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Nature's Touch

Part: I

A small boy held in each hand, two slender swords, and stood firm before his father. “Now, the double slash thrust can be a devastating finishing move to unsuspecting foes but isn’t easily parried, making it a fine move to use repeatedly, but not to the same opponent.” The boy’s father told him, in a strong, yet soft voice. The boy stood before his father, taking in everything he told him, determined to make his father proud that he could use this cunning attack, yet a puzzled thought crossed the boy’s mind. “Father…” he started, “Why must I learn to fight and use these weapons? Why can’t we just go back to our everyday activities?” The father’s fair, and compassionate face frowned. He dropped to one knee and laid a hand on his son’s shoulder. “Son, you may not understand this now, but war is upon our country. We have to keep up these new activities, these new abilities, to even be able to go back to our old activities. These times we live in, we have to protect ourselves in these times, our old times, our happy days, we have to fight for a better tomorrow, for a way and right to live.” His father sighed. The boy looked up into his fathers eyes; they looked hurt and dark, not bright and happy like they were. How could things have changed so much? Their village had just received word that war was under way in the northern part of the country. War? What was this ‘war’? Why did it change their way of life so much? He didn’t understand.

The next day the boy awoke to find his father in his room, tending over what looked like a strange suit that seemed to be, plated. He wasn’t much of a boy anymore, nearing sixteen; he had learned to earn his keep, yet he was still a boy in the eyes of others. He sat up in his bed and asked his father what he was doing.

-----------Four Months Later----------

He was good, he was very good. He spun around his opponent in a swift blur, slashing, thrusting, and dodging every attack his opponent threw at him. A block with one sword, a parry with the other, a double slash thrust. He had mastered the move in nearly two months he had trained with his father. He made one more thrust and it swept through his opponent’s parry and struck him in the stomach. The other fighter dropped his sword and clutched at his stomach. “It’s only a wooden sword, the worst you’d have would be a bruise.” The master said to the fallen student. “Hael! You be careful next time! Just because they don’t actually wound a person, doesn’t mean to you should go all out. You should conserve your strength and energies for up coming battles.” The master scolded him. “I’m sorry master.” And the boy bowed in apology. “Just be careful. The winner is, Hael.” The master announced. There was a round of claps and cheers and Hael bowed to the crowd. He saw his father’s smiling face among those in the audience and it beamed. Hael himself smiled when he saw the warmth and happiness on his father’s face. The war was almost upon them, three near by villages already have fell, which would likely mean their home, their happy days, would soon end if they didn’t fight. The master dismissed all the students after the sparing match and gave out pointers and helpful hints and they were free to go home.

Hael walked out of the training hall and down the main town of their village. They’ve made many improvements in the last months. The walls surrounding the village were slowly reinforced making them very sturdy against many ranged attacks. He strolled through the town with the sun reflecting off his light, long hair.

He didn’t have watch duty all day so he was free to go wherever he wish. He walked to the edge of town and glanced at his surroundings. The plains and graze lands where to the east, and the thick forest was to the west. He looked at the plains, then back at the forest and decided he’d look for a small pond, or stream that he could relax next to. We walked outside of town and trotted up to the forest edges where he saw a path leading inward. He smiled and walked into the forest.

Hael walked down a moss-covered path deep into the forest. It seemed like he had only been walking for a few minutes, but her was already deep in the forest. He heard the soft chirping of birds, and the other common sounds of the forest. But there was something different about these woods from all the others he visited. The moment he set foot into the forest, he felt a strange tingling throughout his body; there must be magic within these mighty trees. Mighty trees they were, near every tree he laid eyes on stood nearly five feet wide. The magical feeling he had wasn’t a bad sensation, but he felt relaxed by it, it was, comforting. There was so much life, so much growth flowing through this forest.

He headed down the path until suddenly he reached a small clearing. The clearing wasn’t like most clearings in the other forests he had visited; it was covered with moss, with a small rising in the earth to the northeast, which a waterfall came down the center, forming a small stream. To the right there was only a large mound of stones, old and covered in moss. He walked into the center of the clearing and though he’d wash his face in the small stream. Before he walked over to the stream, he looked above him. The trees with their huge branches had made a huge canopy which, even though the sun was shining, it appear like night fall, with faint beams of light pushing through the parts in the leaves. He pulled his gaze from above and trotted over to the stream and dipped his hand in the cool, fresh water.

“So you have come…” a voice said to him. Hael nearly slipped off the small bank into the stream when he heard it. It was soft, almost like someone singing, and had a melodious tone to it. He turned to stare at which the voice had come from, but saw no one. He got up off his knees realizing what a vulnerable state he was in. His hands twitched at the first inkling of danger, ready to pull his swords free from his belt and battle with whatever threatened him. He looked around again and saw no one, and turned his back to the clearing.

“Yes… You are the one. The one to uphold the promise no doubt?” Hael spun immediately when he heard the strange voice again. The voice had originated from a female, in the clearing, leading against the small pile of rocks. She was nearly as tall as Hael, but having striking dark hair that was slightly curled. She had stunning golden eyes, but Hael’s own dark eyes widened when he noticed the long, pointed ears sticking out from her hair.

