costs around 100 bucks and i risk not being at work so that we can have this K4 thing OKAY!!! be reasonable ah asshole!!
jeb:i dunnoe ah where she going(voice trails..)
mus:(getting pissed!) watever ah chibye!
jeb:later i call u(tries VERY HARD to explain..)
mus:(dun give a damn!) [hangs up]

oh yeah...i really told him off that bloody fucker...

anyways, met sunny at jurong point with his brader-cum-partner-in-crime and after awhile we met zul and his girl...we decided to go to buena vista but decided to chicken out at the last minute to go to holland's coffee bean to meet quranni who was busy working gave us a treat...well...not that much ah but it is

we went to city hall and boy it sure is packed...hahah...the one thing that really irks my nerves is the fact that many couples are around...haizz...damn i was pissed...haha...anyways, we waste time walking around the huge citylink shopping mall to get from one end to another day ended with us having our supper at jurong point's long john silver...yummy yum yum...

jiwang corner:
still feeling down...tried to hold back the i am so lost...i hurt myself...acid met contact with my hands and the skin peels...haizz...few slice and cuts on my hand...coincidentally, i was thinking of you at that exact time...

Posted by vamp/m_rased at 1:30 AM WST
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Sunday, 8 February 2004

oh oh yeah...i m back....
yes yes yes...i m finally back on the air...sorry it took awhile for me to update this blog as i have problems with the SCV guys n some other

oh man its 2am in the morning already? damn...wat a long day it has been....for ur info, im writing about the previous day...well then, wat m i waiting for...

i woke up today with a wee headache...i dunnoe why but i seem to be having headaches everytime i woke up...hmm...always the usual routine of "nyit-nyot" on the temples...well, i soothe the pain with a trip to the bathroom n after a long, cold bath...its gone...

ate my breakfast which was set on the dining table by mom quickly as i had to rush to bukit panjang plaza to collect my specs....yap...a new one...a cool, slick, black spectacles...before sprinting to work...haizz...i noe...a rough day...

came back frm werk quite late today as i have no transportation from werk...luckily i reach home to catch the tv series, are you afraid of the dark at 12.30am on the disney channel...yes, im a sucker for a gd ghost it children or

right now im watching one of Robert De Niro-Joe Pesci's memorable pairing in a movie...its always a pleasure watching these two movie heavyweights acting together cause of the chemistry between them is undoubtly phenomenon...anyways, the movie im watching is titled raging bull...

oh man, it almost 3 in the morning...i guess i better turn in before i started feeling wussy all over again....till then, ciao...peace out...

Posted by vamp/m_rased at 2:30 AM WST
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Wednesday, 7 January 2004

There'll always be a part of you with me...

...and the skies will split open and a voice was heard: "AND NOW BOB...""but my name is Billy...""IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT YOUR NAME IS!!!"...

my, my, time has pass us minute i was packing my bag, getting ready for my secondary school life back in 1999....n the next, im here typing in my blog fast-forward to 2004...haizz...i hate to say this but i sure miss school...

after what seems to be a harsh n bumpy month, finally, for the first time i m not going to school on january on a daily basis...haha...its pretty ironic cos i have been waiting for this day to come n here i m trying to adjust to life without any school work...oh well...

today seems pretty fine to me although the weather have been constantly getting on my nerves...woke up around 9 plus in the morning(IN YOUR FACE TO THOSE WHO ARE SCHOOLING!!!)and crankily wash myself for the day...i was practically yawning to the bathroom...haha...anyways, after a sensual bath, i plop myself on my sofa-bed to check out the morning paper...

mum went out to buy some groceries n dad's pants...sis was in her bedroom all day n rarely went out...i was in my room with newspapers all around me finding any suitable job...arghhh...such a hassle n i end up playing my playstation...

well, to cut the whole day short, i went out with zaid n meet up with our old sch frens n talk about happier times together...hahaha...

