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Josh "Spic" Medina
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    January 1st
    Alright everyone wats up. It's a new year so I think it's time for a new entry. Its time for everyone to start over and start with a clean slate. Remember santas watchin lol. I've had a pretty good vacation. The mall has been my home for awhile now. But can u believe that last night was new years and I didnt get drunk? Wow thats not like me is it. Well, theres always news years and all the days that lead up to it. Oh ya..I came I saw I hit him right there in the jaw lol don't ask. I finally got the new Eminem cd a few days ago and I've listened through the whole thing about 6 times so far. I got a lot of things that I wanted and I hope that you all did too. HAPPY NEW YEAR! everyone and make sure that it's a good one. Later

    August 11th
    Hey everyone it's been awhile since i've written anything in here. well, heres a little bout whats goin on with my life. I think for sure that ill be moving at the beginning of september. but dont worry everyone ill still be in butler. I've also met this really cute and cool girl, Danielle. I didn't think that id ever be able to go out with her. But shes come out of my dreams and into my heart. She has made me happier than I have ever been before. I can't help but smile whenever I think of her. <3 I Love You Danielle <3 I won't break my promise. Recently I've been hanging out with my friend Corey. Hes a really cool and good friend. We've had a lot of fun hanging out together and it'll be cool if we can keep doing that. That just might be it I think. THX for sticking with me everyone.

    June 21th
    Hey peeps. Today My mom, her b/f and I went to go look at some houses to move into. We checked out two of 'em. I really didn't like either of 'em. Especially the one on West Brady St. That was like some ghetto shit.No Way, not for me. We still have a lot more to look at so not all is lost. We'll be moving somewhere around the 1st of August. I might keep babbling on about our search for a house. I can't wait to get outta the place I'm at now. I can finally not have to see my dad anymore and not have to put up with his shit. I'm gonna have a step-dad probably in awhile here. He seems pretty cool. He whipped my ass at Madden Football today.Damn, 58 to 30. I bet if I had a rematch I could beat him,maybe. When my mom and I were leaving Rick's(my mom's b/f)place his neighbor starts bitching at him to move his boat so he can mow the spot. He reminded me exactly of my dad. I was about to flip out on him just like I would my dad. That's about all I have for today. Later people.

    June 7th
    Today was the last day of school. Usually I'm pretty happy 'bout this, but things have just been crazy recently so idk. Well, summer is already boring me cause I don't have anything to look forward to anymore. Well, whatever happens I guess it's for a reason. I'm hopin to go to the pool alot this summer cause thats always fun to do.

    June 5th
    Hey everyone its me again. I bet your all pretty excited about school ending here on monday. I know I am. Today it looks pretty crappy out cause it just got done raining, so theres not gonna be much to do outside now. Guess I'll just stay inside all day till The Net opens up. As you can probably notice my web page isnt much to look at so if you have any ideas of what I can do with it feel free to say something cause im clueless at this point. Today has been pretty boring so theres nothing left to say. Later everyone.

    May 6th
    Today was a lot better than yesterday. I had to give my stupid presentation today in Mr.Meer's class. I had a cold so it was a real bitch. Doesn't matter cause its all done with. I have another presentation to give in english class either tomorrow or monday. Damn, school sucks sometimes. Well, at least there were people to play ball with today. We had a couple of good games going on. Later, after that I climbed the pavilion cause Dunkle was so eager in seeing me doing it. That got boring really quick so I jumped off and starting playin B-Ball again. After that I climbed some trees which I havn't done in a long while. It was fun catching up with some old hobbies. I was just on Rotton Dot Com and I came across this pretty funny story. But I'll let you check out "The Shocker" for yourself. Thats pretty much it for today. TTYL everyone.

    May 5th, 2005
    Hey this is my first entry and the grand opening of my page. Woopdi Doo I'm sure you all really care. Well it took me awhile to figure out how to make a good page using html. I'm guessing just about none of you know what that is. Well, im not gettin into explaining it. If you really want to know what it is IM me and ill just get you even more confused about it. Today pretty much sucked other than gettin this page up. I had a cold all day and I probably will tomorrow too. I went down to the park and there was no one to ball with. My comp has been messin up like crazy. I feel like throwing the thing into the wall sometimes. I think thats about it for now ill write in this later on. Maybe even tonight but im not too sure 'bout that.

    Created 2004 by Josh Medina