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][Tainted Soul][

Saturday, 30 August 2003

The O.C. and RVV rock your socks. Say it again.
So I am SO getting the SoCo CD on they officially rock, Konstantine is uberly implanted in my brain. It's such a f&#king long song too! 9:33. Dude. But I love it. Honestly, it's an awesome song. I downloaded California by Phantom Planet too, and since it's the OC's theme song...-giggles- you shouldn't be surprised. oh, you are? well that's cuz i haven't explained my newest obsession have I? -nods- I lurve that show beyond words..tehe, such cheesiness but it's all so fun and soapy and flashy. Adam Brody really makes the show for me too, as well as the Ryan/Marissa chemistry (incredible! i wanted them to kiss so much last week...arrrggh). I heard the ratings went up so that's def. a plus..if you haven't seen it, 9 PM Tuesday nights on Fox! watch! I command you -uberly scary voice- tehe..well no..but egh, I also cant wait for Gilmore Girls. no jess though. will i survive? :o( On the topic of TV, I'm gunna be so pissed when I can't tape Y&R during school...ima hafta find some way, I need my JT and Colleen and it ain't the same just reading about it. That's highschool for you really seems like it'll be a lot, a huge change. I'm on the swim team now (i think..) and it practices til 5 or 6 every night. with homework, that's insane. -slays the evilness of the hours- maybe it'll make me more productive and the schedule will be convenient...i know i'll be psyched about wednesdays. -huggles the schedule- whoever made that up was insanely intelligent. anyway my eyes are literally stinging, i spent too much time on the comp today. Just one more thing before I leave: Raising Victor Vargas (out on VHS/DVD now!) is the coolest thing since sliced bread...:P
im off like orlando's boxers if I saw him..maha

Posted by vamp/infatuation at 8:36 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 20 August 2003

Mmkay, one more thing..Colleen and JT need more screentime on Y&R! Screw old victor goat and bring me the interesting teen storylines.

Posted by vamp/infatuation at 6:35 PM CDT
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eh...i was absolutely petrified (again..nuffin new with me -.-) this morning about turned out to be absolute bullshit. Julie's in my advisory and shares a locker (isn't that the oddest thing? out of like 200 or 250..dude..)with me, so it's all good (until I get sick of her :P..actually she was complaining about being wiff me, made me feel sorta sucky but wtf). they juss rambled on and on about staying organized and what would be expected and blah blah. mr. devine is the funniest little man on the planet..pillsbury doughboy x20. -giggles- well..that girl at the bus stop was cool, she totally seemed older than her age. and i swear, whenever I walk down the halls iss like I see someone from SFY, "hey amanda!"..even if we never even really talked, we know each uvva. and that kicks. not that it shouldn't have been juss a week..I coulda survived without it. but it'll be easier i guess. i don't know, I hate proving my dad right. and right now im really mad at my mom too. she yelled at me this morning and said she WASN'T gunna yell at me like dad...go figure. she didn't wanna be my 'police woman'. bitchy. i almost cryed cuz I was so nervous, and what does she do? make me feel worse. the only person who helped was teresa (and even if amanda didn't really talk to me at length about it, she did make me feel better solely because I knew I could come home and she'd still be my friend even if ppl are school weren't). parents constantly surprise me. onto a different topic - I want my own domain. i know, eh? for my birthday! genius! lol that and clothes....all I need. :D I wouldn't be able to make layouts tho..-.- so maybe not..but definitely clothes! tehez! well im off solitaire so,im out like a light..mwah!
p.s. schwiiing! I have the house to myself! RAWK ON!not really tho..:P
p.p.s. shout-out to my bob, <33333 you muchos girlie..thanks for callin'!

