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idiot_:: peach, for chapter 122, is there only a part A ?
Peach:: eh?
* hED and Peach having a fine dinner with some choclate cake and Earl Grey tee while yummieng a well grilled mangainc
Peach:: of course not
karina305:: i told you already
Peach:: there's a whole chapter 122
hED:: or shall we cook him?
karina305:: up to 132
Peach:: i think grilling is more healthy
Peach:: he's grown fat off all the manga he's been consuming
hED:: as I thought..
hED:: lol
karina305:: boiling him might not get rid of the possible diseases
Peach:: we grilled him
Peach:: to get rid of the hairs
Peach:: shall we stuff him, my dear?
hED:: so we make some bacon and nice bloody stakes..
karina305:: last thing one needs is a hairball
hED:: hmm..
Peach:: true, true
Peach:: nothing like a hairball to ruin one's dinner
hED:: what is it you want to stuff him with?
karina305:: gah
Peach:: hehehehe ^_~
Peach:: ordinary stuffing will do
karina305:: someone else can stuff him ¬_¬
hED:: hehe~~~
hED:: >_>
Peach:: karina, will you do the honours?
karina305:: ah, on no, you must Peach
Peach:: just grab a handful of stuffing and stuff it up his...aha
karina305:: the honor is all yours
Peach:: maybe we'll just dispense with the stuffing and baste him with barbeque sauce
hED:: you'll even get some bacon!
Peach:: and have him with curry rice
Peach:: oh, yummy bacon
Peach:: don't make it crispy, i hate crispy bacon
hED:: rice is fine~~~
Peach:: :D~~~~
hED:: now, I love it crispy..
hED:: so I give in my dear..
Peach:: then make half crispy and make mine rich and juicy
Peach:: mmmm, bacon
Peach:: gawd, i love bacon
* karina305 stares at her roasting marshmellow
hED:: juicy sounds good..
Peach:: marshmallow? now my dear, that isn't healthy
Peach:: come have a little mangainc meat
karina305:: :3
karina305:: yes mommy
hED:: karina305: we offered you some juicy bacon IF YOU STUFF HIM..
Peach:: good girl
Peach:: lol, i thought we decided against stuffing him?
hED:: I thought because neither of us wanted to stuff him..
Peach:: that's exactly right
karina305:: nobody's gonna eat that stuffing
Peach:: i can't be putting my hands in certain places at thanksgiving
hED:: it doesn't matter.. you may join us anyway karin
hED:: the more the merrier...
Peach:: so then, we'll split him open and grill him as per the original plan
Peach:: the dogs can have the innards
hED:: yesch~~
hED:: so who's our dogie?
Peach:: hmmm...
Peach:: idiot_ can be our doggie
hED:: any free candidates?
karina305:: who are we grilling?
Peach:: mangainc
karina305:: i don't eat people i don't know
hED:: so how about it idiot_?
karina305:: i don't know where they've been
Peach:: nani?
Peach:: those are the best people to eat
Peach:: if you eat people you know, you'll bear a psychological burden
hED:: exactly..
karina305:: i don't think so
Peach:: besides, i assure you that he's been cooked VERY thoroughly
hED:: now you're beeing a bad girl karina305...
Peach:: yes, leave the table karina
karina305:: i think i'd find the familiarity assuring
Peach:: i think you would, but they wouldn't
karina305:: probably not :3
Peach:: you can't be eating acquaintances, karina, it's bad form
hED:: go into your room and think about what you've just said..
Peach:: plus there's more likelihood of getting caught
idiot_:: i'd rather not eat someones innards ;P
Peach:: ^__^
karina305:: :3
karina305:: bleh
Peach:: idiot, i'll spice them up for you nicely, yeah
hED:: don't be stuipid idiot.. they're fine
idiot_:: lol, i dont think spices will do much
Peach:: okay, how about we take out the intestines?
Peach:: the rest is healthy and yummy
Peach:: liver, heart, kidney
Peach:: mmm mmmm
Peach:: come on doggie, eat up!
hED:: now.. now.. we're still at the table dear..
Peach:: yes darling
Peach:: a little more rice, darling?
hED:: kidds and pets these days.. just don't do things they're supposed to..
Peach:: tut tut tut
hED:: yesch me lady!
Peach:: i blame Bush
hED:: me blame the religion..
Peach:: back in the day, kids used to be GLAD to get some fresh meat
Peach:: and dogs never used to talk back to their owners
karina305:: the meat is just bland :/
karina305:: you don't have any taste
hED:: now let's forget about it and eat up happily
Peach:: add some more tabasco sauce
Peach:: i thought we sent her to her room
karina305:: i hid under the table
idiot_:: peach, want chapter 132 of hanakimi?
Peach:: no thanks, idiot_
hED:: you're such a good cook darling..
Peach:: ah, thank you dearest
* Peach plans to "reward
* karina305 pretends she didn't hear anything
Peach:: what, still hear?
Peach:: this is adult conversation, close your ears
hED:: bad girl
Peach:: kids of today
karina305:: i'm sorry, my ears are very fickle today
hED:: we should send her in a boot camp..
Peach:: we should indeed
hED:: so how about it karina305?