An elf here? This is ridiculous! What would she be doing her so far away from her home lands?! Hael thought to himself. She was no definitely and elf from her song like voice, and the grace of her body. She slowly walked towards him, with a grace unlike that of any human, but Hael, still suspicious, keep his hands nervously by his blades. “Oh you won’t be needing those…” She motioned to the swords strapped to the belt on his waist, but it did little to calm him. “Who are you?” was all Hael could think of to blurt out. “My, my, aren’t we pushy. You should mind your manners handsom, with me at least.” The elf said to him. Hael relaxed a little, he had a feeling, deep inside him, he knew from somewhere, this strange elf was no enemy. “M-my pardons,” he stuttered, unable to think of the right apology. “It’s quite alright dear, I’m here to give you a gift,” she said, almost singing. A gift? What could she possibly give me? What possibly would an elf give me; a human? Hael pondered to himself silently. She put a hand up to her mouth and giggled softly. Hael turned to her with a puzzled expression on his face. She giggled softly again before she responded to his unasked question. “Do you so doubt me? I come here for good, not for harm; so foolish!” she giggled again. Hael turned to her and brushed away all his worries. “My pardons maiden, but what gift could you possibly give me?” He asked, holding his voice firm. She giggled again and put her hand back down to her side. “Well,” she started, “Why don’t you go take a look for yourself?” She asked him. Hael gave her a puzzled again. With that she walked up to him and placed her fair hand on his arm and with her other, she pointed to the waterfall. Hael gave her a glance and she let go of his arm so he could move. He walked slowly over towards the waterfall. He glanced into the water but something glittering caught his eyes. He looked at the spot where the shimmer had originated from and at the bottom of the waterfall, were two axes. He looked back at the elf maiden, and she smiled. Hael reached into the water and pulled the axes out. His eyes dances around the weapons, which had many runes of power, giving off a faint greenish light. The axes themselves were perfectly balanced in weight; the blades were slender, made of a type of black steel, curving inwards to almost look like it formed two points instead of the rounded axes that were common. On the blades there was also runes, but four main ones rested on the handle, which gave off the brightest light. The moment he picked up the axes he felt the same tingling sensation he felt when he first entered this forest; these axes were magical. He swung one axe in the air with his right hand and noted how easily it could be handled; he did the same with the second axe with his left hand, receiving the same effect. He had never used axes as weapons for training, but he could tell these were perfect and finely crafted. Hael looked back to the elven maiden still smiling. “These are…” He started. “-For you, yes.” She finished his sentence. She continued, “A great tragedy will take place, you will put those weapons to use before not too long from now.” She closed her eyes, as if something was wounding her deeply inside as she spoke. “I-I understand.” Hael told her, and with that he strapped his new runic axes to the belt around his waist. “Go quickly back to the village from which you came, you need to return home.” She said to him once the axes were fully secure on his belt. Hael nodded and turned to leave but stopped. “I still did not yet receive your name,” He started. She looked at him and frowned. “Fellonda, remember it Hael. Remember me.” Hael nodded again and left back through the moss covered path.

* * * * * *

Hael walked out of the forest shortly ten minutes after he left the clearing. He looked at his village and pondered what the elven maiden meant by ‘he’d be putting his axes to use soon’. He looked at the village again, seeing how peaceful, how wonderful it was. Nothing deserved to harm a village like his. But reality isn’t so kind. Hael walked into his village and talked to the few who congratulated him on his win in the sparring contest. The sun had already set when he entered the village and he noticed how tired he was. With that he headed into his own home and got ready for bed. He saw his father already sleeping soundly and snoring; today wasn’t even a harvest day, but everyone seemed to be tired. Hael unlaced the brown leather tunic, his leather boots, and unbuckled his weapon belt; which increased its weight since the axes were added to it. Would he really have to use his new weapons soon? Would his village be attacked? He didn’t have any answers, but he sincerely hoped it wouldn’t happen. There were so many good things in this village, not to be waste, or destroyed. It just, isn’t right. He took both his new, runic axes in each and admired the craftsmanship in the weapons, there were, with out a doubt, perfect. Hael laid the weapons down on his nightstand, rolled into his bed and closes his eyes.

* * * * *

Two hours later, on a near by cliff above the small village, three dozen samurai archers loaded bows with ready to be lit, arrows. A man cloaked in dark purple robes walked beside the archers, waiting the command of the officer that would announce him to magically lighting the arrows with a magical fire. Minutes passed. Soon enough the loud yell sounded and the mage in violet uttered an arcane spell. The arrows burst to light with an unnatural fire, while the archers pull the arrows in their bows and waited the second command to fire. The mage looked over at the village, so peaceful, unaware what was about to happen. He sighed and shook his head in disgust. When he joined this samurai army, he didn’t want to put his powers to use to destroy helpless villagers. He glanced to the east of the village; he saw the small black mass of the samurai attack force, already beginning their march to the town. He sighed again and waited for the wretched command that would begin the unjustified attack. A loud call was heard from behind the ranks of archers and the mage shut his eyes not wishing to see the sight. Flaming arrows whistled past and he heard the soft thumps as they struck into the tops of the small houses; he couldn’t bear to watch.

* * * * *

Hael snapped awake when he heard screams coming from out side the village. He quickly jumped out of bed and strapped on his armor; made of leather with steel plates molded into it, it made a great defense against swords and arrows. Hael turned to his nightstand and looked at the four weapons resting on it. He thought about taking his swords, but realized that his newly acquired axes were far more powerful. He glanced at the room one last time to see if he was missing something and saw he was not; but his father was already gone.

More screams echoed from outside as Hael trudged into the open of his village. Dozens of house were on fire and a few had already burned to the ground. The ground thudded as something slammed into the main gate, an attack force most likely. Hael saw a few dozen warriors assembling near the main gate and he ran over to join them. The ground and gate thudded again while the few soldiers drew their weapons and prepared for the coming attack. Hael saw his father among the ranks of the soldiers and although he was a bit old, he could still hold his own in battle. The third crash sounded and Hael finally pulled his runic axes from his belt. Fourth crack; Hael himself was amazed the gate stood against such a force. With the fifth crack, the heavy boards were beginning to break, crack, and shatter; it wouldn’t withstand another blast from suck a force. Hael braced himself for what he knew was about to come; whether humans, orcs, or demons even, he’d have to fight his best to defend his village.

