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Thank Yous

This site would not have been possible without the help of many. Thank you, first off to all the Yahoo! groups who've put up with my questions: VampireLouis, BratsCoven, AllthingsAnneRice, Anne-Rice-Books AND OF COURSE, The Interview With The Vampire message board at You guys have all been so helpful and wonderful!
And of course those wonderful people who helped me with the vampire profiles and the opinions section: Valerie, Ariel, Stacey and Lauren who've all been so nice as to help me and to put up with my bothering them. Your help meant a lot to me. *hugs*
For the photos, much thanks and hugs go to Dana and Mistress of the Night.
As for the gorgeous icons, Andemaiar and Arquen, you are so talented!
Thank you to all those who sent in links and other little bits of info. They were very much appreciated.
If there was anyone I forgot to thank, please email me and tell me!
The Webmistress