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My Favorite things about Pickles

Pickles are juicy, bumpy, green, and fit right in your hands. Now go grab a pickle! PICKLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAKING PICKLES: Use cider or white vinegar to make pickles.This is the range of acidity of most high quality, commercially bottled vinegars. Check the label to make sure the vinegar contains 4 to 6 percent acetic acid; 40 to 60 grain acetic acid means the same thing. Either cider vinegar or white distilled vinegar can be used in pickle recipes. Cider vinegar has a mellow flavor and good aroma, but may darken white or light-colored fruits and vegetables. White distilled vinegar has a sharper taste. It is often used for onions, cauliflower and pears where clearness of color is desired. DO NOT use homemade vinegar or vinegar of unknown acidity in pickling.--------------------------------- HISTORY OF PICKLES: Pickles, as they are commonly known, date back forty-five hundred years to Mesopotamia where it is believed cucumbers were first preserved by ancient people. Cleopatra's devotion to pickles involved her conviction that they made her more beautiful. George Washington, as well as Thomas Jefferson are recorded in history as being pickle fans. In fact, the namesake of our country, Amerigo Vespucci, was a pickle dealer in Seville in the fifteenth century who provided seafaring ships with pickles to help ward off the sickness known as scurvy - now identified as a lack of vitamin C. Julius Ceasar and Napolean rationed pickles to their soldiers on their various military campaigns as did the U.S. government earmarking 40% of pickle production during World War II for the Army, Navy, and Marines. ---------------------------------------------- CANDIED PICKLE STICKS: 1 qt Pickles -- Sour Or Dill; Drain 3 c Sugar 1/4 c Pickled Sweet Cherry Peppers 2 ts Onion -- Instant, Minced 1 t Celery Seed 1 t Mustard Seed 1/2 ts Dried Hot Peppers -- Crushed NOTE: The pickled sweet cherry peppers should be coarsely chopped. Remove the tips from the pickles. Cut the pickles into medium sticks, drain. Mix the pickles and the remaining ingredients in a glass bowl and cover. Refrigerate for at least 12 hours. Stir the pickle mixture until all the sugar is dissolved. Pack the pickles in small jars and add the syrup to cover them. Cover and refrigerate for at least 24 hours before using but no longer than 2 weeks. Makes 1 quart of candied pickle sticks.

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