With the final, and most frightful thud, the gate shattered into hundreds of small splinters, creating a blinding fog of dust, which put everyone off guard.

Slowly, through the fog, marched dozens of men. Clad in bluish armor, and wielding slender yet powerful katanas, others wielding spears, they marched in through the gate, in a perfect like, in perfect formation. The few dozen warriors from the village held their ground while the samurai marched towards them. Standing, whether to die or to win, they held firm. Arrows whistled from behind the village warriors and struck the first line of samurai. The women of the town, who had fired these arrows, pulled another out and fitted it to fire against this mighty enemy. About a dozen samurai fell, but many, many more remained.

With the fall of the dozen or so samurai, the main group charged at the village warrior, who in turn, braced ready for the attack.

It came all so fast before Hael’s eyes, he saw swords connect, warrior get cut down, friendly or foe. Hael did all he could think of to do in a moment like this; he charged straight on into the heat of the battle. Katanas clanged against his axes as he parried the blows the samurai dealt to him. Hael spun around in a dance with his enchanted axes, spinning; slashing, dealing death to those who dare came in contact with him. He slowed his pace as his axe bit into the shoulder of a samurai who tried to impale him on his blade. Hael continued to fight, but in the moments of this intense battle a voice made its way into his mind.

“So these wretches thing they can stand against us? We shall feast well tonight,” said the voice, speaking in a strangely calm tone. A second voice, similar to the first also spoke into his mind, “Mmm, yes. Feast well we shall indeed. These fools, do they dare take on the wrath of nature?” Hael didn’t stop his movements and drove and one axe into the leg of a samurai, the second into his rib cage. He yanked his axes from the newly dead corpse and suddenly something appeared in his mind. Legathon and Frendar, he spoke silently into his head. One of the strange two voices spoke into his mind again, when he finally realized he had spoken the names of his axes; the voices belonged to them. “So you are the one chosen. We shall help you young one, we bare the key to all, now cut these fools down! Tonight my brother and I feast!” Frendar said into Hael’s mind, and Hael was all too willing to comply with his magical axe’s request.

He cut down many of the samurai the stood before him and helped others from a soon death. What seemed to be hours passed in that time where the battle waged on, and Hael cleaving an arm from a samurai, glanced of the right of him. Why he glanced that way he didn’t know but what he saw, was his father. His swords were dancing around him and at the moment were both impaled into the chest of an unsuspecting samurai. But what shocked him was he saw a samurai walking towards his father, behind him. His father pulled his swords free and slashed at another near by samurai, but he didn’t even notice the one advancing behind him. Hael tried to run over to him but there were so many in the way. He hacked through the samurai that stood between him and his father but he couldn’t get there in time to stop him. He wanted to cry out, but couldn’t be heard, he want to yell but he couldn’t speak. The moment he looked up to his father the advancing samurai was less than a foot behind him, his katana held above his head, ready to cut down the man in front of him. Hael saw it. He saw the sword come down. He saw it connect and tear through his father. He saw his father fall to his knees, his lifeblood flowing freely from his back. Hael saw it all.

The moment replayed in his mind, he dropped to his own knees and couldn’t move. He couldn’t think, he couldn’t even see, but that horrible moment played over and over in his mind. And in that own moment, Hael screamed. He let out angry cry from his voice. Pain, hatred, and sorrow, all merged into one wretched cry. He got up and turned to the battle, Legathon and Frendar will feast well tonight, he told himself.

Hael gripped him axes harder then ever and charged into the swarm of samurai. He dealt fatal blows to many, either taking off and arm, cutting through ribs, they would pay for the pain they caused him.

At that exact moment from the cliff overlooking the battle, the purple mage saw the young man utter a horrible scream and charge into a battle, filled with bloodlust. The mage smiled slightly and he took down sever samurai fairly easily. But there was something about this young man, which he had once felt before. The mage could tell there was an ancient magic surrounding him. He sighed with realization that this young man must have lost someone very important to drive him into such a bloodlust.

Mean while, Hael screamed again and tore through the ranks of samurai, but by this time there were archers firing into the battle, trying to kill the village warriors as quickly as possible. Hael cleaved limbs from bodies, even a few head fell away from the main mass by his hand, yet he didn’t slow. He gripped his axes tighter with every kill, but when he yanked his axes from a dead samurai, the handles burned in his hand, it was not like any burn he has ever felt. Whatever caused it he didn’t let go of his axes, but it burned through his leather gloves into his hands and scorched his flesh. At the same instant, unaware to Hael, his hair darkened, and turned black as the night sky, a great change from his original golden hair color. His eyes also seared with his hands as his eyes turned a golden yellow. Hael yelled as he couldn’t stand it, and through his axes into the ranks of samurai. He stared down at his hands and saw what had happened. The runes embedded on the handles of his axes burned into his hand, they showed clearly as if they were always there, giving off a semi bright green glow. He then had another strange thought. From his lips he uttered softly, “Legathon, Frendar, come to me!” and with that the axes flew back from the ranks and Hael caught the axes in each hand. He gave it a few thoughts and smiled while Frendar’s voice whispered into his head. “Chosen indeed, nature is at your call, you are now one with it. As we are at your call.” With Frendar’s final word, he saw a heavily armored samurai, riding a black horse. He barked out commands and orders and Hael realized he must be the leader. He grinned as he had another thought and pulled both axes back and threw them both into the air at the mounted leader. They got half way when an arrow thudded into Hael’s shoulder. Hael noticed it, but felt the pain course through his left shoulder. He watched his axe’s flights’ as they both connected at the neck of the mounted leader, cleaving his head from his shoulders. With the slightest thought, Legathon and Frendar came back towards Hael. Hael caught them once again, but another arrow thudded into him. He grimaced as he saw the shaft slam into the right side of his chest. He took a step backwards, but he was far from finished. He picked up his axes and tore through the ranks of the samurai once again. Two more arrows followed the others and slammed into Hael’s right leg and again into his left shoulder. He fell to one knee, but fell on his back when he saw only black, when a samurai kicked him in the face.