Posted by vamp/infatuation at 6:31 PM CDT
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Sunday, 3 August 2003

Tehehe, im in such a good mood right now, which is amazing considering how bored/mad/pissed I was earlier today, but my bob saved the day...Ooh, Saved the Day! lol I'm "miss tangent" today as Mr. Pellikan would say (i rhyme!), but I can't wait for their concert. October 1, save the date! lmao...ooh-hoo-hoo, i amuse myself too easily tho..yeah, so they're playing with taking back sunday, they both frickin ROCK so w00t! anyway, back to my luvly bob-orama, she called me for the first time yesterday. :o) Scccchwwweett...yes, I was oh-so-nervous before, my heart was all speedy and shit, but her voice is THE friendliest, it's so sweet..SHE was sweet, period. A little diffy than online, not badly. But yes, she used 2 fone cards on me..then we had 20 mins left so she called me after my bad morning today and we chatted for a while there..she hadda babysit for like 27 hours this weekend. I KNOW, like whoa. o_o anyway i don't want to go back to northside, one week was plenty. and an oral presentation (ahaha ignoring the double entendre)? no thanks. -.- gotta jet cya...

Posted by vamp/infatuation at 7:24 PM CDT
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Saturday, 2 August 2003

Hey y'alls. I'm seriously such a bad friend, one of my friends who I knew really well when I was little (she moved away and it's hard to keep in touch) sent an e-mail saying 'Write me at camp!' and it's been like a month and a half and I've been too lazy...ugh, I'm gunna get the willpower today to juss write her a nice letter and hope it gets there on time! -crosses fingies- my bob's back, i <3 her, she rocks my socks, and she spent $500 on clothes! WOO! Oh, the Surviving Freshman Year thing? Not too bad after all. The teach is sorta goofy and shit, but the kids aren't horrible. They aren't the nicest but meh. At least I know the school and 23 faces the 1st day right? Wee! ^_^ Moving on...-.- the Friday Five, on Saturday:

1. What time do you wake up on weekday mornings?
Weekdays? The insane hour of 7:30. And I really could wake up later, but I neeed my TV fix. >.<
2. Do you sleep in on the weekends? How late?
I try...maybe like 9, nine-thirty, but my rents are all 'You're a late riser!' and I'm like 'Umm...not really tho...' so it's annoying.
3. Aside from waking up, what is the first thing you do in the morning?
Turn on the TV and computer...I'm a gadget girl. So dorky! not toooo bad tho..I swear! XP
4. How long does it take to get ready for your day?
-raises brow- 10 minutes. Im real lazy so I end up doing that shit at like 11 in the morning.
5. When possible, what is your favorite place to go for breakfast?
Nookie's, a restaurant..sitting at the bar wiff my mommy is fun and ordering french toast and oj..good ol' traditional stuff, then italian fruit candy. Yums.
Oh yeah, Seabiscuit was really good, and I know many people don't agree, but I thought Tobey wasn't all that good of an actor, not hot either...the older actors were better, IMO. Jeff Bridges used to be hot! No i swear..I like watching old movies.

Posted by vamp/infatuation at 2:30 PM CDT
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Friday, 25 July 2003

My Bob Ish Gone... I'm now a Forums4Fans message board poster, and I'm hooked. I'm back on the comp 24/7, and I don't weally like it but I can't stop either. My eyes and posture are slowly being ruined. ::sigh:: But I am SOOO nervous! If my bob was here it would make things better. ::pouts:: She left me to go visit her auntie and go shopping at the biggest mall in Canada...yes Canada..800 stores. Lucky! But, I hope she has a wunderful time. Meanwhile I'll be at my future high school meeting new peeps..WHOOPEE..Im so nervous. I need a distraction. >.< Ah well, I'll have a busy weekend! Sox game with Erin. :D Im off like a dress on prom night...mwah xoxo.

Posted by vamp/infatuation at 8:15 PM CDT
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Saturday, 19 July 2003