JIWANG CORNER: this very day, i cant deny that i truly love you with all my heart...i try to get you off my mind...i cant...the pain of not seeing u is too much...i cant take it anymore...arghh...i love u too much...u are one of a kind...u are special...u are mine...

Posted by vamp/m_rased at 11:28 PM WST
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Wednesday, 31 December 2003

Should All Acquitance Be Forgot And Never Brought To Mind

"Auld Lang Syne, My Dear
For Auld Lang Syne..."

finally, the last day of the year...its like 2 more hours to go till year resolution? to be more relax and enjoy life...haha...

well, to tell the truth, i juz woke up frm my 12 hours odd sleep....haahah....i came back home at arnd 7 plus in the morning frm yesterday's dinner and ends around 2 plus in the morning n since im in that party mood, i join my other sec 5 frens by hanging out at the esplanade till arnd 6 plus...arghh....i didnt noe i was THAT fatigue till i finally lay in bed at arnd 8 plus....hahaha....

a lot has happen during the course of my last blog entry till now....haizz...oh well, i have promised myself that wats past is undone...i have to look forward to things to come....well, thats all for today...

Posted by vamp/m_rased at 10:31 PM WST
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Tuesday, 25 November 2003

Stand Back! There's A Rich Man Coming Through!

"...Money, money, money
Must be funny
In the rich man’s world
Money, money, money
Always sunny
In the rich man’s world
All the things I could do
If I had a little money
It’s a rich man’s world..."

hehe...oh yeah...D-Day have finally arrived....after 29 days of Ramadan passes by, it is time for Syawal to arrive....if at any times you were puzzled by wats going on, let me enlighten you...Syawal and Ramadan are two of the twelve months in the Islamic calendar...ming bai?;)

i woke up sluggishly by my dad signalling the start of a new day by praying at the nearby mosque...arghh...i m so lethargic from the previous night as i was busy watching That Thing You Do on TV till 1+ in the morning...*yawnz*....

after two hours or so at the mosque, i went home and ate my breakfast consists of rice and some chicky...LOL...;)...then, it was time to ask for forgiveness frm my parents....haizz....i dreaded this part of the day cos i noe i will make some more mistakes in the future....:'(..

then we're off to my father's side...the usual faces there with my aunts and paternal grandmother is nursing an injured leg after her recent fall somewhere....too much thinking i presume...we ask for forgiveness, collect some money, and then we're off to my mother's side at Marine Parade via taxi...

wa piang eh....alot of ppl sia...*ehem* cousins have arrived within the hour and as such, my grandparents' apartment is overcrowded with the likes of them...ewaaahhhh...LOL....anyways, the thing i like bout my mother's side is that they are very homey and friendly to us compare to my dad's side whom feels hostility is the way of life...hmph!..

oh yeah, in the midst of the festivities, i have send an sms to Suria to wish my family and wahdiah a selamat hari raya aidilfitri....haha...her sis sms me to confirm whether it is truely me who send the sms..i said yeah but too bad wahdiah miss it...darn it! anyways, Wahdiah sms me thru her sister later in the day to wish me selamat hari raya and erm...hehe....JENG JENG!!!!

Posted by vamp/m_rased at 8:16 PM WST
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Monday, 17 November 2003

Melancholy Began To Settle In My Heart...

"Everyday I Am Yearning...
This Love I Feel Burning...
Burning Right Through My Soul..." head hurts n my mind aint thinking straight...haizz...i m so weak...i cant believe it...only a week away before the mandatory seven months or so break...oh well, need to focus on my chemistry...haizz...who could blame me...i got Mussyndrome..

today has been a so-so day for me....after missing sahur today, i woke up exactly at 5.30 am, i hastily n crankily slumped to bed...seriously, i cant help feeling dejected...:P...i woke up after a while at 9.30am to catch the whizzes of the void deck...its fun to get in touch with my childish nature once in a while:D:D:D...

i spent most of the afternoon taking short naps and before i realise it, it is already 6.30pm n i quickly went for my evening refreshing with the water running down my hair...hahaha...i m so sentimental...

after the breaking of fast, i quickly wash up, this time for my prayers....after 5 mins or so, i get ready to proceed with my sembahyang terawih at a nearby mosque....wat? u think im not religious?...haha...i put religion before anything else...sth important lah dey...kekeke...

the day ends with me snoozing at my sofa-bed with my bolster in hand...hehe...

