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The following people are the ones that have changed my life in one degree or another for the good or the bad...They have made the biggest impact. You all know who you are.

GOD- Without Him, I would not be where I am today, even tho to most that would not seem like much of anywhere, I have come a long way in life. I used to be a low life bum, or so I felt, but with His guidance, I have become much more. I have let a lot of people down in the process, but I have become much more than I was at one time.

SADIE- She is the person i have let down the most... I have betrayed her trust more times than I deserve to have ever had it, and that kills me. I would not be at all suprised, nor would I blame you if you never wanted to see or hear from me again. I just want you to know that you mean more to me than I know how to put into words, and I am very sorry for letting you down so much and so often.

CARI- My closest friend in the whole world!! I've known her since the day she was born, and there is NOONE like her. There isn't anything that I wouldn't do for her!

BEN SMITH- I met him while I was in the Marine CORPS. and we became BEST friends. You would almost NEVER see us apart! We are mirror images of eachother, with as scarey as that HAS TO SOUND!!

JAMES- This young one has come a long way, and it is my responsability to see he does better in his life than I have...It will happen, ESPECIALLY now that I'm around all the time!!

MY FATHER- This one NEVER ceases to amaze me! He has recently asked me to come live with him and run a buisness with him, so how could I refuse?

MY MOTHER- The one that brought me into this world-(apologizes to everyone I know).... She ALSO never ceases to amaze me. She pops up in the strangest ways, at just the right times. She was there for me when I needed her. I have to thank her, or else I wouldn't be here today.