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Name~Lilith Trebrynn~
Appearance:Lilith Stands at 5"5",weighing 135 lbs
Waist Length,chestnut brown,Whispy Hair.
Her Eyes A Piercing Pale Amber.
They Gleam With Mischieviousness And Laughter.
Her OutFit Consists Of A Suit Of Black leather Fighting Armour ,
Which Is Concealed By A Black Velvet CLoak.
Which She Wears At All Times.
with Matching Leather Boots Which Are Customed Designed
To Hold 12 Inch Daggers In Each.
Her Temper Is Quick To Burn When Provoked
Or When She Sees An UnJustice.
She Is Not Afraid To Speak Her Mind .
Though It Gets Her Into Trouble.
Her Life Was Hard.
She was Born Unto Gypsy Parents.
She Is Sold To A Rich Family In Romania.
Unbeknownst To Them They Were Kindred.
She Was Raised By A Group Of Vampyres
That Were Assassins By Trade.
Her Predator Instincts Were Beat Into Her.
Her Emotions Were Wiped Out Of Her .
She Was Fed Their Blood,The Virus Now Intermingling With her Human Blood
She Was One Like Them But Still Human,A DayWalker
All She Knows All She Was Taught Was Kill Or Be Killed .
To Hunt Or Be The Hunted.
As She Grew Her Strength And Mental,
Magical Abilities Grew.
So Did Her Curiousity.
About What Lied Beyond Those gates
That Held Her ImPrisoned For Most Of Her Life

She Plans Her Escape No Longer Wanting To Be Enslaved
By Those Who Were Her Guardians.
She Flees The Encampment And
Winds Up Deep In A Nearby Forest.
Cold,Lonely And Afraid
She Finds A Hollowed Tree.
Where She Is Met Upon By Pixies And Faeries.
Coaxed By Their Charm And Merriment
She Travels With Them Deeper Into The Woods.
Sensing A Inner Power Within Her The Pixie King.S
ets About Teaching Her The Ways Of The Forest People.
After Years In The Forest.
She Gained An Exsperience That Was To Change Her Life Forever.
The Guardians Began A Hunt
And They Sent out others to seek her out
and they had done so
For one was sighted near the woods of the pixie folk
She knew then she would have to leave
Her friend the King only confirming it
You May Become A Danger To Us he spoke
She Looks To Her Friend Sorrowfully
To Leave Forever.
No Argument Left Her Mouth
As She Knew The validity Of Her Friend's Words.
She Will Always Be The Hunted.
She Travels Through Many Lands.
Living In The Darkness That Has Now Become Her Life.

A Anger Consuming Her .
A Hate So Deep For Those *The Guardians*
For Making her What She Is.
She Regresses Back Into What She Formally Was
A Killer Never Giving Of HerSelf To Anyone.
never Caring,Never Allowing The Side Which
The Wood Folk Helped To Bring To Light.
During her travels,
She meets Darklord and Ldy Tiviant
Though aware of her darkside,
Invite her to join their family
She Readily accepts
and becomes their Head Royal Guard
what happens from this telling on forward
is In fates hand
during her time in La Magra
She meets Bartin a Gargoyle,They Fall In love
Or what seemed to be love and got married
It lasted a day,and then Bel walked into her life
They were wed,but even that marriage wasn't to last long
She wasn't happy with Bel,She Was Selfish
So she Divorced her
She Met Nos,there was something about him
which Drew Her to him
It Wasn't his charm,OR Power
She couldn't point to one thing
It was many,