Posted by vamp/m_rased at 12:02 AM WST
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Thursday, 13 November 2003

Boyband or Rock Band

I'll never break your heart...
I'll never make you cry...
I'd rather die, than live without, you...
I'll give you all of me honey thats no lie...

What a boring day today...haizz...woke up terribly early to go to the immigration office to renew my passport for my trip on 6th December...hmm..Langkawi with a few of my relatives...cant wait:P...

the day drags so slowly n suddenly, it hit me...why the heck the world hates BOYBANDS??...seriously, i want to bring this matter up a number of times but it didnt crosses my mind as much as today...hmm...let me get it straight...there are two types of people in this industry...the vocal-harmony guys n the instrument-playing guys...everybody got their pros n cons...for vocal-harmony, their strengths is the way they harmonise with each other n to sing a really good tune n song while their cons is that they dont know how to play instruments....on the other hand, those instrument-playing goons cant sing very me, i heard their singing...its just plain shouting n yelling to get attention...hahaha...anyways, i would like to send a message to the world...if u dun like boybands, thats ur problem....dun make it an issue, jackass!

oh yeah...i would pick boybands over rockbands cos they r the real deal...they r the ones who can put a good tune together without knocking on stuffs nor strumming on guitars....they are what u call, "au natural" me...BOYBAND RULES!!!

Posted by vamp/m_rased at 9:44 PM WST
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Monday, 10 November 2003

Matrix Revolutions: Thank God This Is The End

"There isnt anyone,
like you...
I dedicate my whole life,
to serve you...
Give me a chance to,
express my love towards you..."

wow, it has been a little more than a week since the last time i edit my blog...i have to admit, the impending o level has got me no time to type this blog...alot has happen...hehe...

i will not and shall not forget my birthday this year cos it is the day where my girl bought me a shirt...yes!!!...haha...i am so very excited n happy...hehehe...seriously, i cant imagine she would bought me a present...hehe..maceh baby gerl!!

today has been a really entertaining day...after a horrendous two hour hiatus at the school hall, cracking mah brains for the idiotic commercial studies paper, i was out for my prayers at the nearby mosque...hehe...who would have thought wahdiah call me up in the midst of my soon as i finish my prayers, i was quick in calling her was nice hearing her voice after a couple of days....ahhh...i miss her so bad...:(:(...

yes yes...i watch the matrix was so damn boring...seriously, i rather spent 2 hrs talking to guo long about computer games rather than sitting through the movie one more was that damn pun intended GL:P

lastly, i m totally relieved that i can sleep soundly tonite practising my guitar for a week since my upcoming paper is arnd 8 days away...damn...gotta start my preparations soon...:P

Posted by vamp/m_rased at 11:35 PM WST
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Friday, 31 October 2003

Who Took The Pineapple Tart From The Jar?

You...Light Up My Life....
You Gave Me Hope...
To Carry On...

first time i was so perked up for sahur this morning...haha...didnt noe why....after eating, i was up and bathing and was getting ready to see wahdiah...yesh...i went to accompany her to was great as i can see her face one last time before the school term closes...haizz...

i went home after that and return to school at 11 plus to study with the boys...haha...i was at the canteen when i saw wahdiah...she was looking high and low for me as i wave frantically at her direction...kekek...we took a picture later happy:P

another incident at the bus stop again...haizz...i better took up wahdiah's advice to see the doctor tomorrow...i juz hope i can go through the day by fasting...haizz...blood, Blood, BLood, BLOod, BLOOd, BLOOD!!!!!

Posted by vamp/m_rased at 10:47 PM WST
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