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Name: Innocent Lust
Age: 500
Hair Color: Auburn
Eye Color: Deep Violet Blue
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 130
Race: Gangrel Vampire
Marital Status: Widow of Brutal

The night is cold and dark. Everywhere you turn the shadows seem to reach out for you. The sound of your own breathing seems amplified by the sheer terror of being caught out alone after dark. The creatures that roam the night are just beginning to stir, and they're hungry. But their hunger will only be sated with one thing. . .the blood of mortals.
Up ahead on the path a woman blocks your passage. You have two choices: continue forth as if you're not frightened, or turn and run. Looking more closely at her, you think surely she can't be that dangerous. After all, she is just a woman...right? So, forward you go. The nearer you draw to her, the more nervous you become. She looks harmless enough. Except for her eyes. The violet color seems to bleed to encompass even the whites. Too late you realize your mistake. She is far from harmless. She's one of. . .them. With an inhuman speed, she is there grabbing your throat. Everything you have heard about vamps in the past is about to be proven or negated. The eyes. . .don't look into the eyes. Yet, you find yourself drawn to their amethyst fire. . .and you are gone. A willing victim for a hungry vampress. She is LsT. She is Innocent.

When I first arrived on the shores of this land, I was young and inexperienced. On my first night here, I met many people, but the ones that most impressed me were those in the family of LsT. However, three stand out most in my mind. There was the queen,Khasana. . .a very regal woman to say the least. Skyler. . .strong-willed only just begins to cover her many attributes. Finally, there was Brutal. . .the omnipotent king of LsT. Aye, and he was king of LsT in more ways than title. I now had a mission. What was it you might ask? It was to capture Brutal for my own, of course. Some time after joining the family of LsT, Brutal embraced me. Then, later, we wed. However, there was a third in our blissful relationship. . .Tawny. I loved them both as I've loved no one before and no one since. Brutal has long since passed, and I mourn for his loss. That is why I found myself returning once again to this land. We always go back to where we were happiest. I need family around me now. So, when I received a summons from Skyler, I came. The one Innocent Lust is back.