The mage saw the young man take the head of the leader of this samurai army and nearly laughed when the lifeless body fell from the horse. Nearly. He watched the arrows slam into the chest of this valiant young warrior, he watched him fall, only to be knocked out cold by another of many samurai. By now he looked at the would-be battlefield and saw that only a few of the village warriors remain, soon they would be over powered, and then, killed. The mage shook his head in disgust once again to see another small village be destroyed. And that poor young man, to know that he died like that was so sorrowful; it was almost more than he could bear. A single white tear slid down the mage’s face, until he brushed it away.

* * * * *

Four soldiers the next morning walked through the ruins of what was a village. They had made a good attack and the town was leveled, but that one kid killed a lot of samurai. The four of them walked through the town and found the kid. He was laying on his back with four arrows stuck in him. “This one went down hard” said one to the group. “Yeah, we took a lot of losses because of this one” said a second, kicked what seemed to be lifeless body of Hael. “But its over now, we better get moving, we’re going to be late back to the camp.” The other samurai nodded their agreement and head out of town.

The purple mage stepped out of the shadows and walked up to the young man who had fallen. He grimaced over the body of one so young, so powerful, and so honorable. He was about to leave when he saw moment in the corpse of the young man. Could he still be alive? Pondered the mage. He knelt down next to Hael and placed a hand over the right side of his chest, he felt a heart beat. Amazing, how could one such as him still be alive? The mage looked down to his hands and found Frendar and Legathon gripped tightly in his hands. The mage’s eyes widened. Could this boy have found the lost runic axes? No wonder he’s still alive. The mage bent closer to him and arrow from his chest while the young man squirmed. He pulled the second, the third, and finally the fourth from Hael’s body. The mage put his hands together and uttered a healing spell that he used and casted it on Hael. “Live on young one, you are important.” The mage whispered to the young man before he finally stood up and disappeared from site, casting a teleport spell. And Hael, was alone.

-----------Three Years Later-----------

“Thanks so much! I’ll be on my way now.” Melsaa smiled and waved to the innkeeper that she asked for directions to the next town. She trotted through the current town she was in, and probably also catching a few wandering eyes. Her white hair shone in the sun while her golden cat-like eyes reflected it. Her furry copper brown cat ears stuck out of her white hair, while her cat like tail wagged behind her as she walked. The day had been such a hassle; no one knew a direct route to the next town, which is supposedly crawling with highwaymen. Melsaa sighed, sure she could take on one or two, but she could get easily over powered if there were as many as people said there were.

Melsaa scratched at the headband on her forehead, why did everything have to take so much time? She ruffled her hair out of frustration, and shrugged off her angry emotions. If she wanted to get to the next town, she’d have to be very careful. Highwaymen can be very dangerous, especially since she was traveling alone. She forced a smile onto her face and walked towards the edge of town.

The young cat-girl took a short nap under a large oak tree and waited for the sun to set. When she awoke, the sun was already disappearing from sight. She yawned, she stretched, and she got her things together and headed off down the dirt path away from the safe village.

Since Melsaa was a cat-like humanoid, she had similar abilities to a cat, improved balance, advanced hearing, keen eyesight. She put all of her useful abilities to work as she travel down the dark dirt path through the night. Whenever she heard the faintest sound of a twig snap, or what might be a whisper, she quickly turned and rested her hands on her slender daggers, not willing to take a chance.

She walked through the darkness for what was about a few hours. She had no encounters with anything, except a few birds. Melsaa eased up a little, thinking that highwaymen usually appear at the beginning of a trek, not and the end. As she continued to walk, something in the shadows whispered to another something. Melsaa didn’t even hear it as she started to hum a soft tune from her homeland.

A few minutes passed as Melsaa nearly finished her tune. She was on the last verse when she stopped abruptly. She stumbled; her foot was caught in a tree root that poked above the ground. She quietly cursed herself for being so careless and tried to tug her foot free, but failed. She yanked harder at her foot, but she didn’t notice a small group of shadows arise from the bushes where she lay.

Melsaa heard the soft cracking of a dry leaf, only about a step away from her, and she quickly glanced up at where the noise had originated. She saw five figures around her, all wearing similar dark outfits and turbans or masks; highwaymen. She cursed herself silently again but slowly put her hands to her daggers concealed in her belt, trying not to draw too much attention to her true actions. One stepped towards her and attempted to put a hand on her shoulder, but she shook it off. The same highwayman nearly jumped on her trying to hold her to the ground. The moment he came at her, Melsaa yanked free her slender daggers and thrust them forward as the man impaled himself. She pushed off his body, yet the other four drew their weapons. There were a few moments of silence as they highwaymen sneered at the cat girl stranded before them. One made an advance with another beside him. Melsaa heard the faint sound of a soft thud, then again, and both highwaymen stopped abruptly. They fell face down in the dirt, an axe embedded in the center of their backs. Melsaa’s eyes widened and she stared in the darkness to see where the axes had originated. She saw nothing, only darkness. Movement caught her eyes and she saw both bodies twitch, the axes pulled themselves from the corpses as if being yanked free by some invisible hero, but then flew back into the darkness, where they had originally came from. The two remaining highwaymen looked at the bodies of their three dead comrades, and were deciding to either to run away or stay and see this unseen foe. They didn’t have a chance to make that decision as a dark figure walked steadily out of the blackness.

