April 19 6:22 PM
Well, I don't know whether I'm happy or sad. I'm extremely happy with Matt - he really is an awesome guy. We argue sometimes and make fun of each other, but it's all jokingly. I'm upset with my sister though. I'm so emotional lately.. and I already can't stand arguing and yelling and she just frustrates me SO MUCH! I just cannot stand to be here much longer. I'm so not used to coming home and her being here because I used to have tennis.. and I just.. AHH. I'm so... tired of this. Plus I have some spider bite thing - on my face. Great. Just freakin great, as if I'm not self concious enough. I feel like crying.. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm happy as hell when I'm with Matt.. and when I'm out with my friends.. but the time spent doing the things that make me happy in perspective with the time spent here at home is about 9 hours a week out of 168 hours a week. That isn't counting school, because I'm usually unhappy there lately too. Hopefully today's just a bad day, lol.
xoxo, Christine

April 5 6:30 PM
More on Matt, lol.. well he's kinda punk, he's got his eyebrow pierced, brown/black spiky hair and brown eyes.. verrrry cute. And super sweet, too. Plus, we can talk for up to 6 hours so far without running outta things to say! Yay. I'm happy!
xoxo, christine

April 4 9:14 AM
I ran into this guy Matt - I've met him before and he's good friends with some of my friends - and well, we hit it off. We all went to fair a couple days and went to the movies together, too.. and then last night as they were dropping me off after the fair, Matt got out to let me out and I gave him a hug and while I was hugging him he said, 'Will you go out with me?' So of course I said yes...! I'm excited.. I really like him. And he's realllly cute, lol!
xoxo, Christine

March 27 7:19 PM
By the way, me and Calvin are over. Which sucks, because I really, really, really liked him. But he hasn't talked to me since last Sunday. Well last night/this morning, I was with John - my ex-boyfriend - and well we started kissing and stuff. Actually last night was quite a few first times for me.. I won't say exactly what for modesty's sake, lol. But, I had fun. And I'm pretty sure he wasn't just using me - actually, he was afraid I was using him.. so I guess I'm just gonna go in that direction now. I really would love to be with Calvin.. but I think he disowned me not only as an interest but as a friend too. Otherwise, I think he would have talked to me. This all sucks, like.. I want to be with John, I mean, I never really stopped liking him, but I REALLY want to be with Calvin - but that won't happen. Especially not now with what I've done with John. *sigh* Oh well. I'm screwed anyway.
xoxo, Sen

March 21 3:34 PM
Oh God, last night was so horrible... Heather and I threw a party out at 9E and I drank waayyy too much.. people kept handing me things to drink, so I drank them - total I think I had 2 bacardi silvers, 1 mikes hard cranberry lemonade, a cup of watermelon jack daniels, two big gulps of apple pucker, two big gulps of absolut vodka, and about 4 or 5 cups of beer.. God I'm retarded.. I kissed one of my best friends' boyfriends - I swear on my life that it didn't happen, but he says it did, so I guess it did. Nobody else saw it either, but.. what can I do? Everything is all fucked up now and I hate drama, and I don't know how to deal with any of this.. fuck fuck fuck. And the me and Calvin thing is all fucked up too now.. God what the hell was I thinking last night.. and the other time when I fucked up the me and Calvin thing - God I'm a dumbass.. I ruin everything.

February 22 12:40 PM
Lol.. last night was fun.. I went over to Calvin's house and we watched a couple movies.. and then after we kissed.. well.. made out lol for probably over an hour, I didn't get home until almost midnight! I didn't even wanna come home, him and his bed were so comfortable lol I just wanted to go to sleep! But I figured my mom probably wouldn't appreciate that and neither would his, so I came home. Now I'm just wondering if anything will happen between us or if we'll just keep messing around like this.. I'm not really sure! Either way, I think I'd be fine with it. That may sound wrong.. or slutty.. but, I don't know - I guess you'd have to be in my shoes! lol! Well, I better go! Bye!
xoxo, Christine

