
Vicky and Elly's site

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Hiya! Welcome to our site, you better like it because it was incredibly tedious to set up! Anyhoo, this site is all about anything that we find um...... wierd enough to put on here really. We hope to have a page set up for you guys at school of things we find on the net. We will keep you informed. It may not look much now, but it will get there, ok!

just to clear up a few queries. All the links related to Bravenet.com are ours, so don't hesitate with the chat room coz it's hosted by us. Greeting cards are silly but fun too. Enjoy.

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  • Frogs arent that tasty! The French Lie!
  • Barbie is a slut!
  • An apple a day keeps the doctor away
  • Drink 8 glasses of water a day
  • Eat 5 fruit or veg a day
  • Twins are the coolest
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