From what Melsaa could tell of the figure, it was a man. He wore a long dark coat; his legs were clad in leather trousers, with dark steel plates attached to them. On his hands he wore dark leather gloves, each having a small steel plate placed on the top center of his hand, his chest was clad in a skintight leather vest, but seemed to have some metal to it. From what Melsaa could see of his face, he had fairly long black hair, which the ends ended in forest green tips. His eyes shown golden, much like her own, even in the darkness. He wore not expression as he walked towards the two highwaymen, each hand holding a runic axe.

The two remaining highwaymen smirked, thinking they could take a foe out numbered two to one. They both foolishly charged at him on either side, but when they reached him, both of their slashes clanged against the metal of the strange man’s axes. The figure dashed backwards leaving the two fools in front of him, he spun around in a marvelous dance, his axes slashing through the highwaymen’s defenses. It was over in a matter of minutes when the lifeless bodies of the two highwaymen dropped to the dirt of the path.

Melsaa returned her attention back to her foot trapped in the root as the unknown warrior sheathed his weapons. She struggled but still couldn’t free her foot. She didn’t want to take a chance with this warrior, he may have saved her, but he may have other motives for doing so. She struggled more but only seem to make her foot feel even worse. She stopped struggling when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

Melsaa turned to see the golden eyes of the warrior who had saved her. “Stop. You’ll hurt yourself if you keep this up.” He told her, and Melsaa blushed out of embarrassment. The warrior went to the roots that held her foot in place and held his hands above the roots. Melsaa saw a soft green glow come from his hands but continued to stare at what the warrior was doing. The glow increased and the roots seemed to come alive. The parted and twisted to make room for Melsaa’s foot to be freed. She quickly pulled her foot from her natural prison, and turned to the warrior. He extended a hand to her. She smiled slightly and took his hand and rose to her feet.

About an hour later, Melsaa and the strange warrior sat in a small clearing in the woods a mile from where they had first encountered each other. A small fire burned and both of them sat quietly not saying anything.

Melsaa wanted to at least ask him his name, but she never found the right moment to. She glanced over at his coat that he had laid on a rock and examined it from where she sat. It was dark, but glinted in spots from the light of the fire. She looked closer and came to the conclusion that metal must be woven into the coat. Melsaa flicked her gaze back to the warrior who stirred the fire, keeping it aflame. Since his coat was off, he wore a sleeveless vest, which was skintight, but far from light. It seemed to be made of leather, but a heavy leather of which she had never seen before. Her eyes wandered to his bare arms, they were scared in many places, some deep slashes, others thin lines. He was well muscled in the arms and chest, not overly muscled like the barbarians to the north, but enough to be strong nonetheless. His hands were still gloved, and still gave off the soft green glow from the palms as he stirred the fire.

She briefly looked at his face, not wishing to catch his eyes, but to see what his face looked like. His face wasn’t scared from what she saw, his nose was not very long, and slanted. As he eyes looked to his hair, few strands came down in the middle of his face, most was behind his shoulders, which went only a few inches past. The green tips of his hair shown in the firelight. He looked up at her from the fire and Melsaa quickly looked away, blushing slightly, she didn’t mean to stare. A thought popped into her head and she spoke to break the silence. “What is your name?” she asked bluntly. He remained silent and continued to stir the fire. She wore a puzzled expression on her face until the warrior spoke. “It is impolite to ask someone’s name without giving your own.” Melsaa flushed red at her foolishness and smiled slightly. “My name is Melsaa, what’s yours?” she looked at him and smiled, still a little red in the face. The warrior stopped stirring the fire and leaned against the tree that was behind him. He closed his eyes, as if in thought, “My name is…” He paused. Melsaa continued to look at him until he spoke again. “…It’s Hael.” Melsaa smiled at him but his face remained expressionless. “We had better get some sleep, we don’t want to be tired in the morning.” He told her, and Melsaa nodded in agreement. The cat-girl crawled over to a small patch of moss and lay down. She wished she would’ve brought a blanket of some sort, but it couldn’t be helped. “Hael… Where have I heard that name before…?” She thought silently to herself. Melsaa shrugged off her questions and fell asleep.

The next morning, Melsaa awoke with sunlight shining on her face. Soft beams of light sifted through the trees, and lit up the small clearing where her and Hael had rested. Melsaa sat up, at first not seeing Hael and thinking he had left during the night. She pushed off a heavy blanket covering her, but saw it wasn’t a blanket; it was Hael’s coat. She looked around the clearing and saw Hael leaning against a tree, his arms crossed and his eyes closed. “Has he been there all night?” She thought to herself. Melsaa shrugged off her questions and rose to her feet, and started to stretch. Hael opened one eye and looked at her, Melsaa caught his eye and blushed as she tried to stifle a yawn.

* * * * *


Hael stood watching the cat girl as she slept. He remembered seeing her golden eyes shine even through the dead of night. Much like his own eyes. He looked down to his axes, Frendar, Legathon, who had helped him in many times of need. His weapons; his only companions through the years. Hael looked to the palms of his hands and admired the runes embedded in his hands. Both palms gave off a strange green light, granting him a few powers in which were very helpful. He looked back to the cat-girl who he had saved; she slept soundly, without a care, without worry. As much as Hael envied her, he found a slight smile onto his face. He looked down to his axes and wondered if he would have another companion, other than a weapon. He shook his smile from his face when Melsaa stirred.

* * * * *

Melsaa looked at the warrior puzzled; he seemed to have something very meaningful on his mind, as if lost in deep thought. She picked up Hael’s heavy coat from the green moss of the ground and trotted over to give it to him. He opened his eyes when she approached and took the coat from. Melsaa went back to her own things and gathered up the few items that she had, and shoved them into a small pack which she carried with her. While she was lacing her high, brown leather boots up, she glanced over at Hael and saw him tugging his coat on and buckling the main straps that would hold it onto his body. When they were both finished with their belongings, Hael spoke, “We’ll travel the main path by daylight and off path through night. But we should reach the next town before nightfall.” Melsaa frowned slightly; his voice held no expression. She nodded her agreement and followed the warrior out of the forest, back to the main path.

