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Desric and Leuk's Home

Some distance behind the tavern this home is out of sight as it is nestled in a grove of thick, black birch trees. The bases and branchs of the trees were gnarled, twisted by to many years of strong winds, making it nearly impossible to see into the middle of the grove where the house would be.

Surrounding a small yard is a log fence, the logs intricately carved with various designs and images. Like the house the fence surrounds, the logs are a blood colored dark red, lined black where the carvings are, showing that most had been burned into the wood instead of actually carved. Stacked neatly by the door to the house is a pile of wood for burning, and close to that is a log bench with a stump of a huge tree cut even to form a table. Curving through corner of the yard is a small bubbling stream that disapears under the center of the house as it is positioned over a bend in the stream, the other end vanishing into the thicket of the forest.

Built of the same blood colored logs as the nearby fence, the house is made of three sections, the center of the house is a large octagon shape, two smaller octagon rooms attached at each side. The roof of each section is formed of smaller logs, only the ends visable as the rest is covered with a thin layer of dirt and planted with thick spiraling vines. Large spade shaped leaves glisten a dark green as blood crimson blossoms line the vines as they tangle and twist along the log walls, growing down along the wood and some of them reaching almost to the ground. Lacking any form of windows, the only thing marring the solid log walls is the door located on one of the smaller rooms.

Once inside the doorway of the house, darkness envelops the senses as a thick curtain hangs in front of the door, barring any light from entering the house until the door is closed. Pushing past the curtain, one would find themselves in a surprisingly brightly lit room as countless candles lined the top of the walls. The roof of the room was domed upwards, leaving the rafters bare as they are lined with candles as well, casting a soft glow over the room. A large bear rug is in the middle of the room and a couch positioned next to it is covered with leather cushions and furred pillows. A table to one side of the room and several shelves are filled with various kitchen items such as dishes. The side of the room towards the center of the house is left open in a carved archway, a curtain of vines blocking the light from penetrating the darkness on the other side.

Pushing the curtain of vines aside, darkness would take the place of light as a person stepped into the largest part of the house. A soft glow was the only form of light in the room, the source of it being the millions of small parasite creatures crawling along the walls of the room. The soft glow illuminated the room enough to make the beautiful garden of strange plants visable, the leaves a very pale almost colorless green from the lack of light and the fact they were subterranean plants. Larger bushes were along the walls, the bases of them incircled with smaller plants that had pale blue flowers, a pathway of smooth river rock leading through the room to the stream that ran through the middle of it. Small flower beds lined the pathway, the flowering plants in them a varity of pale shades ranging from blue, to purple, to red. As the path ends at a medium sized clearing in the plants, the ground is lined with a soft almost grassy moss that glows a pale green color, illuminating the ground. Two solid rope braids hung from the center of the roof, holding a large swinging bench to one side of the clearing, the wood seat lined with black velvety cushions while several other large cushions are strewn across the clearing to sit or lay on. A small stone table rests at the edge of the stream, next to the swing, a crimson filled pitcher and several glasses stacked neatly on it next to a bowl of dried fruits and meats.

The farthest section of the house was lit with a few candles and mainly empty except for the large bed, a large dresser, and a few shelves to one side and the fireplace to the other. The bed was twice as large as normal, and draped with velvety black blankets as well as pillows, a canopy over the bed made of the same material. A neat stack of wood was next to the fireplace which held the embers of a small fire, keeping the room warmer than the rest of the house as well as adding to the flickering light in the room.