February 15 8:12 AM
Well, I've always hated Valentine's Day and still do, but this year I at least had fun on it! I went out bowling with a bunch of guys I know - Taylor, John, Todd, Eddie, John, and Mike. It was a ton of fun! I'm really glad I decided to go, it totally beat staying at home all night without a Valentine lol. So in a way I kind of had 6 Valentines! Now I kind of like this senior Tyler, and the guy Taylor that I went bowling with. They're both baseball players, and both cute and funny. However lol, even though Tyler flirts with me, I don't think I really have a chance with him.. which kinda sucks but hey I'm sure I'll get over it. Haha and Taylor is like borderline obsessive compulsive, but it's really funny. OH! And I finally got that letter and picture that Kevin was supposed to send to me in like September, lol - I actually look alright in it! He looks super skinny in it though haha, I *might* scan it in later on. Oh, and I got # 2 Varsity on Tennis! (It's ranked 1-6.)
xoxo, Sennie

January 24 12:44 PM
Okay I think me and my friends are officially not so much friends now.. it kinda sucks. But I'm always trying to be nice to them, and be their friend and I do all sorts of stuff to them, but they don't do anything. So I finally told them that I was tired of it and that I gave up.. and well, honestly they haven't called or anything so it looks like I never mattered to them in the first place. I have a new best friend now.. Heather - she's soo awesome. We're totally ourselves around each other, and we've never fought. Ever. So she's awesome, and everybody else hates me. Haha, fun. As for guys, absolutely nothing is going on. Nobody's even remotely interested in me.. this cute guy I know, Tyler, flirts with me, but he said that he doesn't want a girlfriend... so yeah, that's just fantastic, haha! Well I'm gonna go before I whine you all to death!
xoxo, Christine

January 4-5 1:12 AM
Well... things have been slow lately. My friends haven't really called, at least until about 10 tonight when my best friend Tabby called, and then she ended up spending the night.. lol, she's asleep right now. But other than that.. pretty boring! I waitressed at my mom's work for tips today, and I ended up making 32 dollars in tips. I bought myself a new belt and a new wallet, I'd been needing one! And I convinced my mom to buy me a new pair of flip flops, my old ones are so worn in they have a hole in the bottom! I still haven't talked to Kevin. I found out he had to leave New Year's Day, so there went my chances of hanging out lol, and he hasn't gotten online or anything, well at least not while I've been on. I'm not like obsessed about it, haha, like I don't HAVE to talk to him.. but it would be nice! Well, I gotta run. Later!
xoxo, Christine

January 1 1:30 PM
I'm supposed to be mad at Kevin. But I really want to see him.. or talk to him.. or something...

January 1 10:30 PM
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I hope you all had a good one, I know I did! There was a lot of drama between my friends, but luckily I wasn't there! lol, I went out with my older sister and took my friend Hanna with me.. aww I love her! She's so awesome! But either way, we had a lot of fun. I'd recommend this one drink if I could spell it, but it's like.. Alazai or something. haha... here's my New Year's Resolutions!
   1. Work out more often!
   2. Play REALLY good tennis and kick ass!
   3. Find a boyfriend.. and figure out what to do with Kevin!
By the way, I forgot to mention, I like Kevin. Yep, again. Haha, he's soo sweet and cute! He came in town and him and Calvin came over and surprised me! Yay. lol :) But he still lives in San Francisco.. so yeah. But he calls me love, and it's adorable! It reminds me of like, an english guy! Like, Would you like to watch the telly, love? haha. But I'm "mad" at him right now, I got put on hold like 8 times last night when I wanted to tell him Happy New Year! Well, I'm gonna go! Bye!
xoxo, Christine

December 23 6:22 PM
Christmas Eve is tomorrow! I'm kinda excited, but still a little sick so not as much, lol. I still haven't done much, but I'm feeling ALOT better, so that's good. And I got my report card today - ALL A'S! Yay! lol, and as always I'm arguing with Calvin over one thing or another. At the moment its why I won't hang out with him and how it's my fault we never see each other. Good lord, we sound like we're going out or something. IT'S RAINING! That's the closest thing to snow we'll get, lol. But, I'm gonna go. Bye!
xoxo, Christine

December 19 3:56 PM
Well, I've been sick this week. It's sucked realllly bad, especially since we've gotten outta school early these past three days and I had a lot planned for this weekend. But formal was a blast! You can see a picture... here!
Christine's Formal Pic!

