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the life of a blackened star trying to stay alive

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August 7, 2003 Thursday 10:23 pm

I got a new job!! (should i consider the *first* a job?!?) I'll start on monday. =) Sana naman makatagal ako miski isang week *hehe* I'm gonna miss my mom, my sister, our house, biglaang lakad, pagiging bum, etc. (para namang malalayo ako eh noh? *hehe*) Hopefully i'll enjoy (and actually love) this job and hindi ako magkalat (patay nako dito..). The girl who discussed the job offer really convinced me. Parang masaya.. *hehe* Finally, I'm not a bum anymore! I still have 3 days to enjoy it. *hihi* 

TALO KANINA UST!!! *hahaha* kawawa naman sila..  isang malaking GOODLUCK!!! =P

-i got this email last night (i think) from somebody (forgot who);)-
-perfect timing.. i just wish that the boy's response here is true for my case *haha*-

It's You I Want To Fall in Love With...

Coming from a girl...

If you see me walking the road with someone else
It's not because I like his company
It's because you're not brave enough to walk beside me.

If you hear me talking about him all the time
It's not because he pleases me
It's because you're too deaf to hear my heartbeat

If you feel me falling with someone new
It's not because I love him
Because you're not there to catch me if I fall

If you feel lost, I too am nowhere
I too don't know where the road is going
Are we gonna cross each other's path
Or just completely turn around?
Will we just let go of what we had
Or go to the place where love is bound

Don't let me walk with him
It's you I want to walk with
Don't let me talk of him
It's you I want to talk with
Don't let me fall for him
It's you I want to fall in love with.

The Boy's answer:

When you thought I wasn't brave enough to walk beside you
I was behind you every step of the way
Still filled with awe because of the beauty that stands before me

When you thought I was too deaf to hear your heartbeat
I didn't want to assume anything
And I was afraid to lose our friendship

When you thought I wasn't there to catch you
It was because you never gave me the chance
You never reached the bottom, you've already grabbed a branch

If you feel like you are nowhere, I too am lost
I too don't know where the road is going
Are we just going to turn around,
Or are we gonna cross each other's path?
Will we just let go of what we had
Or go to the place where love is bound?

Don't let me walk alone
I want to walk by your side
Don't let me talk of something else
It's you I want to talk with
Don't let me fall for someone else
It's you I want to fall in love with.


*I'm missin' someone.. Basta one thing i know.. I'm not afraid anymore.. =)*

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August 1, 2003 Friday 5:03 pm

Share ko lang:

Make Me Whole - AMEL LARRIEUX 

Darling I want you to listen
I stayed up all night, so I can get this thing right
And I don't think there's anything missing
Cause a person like you, made it easy to do
I've waited for so long, to sing to you this song

Cause your eyes are the windows to heaven
Your smile could heal a million souls
Your love completes my existence
You're the other half that makes me whole
You're the only other half that makes me whole

I think the angels are your brothers, yeah
They told you about me, said you're just what she needs
And I find myself thanking your mother
For giving birth to a saint
My spirit flies when I say your name
If there's one thing that's true
It's that I was born to love you

Cause your eyes are the windows to heaven
Your smile could heal a million souls
Your love completes my existence
You're the other half that makes me whole
You're the only other half that makes me whole

You make my dreams
Come true over and, over again
And I honestly truly believe
You and me are written in the stars
I live my whole life through
To giving thanks to you

Cause your eyes are the windows to heaven
Your smile could heal a million souls
Your love completes my existence
You're the other half that makes me whole
You're the only other half that makes me whole 

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July 30, 2003 Wednesday 10:45 pm

Huy Karen!!! Gising! Nananaginip ka na naman ata!  

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July 29, 2003 Tuesday 3:32 pm

Should I be excited about this?.. Kakainin ko na naman ang salita ko... Hindi na ata ako matututo... What if I'm wrong? Should i risk it? What the heck.. The only thing I know is that THIS makes me happy. I'm keeping it. Bahala na.

Nasan na ang bruha kong kaibigan? *hehe* I wanna watch UST's game next week against UE. Sino kayang sasama?

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July 27, 2003 Sunday 2:13 pm

Last night, i watched 'Lara Croft:Cradle of Life with my mom. Better than the first one for me. =) Another girl power movie *hehe* UST won yesterday against FEU. NICE! Sana laging ganyan. =)

Bakit kaya mainit dugo ko sa kanya?!.. I have a feeling she/he is saying some nasty stuff about me to her/his little friends. (Ha-ha! I'd rather not mention the gender, just in case... =P) I mean, hindi ako manhid noh!  Whenever there is doubt, there is no doubt!' So true..  Basta, I don't like THAT person. I've grown to hate her/him! Nah! As if I really care what that brat is saying about me. I just want to confirm it, para lalo ko siyang iinisin!!! *lolz*

Hay tama na.. masisira lang araw ko.. Nagpapaka-bitch na naman ako. =P

*Still no word from him. And to be honest, i don't care that much.* 

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July 25, 2003 Friday 6:32 pm

I have a feeling it'll take me months before i get over this. After all, it's not everyday you meet someone you really like.. someone so close to being perfect.. a guy who exists only in your dreams.. But then you got hit in the head and finally realize that it's not gonna happen... he's just a friend. That's it. No more, no less. I know that in situations like this, people would always say stuff like 'never assume  blah-blah-blah'! For the record, I'm not assuming anything. I know where i should stand. I am his friend and I'm happy about it. I guess, I just miss him.. a lot.. And after not hearing from him for days, I'm getting worried. What happens next? What's up with him? Is he thinking about me? Stuff like that.. Paranoid you might say, but that's me. I really, really like him

No, don't get me wrong. I'm not in love with him.. (not yet anyway =P). Thank God for that. I don't think I can stand another heartbreak (sa guy na worth it pa...). 

