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The Twisted Mind Of A Poet

Hello cheery chappies! This website is going to be used to post my poetry and thoughts, after all thats what makes me special. I suppose I should introduce myself to all of you lil furry munchkins out there. My name is Kayleigh Jade Tosh and I am 16 years of age *yay*. I currently live in England with my parents and fiance. I go to a childrens hospital school because I am suicidal and have tried to kill myself a sily amount of times. I am a veggie and stand up for everything that I believe in. I am also wiccan (yay for us witches) and have been practicing witchcraft for quite a few years now. My music unfluences are: JaCk oFf jIlL, fInCh, Mu|dV|Ay|nE, cOaL ChAmBeR,CrAdLe oF FiLtH, gOoD ChArLoTtE, dEfToNeS, tHe dIsTiLlErS, dIsTuRbEd, FeNiX Tx, FeAr fAcToRy, HaTeBrEeD, hElL Is fOr hErOeS, iLl nInO, tHe mOvIeLiFe, No dOuBt, KiLl sWiTcH EnGaGe, KiTtIe, RaNcId, ReD HoT ChIlI PePpErS, sCaRlInG, sIkTh, SlIpKnOt, SoUnDgArDeN, sTaTiC X, sYsTeM Of a dOwN, mAcHiNe hEaD, mY RuIn, NiNe iNcH NaIlS, tApPiNg tHe vEiN, tApR00t, ThRiCe, ThUrSdAy, TsUnAmI BoMb etc!


My poems-Sophie
My poems- I am who I am
My poems-Richard
My poems-Richtit
My poems-Love's Lost
My poems-No God=Pain
My poems-Death
My poems-The World
My poems-Lonely in Love
My poems-The Best
