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Praise Flesh Series

Mankind is obsessed with technology. It makes our lives easy, and without it, we would descend into another dark age. There is research on the secrets of immortality using advanced technology. A way to prevent our cells from aging and prolong life until humans stop dying of old age. Sooner or later, humans will start incorporating machinery into their own bodies in order to prolong life and assist in their own selfish desires. Please, embrace simplicity, put the labtop down for a while, use the cell phone less often, try to rely on your own instincts and intuition, not some bullshit information you heard on TV. Be happy for the mind and body that was gifted to you, we are all beautiful in our own ways. Think how you want to think and feel how you want to feel, and praise the flesh. Ignoring our inner selves will throw mankind into a new, dangerous dark age.

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