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Dis my place, me be dat sexy, you wants me

New thing be happen 19 Jun 2003:

Me be look close at dis web page me find me thing it be him, der is be a story about hats dat me remembers his saying once, me gonna fill out dis applications he be have. Maybe me can gets me some giant loves.

New thing be happen 18 Jun 2003:

{break from character} I think I may have actualy stumbled on the web site for one Toehead Da Giant, and get this... He hasa girlfriend application... {back in character} Me think me may have to go be have some funs.

New thing be happen 15 Jun 2003:

Me still not find me man be good enough makes me happy, maybe me should go find plactic man parts to keep me happys.

New thing be happen 06 Apr 2003:

Me be take break from internet things for time, me get tired of the bad news, me take time try ge me groove backs.

New thing be happen 26 Mar 2003:

Me looks back at world of Istaria, and me finds out dat, der not be Goblins, dat can be play der anymores dis make me sads, me may end up be one dem UGLY Fiend thing, me may not be play games now me find me not be goblin, G08L1N r00l j00, j00 n00b!

New thing be happen 08 Jan 2003:

Me hates Ug not want any more, we want find me real mans now, makes Ly wonder what ever happen to big sexy giant Toehead? Me think me an' him could have fun in dim lit cave together, me teach him new tricks. But me not know what heppen Toehead, me think maybe he get upset run away when he find out he only 1/2 giant. Ly sad, need man bads!

New thing be happen 24 Jan 2003:

Ug talk me 4 day ago say he bring him new girlfriend come see me, Ug want me make me good stew for dems eat, Me make Special "Billy" goat stew, but Ug come alone, say he not albe find him new girl, me wonnder what could be happen to her ^V^.

New thing be happen 01 Jan 2003:

Me see Ug have kissing with other goat, name Billy. Me think me way make Ug not live anymore. Why mans have be so cruel?

New thing be happen 14 Dec 2002:

Me fell little betters Ug not being 'round, me do miss times we go write names in snow, me still see Ug on most day, but it not same as have seeing all times.

New thing be happen 29 Nov 2002:

Me sad maked cry, it hard telling, Ug said me loves me not anymore. Ug say, it not the fault of me, der not thing wrong with me, Ug say ther be wrong with him. Me still have broken heart.

New thing be happen 14 Oct 2002:

Me finaly have time get back make web stuffs for meself, Ug say he not want play web stuffs right now, so just be me Ly doing this thing alones, so not be mad if takes time before things are maked to happen.