It's kind of a crappy pic, but it'll do for the time being. Aww, haha... I'm so gay. I just heard San Dimas HS Football Rules by The Ataris... which is the song that John played me.. when we were going out. :/ lol, that was a long time ago, I think I still like him, but you never really stop liking people you've gone out with, I guess. But anywho! Three people have already told me that they liked my dress.. whoohoo! And I hope more people sign my guestbook! haha, well, I'll catch ya later, got a company Christmas party to get ready for! Bye!
xoxo, Christine

December 6 4:47 PM
Okay, major update. Brian kissed me, but he had been drinking - nothing further happened with it because I decided I didn't want it to.. and we're still good friends. John went back to his ex-ex-gf and left Caitie, but now they might be getting back together. Nate wanted to go with me to formal, but I decided that I don't like him in that way. I'm going with this guy named Cody, he's a junior, and he's very cute! :) Well I got my dress today! It's ADORABLE. I really do love it! lol. I caved in and let him buy my ticket.. but I swear, he's not paying for my dinner! haha, I feel bad when guys pay for me. Ooh and before I go, I'm interested in three guys right now.. well more but mainly these 3, hehe. Tyler, Nick, and Cody. Senior, Junior, and Junior, lol. Well I'll get back to you when more is going on! Hopefully it won't be a month next time!
xoxo, christine

November 2 12:31 PM
Well regionals is over.. overall I'd say it was pretty fun! Other than the fact Morgan and Caitie being pretty rude to me, I had a good time. However, I think I might kinda like this guy Brian - but he is basically obsessed with my friend Hanna. It's weird how I like him though.. like.. I can't explain it. But anyway, this guy Nate - I think I've mentioned him before - is still like head over heels for me and has been for awhile.. and he's an awesome guy.. I might go for him. I don't know though, we're supposed to go to the movies today so we'll see. Well in regionals I swam 100 yard Butterfly (the second time I've ever swam it) and I dropped 7 seconds and was an alternate for the finals, which I guess is good. I also swam 500 Freestyle and a relay, but let's not mention those... haha. I got the cutest undies at Hot Topic and Victoria's Secret though... :) Well I'll catch ya later!
xoxo, Christine

October 25 10:08 AM
It's been two weeks since my last post.. but the day after I posted that on Oct. 11, I found something out. I found out that Friday (Oct. 10), Caitie had sex with John. Now, they both kinda like each other and Caitie has no cares about how I feel or whether it hurts me or not.. she's told me this. I've been best friends with her since 1st grade, and it hurts for her to tell me that she doesn't see me as a best friend. I have to go to regionals with them, too - they're both on the swim team with me. Yay, 2 or 3 days of watching them make out! How fun.. actually it's gonna suck, hardcore. And I think she's trying to rub it in.. she's called here like 5 times in the past week for his number. Honestly, wouldn't she have memorized it by now? I've got it memorized just by telling her so much! Ahh.. the joys of life, eh? Well, I'm out.. oh guess what?? Kevin's in town!! Only until Tuesday.. but I saw him last night for a few mins. It'd be cool if we can hang out, but if we can't, oh well, I guess I'm over it! lol. Well, I'm gonna go find out why Calvin called last night - bye!
xoxo, Christine

October 11 1:14 PM
So much has happened in the past month.. and this past week has been one of the shittest in a long while. Well I ended up going breaking up with Jon, and I went out with John for 2 weeks.. until this week, when we decided to take a break so he could figure things out. Now I'm so utterly confused I don't even know what to think - at first I was like it's not a big deal, but then I was kinda sad.. And then for an entire day ALL of my friends except like 3 hated me. Plus, my swim coach went to the hospital because he was really sick yesterday right before our meet against state champs lol... and then I gained time on pretty much all of my swims, which is horrible. I've just felt like crying this whole week. John was like the perfect guy.. and now he's gone. I really thought we were gonna last, I really hoped we would.. but now one of my best friends - Caitie - tells me she kinda likes him, and Caitie's awesome so I bet he'll end up with her or I've also heard he might go back out with his ex. I don't know if I could take him going out with my best friend, it'd just be weird hanging out.. and his ex.. whatever floats your boat I guess. She's also totally awesome.. really pretty too, way prettier than I am, so I guess that makes more sense. Well... I'm gonna go now.
xoxo, Christine