They both traveled the path to the next town for the beginning hours of the day. Melsaa’s thought’s drifted and wandered as she walked with the strange warrior. He seemed to know where he was going, yet didn’t seem to pay attention at the same time. Her eyes settled on Hael more than once as they walked. There was… Something about him; something that she recognized, but she couldn’t quite tell what that thing was. Melsaa closed her eyes for a moment, in thought. This warrior held no expression, whether talking or thinking, he gives off a cold aura. Yet she wondered, there was something else about him that he wasn’t willing to reveal. Maybe he’s not as emotionless as he appears to be… They continued to walk, and Melsaa continued to think about the strange warrior who had saved her the night before.

They traveled till late afternoon, when they finally glimpsed the outskirts of the town. Melsaa trotted slowly behind Hael who was leading her. Hael walked calmly, not in a rush, yet he had his eyes barely open, almost closed. Melsaa watched Hael as he led her, but shrugged off her curious questions. She put her hands in her hair and ruffled it and sighed. I wonder if this guy will even talk to me, he stands so elegant, but there’s something about him. Melsaa sighed again out of frustration; she doubted she’d ever get an answer to these questions, which annoyed her greatly. The two of them go closer to the town until the arrived at the gate. Hael strode in without hesitation, and Melsaa followed.

There was something amiss somewhere; Hael felt an odd tingling sensation when they neared the town. That tingling, something of strong magical power was somewhere close. He could feel it, he could taste it, almost feel that power running through him. Yet, he held no signs that he was thinking, or even feeling something unusual in such a peaceful town. The two of them walked into the town and Hael headed straight to the Inn. It would be nightfall soon, so it’s better to get some sleep. And also find out where this magic is originating from, Hael silently told himself.

When they both arrived at the Inn, which Melsaa had no objections to, Hael strode up to the main desk and she followed. “Good ‘ay sir, what can I do for yah?” The Innkeeper asked when they reached the desk. Melsaa’s attention snapped back to Hael when he spoke. “One room, and two beds.” He spoke calmly, and before the Innkeeper could tell him the amount, he reached into a pocket in his heavy coat and pulled out a few gold coins. Melsaa went a little red at what Hael had said. One room? They were going to be in the same room? Melsaa’s mind raced and she went redder, but Hael didn’t seem to notice. I guess it is cheaper than two separate rooms, but still! He has gone out of his way an awful lot for me, I should be grateful. Melsaa blushed again but followed Hael when he left with the keys to their room. They walked down the hall until Hael unlocked a door to their room and the both walked inside. It wasn’t that big, or that small, with one window, a small bed on both sides and a small night stand in the center of the room, below the window. Hael went and sat on the bed on one side of the room and Melsaa sat on the other. She took off her headband and laid back on the bed and relaxed. This is really nice, she thought to herself. Hael let me share a room this nice? I haven’t been in a bed like this in ages. She continued to think and didn’t pay much attention to Hael while he took off his coat, dropping it on the bed. Melsaa glanced over at Hael and saw him taking out his things and laying them on his bed. She rose from her short relaxation, and did what Hael was doing. There was no use taking thinks out of her small pack she carried with her, just extra clothes and other similar things. Once Melsaa kicked off her boots she hopped back onto the bed on her stomach.

Hael glanced at the cat girl as he organized all his supplies, weapons, armor, and things similar. He draped his coat at the bottom of his bed along with his weapon belt. The soft glowing green runes on his hands tingled while he took off his leather gloves and tossed them onto his bed. They always tingled, ever since that night. Hael let his thoughts wander to the past but stopped himself quickly enough. He gritted his teeth. I don’t want to remember what happened, he told himself. He always told himself that, trying not to let his thoughts wander too far. Hael brushed away his thoughts and glanced over at his female companion again. She seemed to be relaxed, enjoying herself as she wagged her cat-like tail as she lay on her belly. Hael wanted to smile, but hesitated. Tearing his gaze away from the cat girl, he ran his hand over his bare arms. Since his coat was off, he wore a heavy leather skintight sleeveless vest. His fingers felt the scars that weaved over his arms, some thin, some thick, but it was an odd enough sensation against his fingers.

Melsaa watched Hael out of the corner of her keen eyes. She saw his movements, the hesitation, and the smile that might’ve appeared on his face if he didn’t stop himself. She saw him grit his teeth, deep in thought. She saw him hurting. Melsaa saw how Hael acted, and she knew something ran deep through this man, some pain that he has to bear. The cat like female remained calm as she watched him, but it bothered her at the face he made, the face that told her he was hurting. She sighed and continued to wag her tail and her legs and tried to relax. More movement caught her eye as Hael stood up and walked slowly to the door of their room. “I’m going to walk through the market and see if I can get something for us to eat.” He said before he opened the door. Melsaa blushed, “But…!” she started, “I’ll go with you!” she said with a smile and hopping off the bed. “You’ve been so kind to me, I’ll buy us food, you don’t have to bother yourself, just give me a minute to get my boots on.” Hael looked at her puzzled. Melsaa smiled again and she pulled on her leather boots and walked over to join Hael at the door. While the walked out of the Inn, Melsaa walked next to Hael the whole time and glanced at him whenever he wasn’t looking. She blushed when she realized her actions and shoved her hands into the pockets of her pants.

They both walked along the main street of the town down to the market. Hael looked at the surroundings of the town. It was sunny and bright out, with a clear and beautiful blue sky. Hael smiled. He didn’t bother to hold it back or hide it, but just let it rest on his face. Ever since he was a child he had always enjoyed the sunlight, it has been awhile since it has been a good day like this. He looked at his companion and saw she was smiling too, also a little red in the face. Hael shrugged off more of his questions and continued to walk with the cat girl.

