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My Home Page

Hey this is my webpage and it was created for your pleasure of reading. Enjoy..or I shall come to your house and kill you in your sleep!!(I am joking.)

This webpage is awesome. Well I think it rox!! Because it was made by the awesome me! I hope you like my rabid ferret thingy. :-) It is very rabid isn't it..I like it and want one. If you think you have wasted enough time reading this then leave. If not then scroll down and see my other things.

The Al Behd Section
Random comments and quotes!



December 8th 2003 3:38 P.M.
Today I just found out I can't access my other webpage. Notcie how at the top says "vamp/kuzai"? I decided to get rid of the news and opinion sections.

December 6th 2003 3:17 P.M.
Added the video games sections and the sub-sections in it.

December 4th 2003 5:19 P.M.
Another news right now and maybe another opinion thingy later. Also added the comment section. Peace.

December 3rd 2003 8:44 P.M.
Today I added the fanfic section and another news update and My Look on the World Section! If you have any suggestions for the news or any fanfics please send them to Email:

December 2nd 2003 6:11 P.M.
Today(finally) got rid of the halo directory to make a new one. Just going to update the new section.

November 17th 2003 7:14 P.M.
Nothing today...updated the halo pictures..too much homework. I probably won't work on the diablo 2 section and only the pictures section.

November 12th 2003 7:48 P.M.
I reformatted the Amazon class page and did some fixing. Nothing really. Still waiting for input from people. Yeah...I hate my life j/k.

November 12th 2003 4:13 P.M.
If anyone has suggestions for an amazon build email me and include the sta placement,skill point placement, and if you want recommended equipment. So yeah..didn't do anything yet..might later tonight. Peace.

November 11th 2003 8:27 P.M
Today I did...nothing. Trying to learn C++ is hard work. I updated the amazon a little in the stat section. More updates maybe later tonight.

November 10th 2003 9:27 P.M.
Today I started the D2 section! Well I started the Amazon section and getting pictures so expect more updates soon!

Here are some of the websites I go to:

For all your video game needs.
The best search engine!

Why i created this webpage.

This site isn't done yet..i am only in the beginning processes but i will work on it more also when i learn more html.