Wow, fawk, lol I haven't blogged in forever. Yeah, so I went to computer camp this week right? I was expecting it to suck so bad, and it actually turned out to be moderately cool. Meh-heh...I have the biggest crush. Getting over it is not gunna be easy. His name's Tali (but MY spelling is Tally :P bahaha, just cuz that's what I thought it was at the beginning but he's Puerto Rican so mmhmm...), he's 16, and has the perfect sense of humor. Oh, did I mention he's hot? :P Yeah I <3 him...not really but I love his appearance. He was an ass yesterday, he like led our group in the wrong direction and made us get third place. >.< But uvva than that he seemed nice. It was fine thinking I had no chance with him, cuz obviously...Im 13...but he ended up liking Lea. Another girl at camp. She's forkin' younger than me!! Ugh ugh..but before the water fights at camp he came up to her and was like, "You're not even wet! You're gunna get wet anyways..." in his hott voice, meanwhile she's all like bitchy "i don't care.." cuz she hates him. How can Lea hate him?! She kept saying it was annoying, but Molly and me were like "It's a compliment, geez! He's 16!"...meh-heh...I'll probably talk to her online and maybe see her again, cuz she was actually pretty cool cept for the face that I was UBER-jealous at the end. Im gonna miss seeing him every day >.< Crap...I really am..well anyways I'm going for ice cream ^_^ I'll ask Lea about that shit later..and have dirty dreams ..ahaha jk. well sorta! Also, I miss my BOB so much!!! -huggles her- I <3333 my twin so much it hurts. :D

Posted by vamp/infatuation at 6:49 PM CDT
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Friday, 4 July 2003

Happy 4th Everyone!
Happy Red, White & Blue Day everyone! Me and mi familia are heading out to Grandma's house tonight for a picnic and fireworks. That should be fun, especially because in the past few years all we've done is watch a few from the balcony and go home early. -.- Today is the only day I actually bother to truly color-coordinate, aren't you proud of me? :P Anyway some shoutouts to my friends:

Elyse -
I'm sorry summer school has sucked so much so far, but Im sure you'll find great friends when you start in the fall. Juss don't forget me! :( We had such a great grade school experience, I'ma miss you toooonsss!! -hug- BFF

Me & Manda are B.O.B.'s (
...AND twins! Yes, we know we're special. -giggles- Luvs you tunz Amanda you are the reason I believe in online friendships. :) BTFF we love milo! xoxo

I bet you're having a great time at camp, I already miss you lots! You are totally your own person and I admire that so much.

You make me laugh! :D Can't wait for another horrorfest -- cya at Northside.

Posted by vamp/infatuation at 10:22 AM CDT
Updated: Friday, 4 July 2003 10:35 AM CDT
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Monday, 30 June 2003

Parents...So annoying sometimes.
...4 years and I'm out of here! Seriously, my parents (primarily Dad) being so overbearing 24/7 is really getting to me. Can I watch a TV show without him knowing the specific name, genre, and channel? Apparently not. Can I go online without him peeking over my shoulder every time he comes to the computer, asking 'What's that site?'? Heavens no! Urgh. I can only imagine what it'll be like when I -gasp- wanna go out at night or...even get a boyfriend! -faints- On a more pleasant note, J.T. and Colleen from the Young & the Restless (yes, the soap opera) (stop laughing) are looking like they might get together again! EEE! -laughs at her own teenybopperness- But really, they're cute together. EVEN if the J.T. actor is like 30 and she's...oh, 15? -blink- -topic switch- I hope the second Legally Blonde movie lives up to the first's reputation. I heard Reese wasn't exactly thrilled with the script. Hopefully her presence will make it funny! You know it'll have good box office, though. -sigh- Well, I should jet...but I can't wait to do one more of those cliché summer things tomorrow: the beach! WITH sunscreen, of course. No dangerous tans for me. ^.^

Posted by vamp/infatuation at 7:00 PM CDT
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Sunday, 29 June 2003

Welcome to my wack job of a life!
Wow. Could summer be ANY cooler? Now that it's finally the right weather (I was beginnin' to get worried that Chicago would slip into a 365-days-of-winter weather pattern), I'm psyched to do cliché summery things: go to the beach, watch 4th of July fireworks on a hot summer night while chowing down on picnic food, lick ice cream off a cone (inevitably it dribbles), and watch a classic drive-in movie in the park with friends. Yep, don't those sound 100 million times more fun than sitting on your ass at school? To me they do, anyway. School...aaggh, a whole 'nother subject that I'd rather not whine/bitch incessantly about until it looms just a little closer. -yawns and hums the chorus of 'Forever and For Always' by Shania Twain- -immediately looks around to see if anyone noticed- Mmkay, well I must really need sleep if I'm humming country...night y'allz!

Posted by vamp/infatuation at 9:58 PM CDT
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