She saw his smile, which in turn, made her smile. She didn’t like human men that much, considering the most she’d come across where so conceited or arrogant. But this one she now walked with was different. He wasn’t just cold like when she had first met him, but he had hardened himself, hardened his heart. He was hurting on the inside, but not willing to show it on the out side. As she watched him smile she knew that he had a heart, and at least she got to see it. Hael was well mannered, and he went out of his way so much for her, she couldn’t even help but smile at the kindness he showed her. She just smiled along with her companion, and watched him a little more. He was even quite cute… She thought to herself, but immediately blushed deep red at the very thought. But with her luck, Hael glanced at her while she blushed but continued to smile. She lightened up a little, he didn’t seem to mind and they were nearing the market anyway. While the two of them walked to the square, Melsaa walked just a bit closer to Hael.

The two of them walked into the market square, passing by many tables selling a variety of different foods and other items. They each picked out what they wanted, paid for it, and sat down on the soft green grass near the market square. They both ate silently but still smiled slightly. Melsaa finished the apple she bought and laid on her back, looking into the sky. She was getting sleepy already and they haven’t even been in town all that long. Melsaa glanced over at Hael, he was sitting with his arms crossed and his eyes closed. He did look relaxed nonetheless, and he still did have his slight smile on. She closed her own eyes but reopened them when she realized she’d end up falling asleep if she relaxed herself to that extent. The cat-girl sat up and looked at Hael again. “Hael…?” she asked in a little above a whisper. She blushed when he opened one eye as soon as she spoke. “Do you mind if I go back to our room? I’m feeling a bit tired…” Hael looked at her and stood up. He brushed off his pants and held his hand out to Melsaa, still wearing the smile.

They arrived at their room in the Inn a short while later, and they each went over to their beds. The sky was turning orange like color and dim light streamed through the window. Melsaa yawned and laid back on her bed. “Goodnight Hael…” she trailed off into sleep.

Hael laid on his own bed thinking. He didn’t know how long he lay there, but the sun had already started to dip behind the clouds and was disappearing from sight. He glanced over at his female companion, and she was already fast asleep. Hael closed his eyes for a short while, maybe he wanted to fall asleep himself, but he pulled himself from his bed an hour later. Silently he pulled on his boots and he weapon belt, but left his coat laying on his bed. Once everything was ready he walked towards the door, but stopped before he opened the door. “Wait for me.” He said to himself silently as he looked over the unmoving form of Melsaa. He turned and left through the door, not making a sound.

The sky quickly darkened and Hael walked through the town, evading the light or any signs of people. He could feel the magic energy somewhere near; yet he couldn’t quite locate it, as if a barrier blocked it off from him. He closed his eyes and opened up his senses, trying to pinpoint the location of the source. Although magic could be helpful in certain ways, it was more known for it’s destructive power. He had to be careful. He disappeared into different alleys, coming closer to the source, until he came across a small building that blocked his path. The power of the magic seemed to grow the strongest from the within the building. The whole town was asleep, he wouldn’t have much trouble getting in, hopefully getting out wouldn’t be much of a problem. He found a back door of the building and quietly pulled Frendar from his belt. A small crack was all that was made when Hael entered through the door, into the building.

Melsaa turned and panted in her sleep, trying to wake from the nightmares she always seemed to have. She bolted upright when the dream came to it’s closing, like it had done in the past. Melsaa tried to calm herself and wiped the sweat from her brow. Those horrible nightmares, she thought she had been rid of them, but again they returned. Still panting, she closed her eyes trying to relax but something was amiss. She reopened them quickly and looked over at Hael’s bed. It was empty.

He was in the basement of what seemed to be a blacksmith, but he quickly found where the power was coming from, underground. Hael gritted his teeth as he saw the barrier that kept him away from this force. He hated using his own magic, but did whenever it was required. Slowly he put his hands together and cleared his mind from all thought, worry, everything. He focused his thoughts on the very earth until he felt the tingling sensation of the earth spirit. “Elder, please grant me passage to what lies within you,” he began. He heard a voice inside his head, almost like churning stones, but he could still make it out. “So you have finally come… I’ve been waiting young one, it’s about time you came.” It spoke inside his head. Expecting him? How? Hael dismissed the questions and replied to the spirit, “You shall grant me passage then?” Without an answer, the earth in front of him heaved and parted slowly, revealing a large tunnel of earth, a soft light showing at the end. Hael took a breath and walked into the tunnel, wanting to see what this strange light held.

Melsaa ran silently through the streets and alleys. She also could feel the tingling of magic and she followed it, knowing Hael had gone looking for the source. She didn’t know why she was following him, or going after him like she was, but she didn’t want to see him hurt, although she knew he was capable of handling himself, magic was dangerous. She had to get to him before he found whatever the magic might be. It was only a minute after that she found the shredded back door of the blacksmith. Melsaa was went it without a second thought but she didn’t pay attention to her other senses, as an unnatural shadow stalked closer to her with every step.

