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Herbal Detox

Are you feeling stopped up, or are looking for a detox that does not require fasting? Not only does this tonic help you eliminate, it also helps you stimulate stomach activity, and eliminate toxins that have been stored in your liver and colin. This tonic must be taken with plenty of water (lemon water is best, because lemon dries bacteria containing mucus), and should be taken with plenty of fiberous foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. A person who consumes a large amount of concentrated protiens(usually from meats), or consumes soda pop, refined sugar and high fat foods is not going to find this tonic as effective as a person who is consuming the fiberous foods suggested. This tonic contains a balance of diuretics, laxatives, stimulants, anti-spasmotics, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties. DO NOT TAKE THIS TONIC IF YOU ARE PREGNANT OR NURSING. You will need: 1 tsp Burdock Root 1 tsp Cascara Segrada 1 tsp Irish Moss powder 1 tsp Ginger rootstock 1 tsp Oregon Grape Root 2 tsp Peppermint 1 tbsp Red Clover 1 tbsp German Chammomile To create the Infusion: Bring 8 cups of water to a boil and simmer Burdock Root for 5 hours. Add Cascara Segrada (if it is in it's bark form) when there is one hour left for the Burdock. After 5 Hours, remove the pot from heat and add herbs. Let steep covered for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Store in a tightly sealed jar and place in the refridgerator. Add fresh lemon and ginger to taste. Drink a 6 oz. glass each evening for 5-7 days for elimination in the morning. This tonic tends to become thick when it is cooled. It doesn't have the greatest flavor in the world, but it is very mild with a peppermint aftertaste. I have tried this tonic and have found it to be very painless and effective. You will eliminate more often during the first two days than you will for the following days. Note: I am not a doctor. If you are suffering from severe constipation, you must keep in mind of what is in your diet, and that if you do not eliminate over a long period of time, you may be subject to certain diseases or illnesses. Consult your physician if this is the case. Otherwise, enjoy the beauty of herbs!

My Favorite Web Sites

Herb Profiles
The Not-Milk Homepage
The Big Dream Dictionary
Veganism for the Meat-eater
