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Da Luv Bratz Blog
Tuesday, 5 October 2004
A Busy Brat Who's Crushin'
Mood:  crushed out
Now Playing: Jessica Simpson - I Think I'm In Love With You

yeah i know, yeah! a new entry! alright, here it is. i've been busy, but i've been crushin' on a wrestler. my best friend knows who he is, but i'm not tellin'.

i've been creating a new website, and i'm having fun with it. it's not something i've really done before, so i hope this works out...instead of bombs out. it's a fantasy website, Lady Vamp's Fantasy! it'll have stories mainly, but some psp created photos.

huh? oh, you want me to talk more on the wrestler i'm crushin' on. well, alright! he's soo~ooo sexy! from the moment i saw his picture, i was crushin' on him. even after i found out that he's 4 years younger than i am; and even after i found out that he had a brother who was a year younger than me. (His brother was killed by a drunk driver! Please, if you are gonna drink...PLEASE DON'T Drive)!!! well, i've probably given away who it is already...if you're not my best friend and you're reading this. if you don't know and you're curious who it is, maybe you should go do some research. *EG*

i know i'll never even meet this guy, not even date him...but my heart beats for him right now. i've had a guy, who is a different race than i am, ask if i would ever date outside my race. well, i can't really answer that. for one, my cousin - whom i'm pretty close with - has three kids with a black guy and she's had a heck of a time with him. and another thing, let's not forget what guy my heart beats for currently. it just wouldn't be fair to do that to someone while your heart beats for another. plus the guy who asked that question is currently in prison. i've already gone down that road, it doesn't work for me. a relationship with a guy (no matter his color) in prison just doesn't work. the only prison relationship that seems to work for me, is friendship.

i'd love to find someone who i'm attracted to, and date them. hopefully we'd end up married to each other...planning for kids in the future. but since i'm currently single, i see this as a dream right now.

well, off to write some stories for my new site...and maybe start a new fan fic(for my friends' eyes only). 'til next entry...take care, blog away, and God bless you and your loved ones!

Hugz 'N Prayerz,
Lady Vamp
(Da Luv Brat)

Posted by vamp/ladylove at 1:50 AM CDT
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Saturday, 2 October 2004
Tired in Iowa
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: Brandy - "Afrodisiac"
Well, here it very first blog! YEAH!!! lol. I'm tired ... it's almost 7 am, and i haven't been to bed yet. I just wasn't tired until now.

I'm also tired of being one of a few friends who are still single. One is deep in love with a married man, which I don't blame her. He's a good looking, funny, and sweet guy! He went to the same school as we did; as did his best friend. Back then his best friend was cute, but now is also married. Although this guy's best friend has four kids. So even if my best friend got together with this married guy, there'd be NO shot for his friend and me. Maybe if he'd looked me up shortly after graduation, there might have been a chance. Now, there's NO chance for him and I to be a couple.

I'm always wondering where's my soul mate...when is it my turn for the wedding. When will I be the bride? It sucks being single and going to family gatherings, where the majority of your family is already married...or at least has a significant other.

okay, i think i've ranted enough this's a little after 7am, i'm tired, and i'm cold. (it's currently 27 degrees....brrrr!)

Hugz 'N Kissez

Posted by vamp/ladylove at 6:43 AM CDT
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