*I'm not in a good mood today*

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July 21, 2003 Monday 3:29 pm

ADMU won yesterday. I watched the game live with my USTEx friends and with Khriz, (she went there with another friend). I really thought UST would win the game because of the 3 3-point shots they made during the last 2 minutes of the game. But I guess, the Eagles won't let them get away that easily *hihi*. And it's confirmed, he's not playing.. (karma ba? :p)

I'm supposed to meet a friend today but because of the transport strike (and my mom), I had to cancel it at the last minute. Hope he's okay. I'm kinda relieved though (but sad too, of course) coz I'm not really in the mood to go out today. Well actually, I do want to go out but.. Ugh! Too complicated! And very confusing...

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July 15, 2003 Tuesday 6:36 pm

I need help. I'm confused. I'm disturbed. I'm pathetic. I don't want to avoid IT but something tells me that I should... Ugh! I hate this! 


I got pissed off with a friend this afternoon coz he texted something and I didn't find it in any way funny at all. Though he said it was only a joke, I got offended and told him so. And I was having a really bad headache, which is probably why I'm in such a lousy mood. Still, I appreciated his effort when he apologized and told me he's just happy that we can still find time to talk even though he's busy with work. And he tried calling me up though I missed his calls (my cp's not with me at that time.) I told him afterwards that it's okay and said sorry too. Hope he's okay with that.

I talked to Khriz yesterday and I'm meeting her in Makati on Friday.  Something to look forward to this week =)

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July 12, 2003 Saturday 9:16 pm 

Start of another UAAP Season and the Tigers were defeated by the Archers (hindi ba dapat swertehin na kayo kase... *haha*). 13 more games to go... 

I saw the movie '28 days later' this afternoon with my mom. Not bad at all. Too gory for me though. *hihi* 

I called Khriz's house a while ago and she's already sleeping. I'm crossing my fingers and still hoping that she's not mad at me for not meeting her yesterday. Bawi na lang..  =) Time to treat Kookie with a surprise visit this week, I miss hangin' out with her! =)

Note: *I think I scared IT away. I'm done with waiting.*

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July 11, 2003 Friday 9:01 pm 

Uh-oh! I wasn't able to tell Khriz that I can't meet her today. Hope she's not mad at me.. I had to do some stuff here at home. AND I'm broke (note to myself: GET A JOB! *hihi*) Nakakatamad na talaga.. Next week, I'll start sending out my resumes again (*plamis*). Why did I even quit my job in the first place? Oh yeah, right.. Imalayo, mahirap at kung ano-ano pa (*enough with the excuses*).=) 

*still waiting for a text msg*

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July 10, 2003 Thursday 3:59 pm  

What better way to start my this than to tell you what the hell is KASSIOPEIA (or Cassiopeia -Lt.- for that matter *hihi*)

Note:: I got it from the movie 'Serendipity'  =)

And while searching for this myth, I bumped into this site.. A real restaurant named after that constellation... There goes my dream resto *sigh*

And the story begins... (thanks to this =))

Cassiopeia, the mother of Andromeda and wife of King Cepheus of Ethiopia, thought she and her daughter were the two fairest that ever lived. In fact, she foolishly claimed that Andromeda was so beautiful that even the sea nymphs (Nereids) could not surpass her beauty. Hera, Zeus' jealous wife, and the Nereids themselves, overheard this. Furious at Cassiopeia's boasting, they visited Poseidon (the sea god) and demanded an immediate punishment.

Poseidon sent the sea monster Tiamat (represented by Cetus) to attack King Cepheus' realm. With his kingdom in the gravest danger, Cepheus consulted an oracle for advice. He learned the only way to save Ethiopia involved the sacrifice of Andromeda to the raging sea monster. Heavy hearted and bitter over his wife's vanity, the king was forced by his people to comply. Poor Andromeda was dragged to a ragged part of the coast and was told of her fate.

She was stripped naked and chained to a large rock to await her grisly fate. The monster soon arrived. Tiamat was about to eat her, when the monster felt a sharp pain in his back. He turned and found Perseus flying with winged sandals and attacking him. The monster grew stronger as they fought. Then Perseus remembered that he was carrying Medusa's head. All who looked at it would turn to stone. He dropped his sword and took out the creepy object. The sea monster stared at it and turned immediately into stone. Andromeda watched the whole incident (except Medusa's head), and smiled with a sigh of relief.

Perseus fell in love with the beautiful Andromeda and carried her home to marry her. The gods made constellations for each of them, but felt Cassiopeia had gotten off too easy. They punished her by condemning her to circle Polaris forever in her throne. So even now, she alternately sits right side up and hangs upside down in the heavens

 i'm feeling

so here i am, the victim of my own choices... and i'm just starting...

         : : : : k a s s i o p e i a : : : :
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