Peach:: hey darling, how about having another kid?
karina305:: do i get to go on Marry?
Peach:: go on Marry? eh?
karina305:: the Marry show
Peach:: you've been smoking pot against, haven't you?
hED:: now you beeing naughty my dear.. karina305 is still listening to us..
karina305:: how could you suggest such a thing of me :3
Peach:: i don't care, we need a replacement for that naughty girl
Peach:: besides, i'm not saying anything she doesn't already know ^_~
hED:: sure~~
Peach:: kids of today
* karina305 looks blank
hED:: yeah she realy isn't wanted...
Peach:: don't give me that look, young lady
* Peach calls the boot camp director
* karina305 kicks him in the croch
* hED ties up karina305
Peach:: or dictator, more likely
Peach:: ooh, this is getting hentai-ish
* Peach giggles
hED:: nah..
Peach:: you're so kinky, darling!
hED:: you wanna join ?_?
hED:: ;D~~
Peach:: *blush* w-what are you t-talking about?
Peach:: we're at table!
karina305:: mudder's stuttering, ha ha ha
hED:: so wanted a third child, so come on and join
Peach:: a third one?
Peach:: who's the second one?
Peach:: *gasp* have you been unfaithful?
* karina305 looks at the dog
Peach:: ...
* Peach belts karina around the head with a ladle
hED:: don't tell me you forgot about the idiot we turned into a human gog?
Peach:: magic?
* karina305 hits the offending hand with a stick
hED:: _dog
Peach:: oh darling, you're so powerful
Peach:: powerful men are the sexiest
Peach:: mmmmmmm....
hED:: nah just some psychotic threatment..
* Peach wonders why they gave their daughter a russian name
Peach:: oh, you sadist ^__~
hED:: and him all the time sleeping with dogs..
Peach:: that's what i love about you darling!
karina305:: you must have favored stalin
hED:: cus dady is from UDSSR!
Peach:: what's the D for?
* Peach throws idiot_ a thigh bone
hED:: me fault..
hED:: UssR
* Peach throws idiot_ the rib cage
Peach:: and be grateful for it, you dumb dog
hED:: He's born in Kasachstan.. you forgot me darling?
Peach:: who was born in kazakhstan?
* hED whups idiot_ for playing around with his food
* Peach helps herself to some more tea while giving hED a sexy look
hED:: Me of course.. how dare forget about it?
Peach:: oooh, i love it when you get violent with the kids
Peach:: ah, you're right dearest
* hED gets a shivver all over his body..
Peach:: oooh
Peach:: so muscular
* karina305 gives a doubtful look
Peach:: what? still here?
Peach:: go upstairs dear, Mommy and Daddy want to be alone together
Peach:: ^_~
karina305:: o.o
Amber:: .........................
* hED wonders wether the people from the bootcamp will come today
hED:: Hey Amber
* Amber hides
Peach:: if they don't, we just kick her out of the house
* hED high-fives Amber
Amber:: (funner to peek than to join)
Amber:: X-D
Peach:: i hope she's not one of your little trollops
hED:: so you wanna be our doggie?
Peach:: nah, she can be our next baby
Amber:: ...
Amber:: X-/
hED:: no!! Just a kittie found on a street..
Peach:: ooh, kittie
Peach:: kawaiiii
* Peach gets Amber a little pink ribbon
Amber> and this kitty is going away after stealing some of your food... yumm
* Peach shuts door
Peach:: no one escapes from Peach's castle
Amber:: hmm.... kitty looks at castle's window
* hED watches and feels a light amusement watching his darling hauntig a cat trying to tase her..
* Peach gets the whip
Peach:: who's a nice kitty now?
hED:: sorry of course a kitty
Amber:: *grin* kitty escapes!!!
Amber:: ja~~
* Peach watches kitty plunge 20000 feet into the moat
hED:: darling don't mess around with my toys!
* Peach watches kitty get eaten by crocodile
Peach:: too late
Peach:: it was her own fault
* hED feels kinda' sorry for the kitty while grinning
hED:: :D
* Peach gets turned on by hED's grin
Peach:: oh, what a sexy grin
hED:: °-^
* Peach ties him up and drags him off to bed
* hED gives her a naughty look
* Peach shuts the door and puts up a "Do Not Disturb" sign
* Peach then proceeds to [censored], [censored] and [censored] hED
* hED awakens and feels kinda *GRRR HARRR*
Peach:: the rest of the details are classified
hED:: what a nice dream..
Peach:: what a coincidence, i had the same dream
hED:: hmm it's fate..
Peach:: or lust
hED:: so may I still call you MY DEAR?
Peach:: sometimes you may, darling
Peach:: but only when my husband is not around
* hED hopes it's the second one...
Peach:: ^__~
Amber:: lol, final
Amber:: you don't like the convo?
karina305:: finale
hED:: ~~~ FIN ~~~
* Peach and hED and the rest of the actors take a curtain call
hED:: convo?
Peach:: except for mangainc, who really DID get eaten
Amber:: what a nice soap opera... X-/
Peach:: :p~~~~
FinalLancer:: hiya Amber
hED:: * the croud is fascinated *
Amber:: hi final :-D
Peach:: join us tomorrow for another episode of "All my Cannibals"