September 14 5:37 PM
Good gosh, I am still going out with Jon. It's been like a month and a week or around there.. and he still doesn't talk. I've been trying for about a week and a half to break up with him, but I did not see him at ALL last week! Not even once. So I tried calling and doing it.. but now he's out of town until monday. In better news.. I kinda like this guy. His name is John (what a coincidence..) and he's on the swim team with me, he also races BMX with my ex and my current bf, lol. I really know how to pick 'em, eh? But anywho, he's a junior, and he likes me.. he's such a sweet guy, I sat with him on the bus the whole way up to Paradise Valley and back on our swim trip. He's really nice and I really think I like him.. I don't know though, I don't wanna rush anything. Plus, he respects the fact that I have a bf right now.. even though he's attracted to me he wasn't going to try anything on the bus because I had a boyfriend - most guys would have been like, what he doesn't know doesn't hurt him! You know? However.. he has an ex-gf that he went out with for like.. 7 or 11 months or something, and I guess somebody said she'll go like psycho on the next person who goes out with John, haha. Oh well.. the things I get myself into! Wow, this is a long entry.. better wrap this up. I have an essay to write before tomorrow so I guess I should go anyway! Bye!
<3 Christine

September 1 2:01 PM
Ok, I'm trying not to make this whole post once a month thing a regular thing! But, school started on the 14th, so I've been pretty busy. I have a new boyfriend - Jon - we've been going out for 3 weeks and 3 days, and the whole relationship is going nowhere. I need to break up with him, he doesn't even talk to me or call me or see me! It sucks.. but he's still a nice guy and I feel really bad, I don't want to hurt his feelings you know? So I dunno what to do. As for school, I like all my classes - there's just one problem. There's this guy, Todd. He looks SO much like Calvin, it's weird, he's got the little flipped out hair and everything lol. I catch him looking at me in class all the time! But.. he has a girlfriend. And I don't want another Calvin situation where he has a gf and we like each other.. the ironic thing is that they even look similar.. ahh life can be funny sometimes! Most of the time it isn't haha but hey when it is, laugh! Ooh and Kevin's gonna write me a letter and send this picture we took together at his party :D.. Well I better be off, bye!
xoxo christine

August 1 3:46 PM
My birthday was AWESOME! I had a bunch of people over and had a little party thing which was fun, and then at 9 my friend Brad took me, his bro, and my friend out to a movie.. and it had some scary parts and we ended up holding hands.. :D It was great, but now I think he likes me which is cool, except he's.. 19. Yeah. But a few days ago, one of my best friends Caitie (who knows how much I like Calvin) and Calvin were 'bored and hyper' and decided to play a joke on me. Caitie IMed me and was like, "Hey, can I tell you something?" so I said sure, and promised not to tell and all that good stuff. Then she goes, I kinda like Calvin and he kinda likes me, and that's why he wouldn't go out with you. So I said, 'ok'.. and then she went on, asking me if they hooked up, what all should she do with him.. and other things, and so I put an away message on, called my bestest friend in the world, but she was busy and called me back in like 10 mins.. in which time I had already started silently crying a little bit. Once on the phone and in my room, I cried for at least 20 or 30 minutes. Then I got back online, and Caitie IMs me and goes, "Dude, it was all a joke. We were just kidding." and then they couldn't understand why I was mad/upset, and both of my other best friends thought it was majorly fucked up and told them so. It sucked - but oh well, I'm over it. They both still came to my birthday party and stuff and we're not mad at each other over it or anything. But I better go before I write a whole book.. bye!
xoxo christine