He reached the end of the tunnel within a few minutes if that long. The light slowly got brighter, and Hael walked into a small room where the light originated. It was nothing like he had ever seen before, a large tree was embedded in the wall of the earthen cavern, runes carved all over the branches. A stream that gave off a green light flowed through the floor of the small room, the walls covered with vines and other plant life. He walked into the center, examining the room trying to find out what gave off the energy of the magic he felt. Hael’s gaze was drawn towards the tree, and his eyes wandered over each of the runes, giving off a similar green light as the water. He walked right up to it, and ran his fingers over the runes, feeling the magic that they gave. But something caught his eye. It had two markings on the trunk; that seemed to resemble handprints. Each had a rune embedded in the center of each, but they seemed familiar somehow. Hael brought his own hands to his face and saw the same runes in his hands, carved into the handprints of the tree. He sighed. In all honesty he wasn’t prepared for this, but his dreams held several images of this moment, this tree. Hael placed each hand on each of the prints, he waited a few moments, until all the runes started to glow. He cleared his mind and focused on the matter at hand, he had to brace himself from the enormous magical energy that flowed through this room. He held on to each of the prints as a golden light shown from the prints, out lining his hands in light. Hael gritted his teeth as images flashed into his mind, all the memories he wanted to forget. He fathers death, the destruction of his village, it all was shown to him but he wouldn’t turn away. He stood to face these thoughts. A woman appeared in his mind, with long hair and a white gown. Fellonda, he muttered to himself as light surrounded him. A line of green light split down the center of the tree, as it parted slowly. Hael closed his eyes against the brightness of the light, but he had to look, had to know what this door opened to. The green light faded slightly as the doors that were the tree opened wide enough for Hael to see what was inside. Nothing, the doorway was empty. Hael gritted his teeth against the disappointment but felt a light flash that originated from himself. The runes on his axes glowed brightly and shook with energy and Hael was almost ready to throw them to the ground. Before he could react, they burst, but not into pieces, but into a green smoke, that hovered around him until it floated towards the doorway of the tree. The smoke glowed and flashed, changing shape until it seemed to explode again and Hael himself was knocked off his feet from the blast. When he arose to his feet he saw two weapons float in mid air within the doorway. They were almost like sword, yet the tips of the blades were curved like hooks and jagged into three points. The handle had a protector, which also had jagged edges like the hook of the sword. They both gleamed a green color like his axes and also held many runes embedded within the blade. These new hook swords didn’t resemble the ones he had seen when he was younger, but more menacing looking, a lot more jagged. Hael walked towards them, and also felt the familiar presence of Legathon and Frendar. Without thinking, he grabbed both the handles of these strange hook swords.

Melsaa ran through the tunnel which bright light flooded out of, she knew Hael was at the end of the tunnel. She stopped abruptly at the end of the tunnel, as Hael grabbed the two swords, she tried to call out, tried to say something, but she couldn’t. Melsaa watched as light erupted from the swords when Hael grabbed them, light, only light. She tried to call out to him, but felt something slither around her leg, and slowly crawl up it. The frightened cat-girl looked down at her legs and saw a shadow creep up her leg, taking hold of her. Moving her legs and kicking didn’t do anything except let her achieve stumbling to her knees as the shadow slithered up her, taking a increasing it’s hold on her body. She struggled but couldn’t get free then she did all she could. Melsaa screamed for Hael.

The light grew stronger and brighter as Hael grabbed the two weapons, filling his body with warmth. He didn’t want the light to subside, it seemed to somehow cleanse him, but he stopped when he heard Melsaa’s scream. As much as he liked the feeling of the light, he pushed it away and the light slowly subsided. He turned to where the scream had originated from and saw Melsaa on her knees, a strange shadow wrapped around her, pulling her into the earth. She tried to scream again but the shadow wrapped around her mouth preventing the cry from escaping. It pulled her further into it’s black pool, and as Hael turned and saw it that instant, something erupted inside him. A shockwave rocked the earth as he gripped the hook swords in his hands tightly, but Melsaa was already half way into the shadow like pool. The shadow continued to pool her into its pool as she struggled and as Hael stepped closer, it only puller her in faster. With that he bolted to her as fast as he could, but it wasn’t enough. As soon as Hael reached her, the shadow pulled her in deeper into the pool; her head was covered, and then disappeared. Since Melsaa was already drawn in, the pool of shadow started to shrink and shift, getting smaller by the second. Hael did what he knew was necessary to save her, he dived head first into the pool as it started to shrink.

[[End, Part I.]]

-----------------Part II-----------------

Hael floated in darkness, within the shadow portal. He felt alone, he felt lost. Images replayed in his mind, Melsaa being drawn into the pool of shadows, he going after her. What had happened? Hael floated within the blackness, thinking. He floated there for a long while, where time didn’t seem to exist. Then he remembered. He saw remember how Melsaa screamed for his help, struggling to get free, being force into the portal of shadows. Hael gripped his hook swords in either hand, bringing their tingling touch back into his consciousness. He remembered their names, and he called to them. “Legathon and Frendar, led me out of this place of darkness.” They responded with a small voice within his head. “You truly are her hand,” whispered Legathon, “We shall help you find the key.” Said Frendar. “The key? They were talking about Melsaa, but how is she a key? And to what?” Hael thought to himself, but dismissed his thoughts as he saw a light in the midst of darkness. He pushed himself through the darkness, as if walking through water, until he reached the light.

He pushed himself out of the small doorway, and tumbled onto a hard, cold, stone floor. Standing up, he looked at his surroundings. He was in some sort of dungeon, he noticed a staircase on the far side of the room and was about to walk towards it when something slashed across his left shoulder. The wound wasn’t bad, yet it still bled and stung, but Hael ignored the pain, and spun to face the attacker. A humanoid stood before him, it had the upper body of man, and a lower half of a snake, yet on his human area, the thing’s skin was grey, and appeared to be scaly. It had large claws on its hands; one was red with Hael’s blood. “A demon… This is going to be very bad…” Hael thought to himself. Without waiting to give the demon another chance to attack, he flung Frendar into the chest of the wretched thing, slicing a deep gash into its chest. Blood splattered onto the floor, yet the thing still stood, and to Hael’s horror, the wound started to heal. He didn’t have time to deal with a demon, he had to get to Melsaa, and he had to save her. With that thought he gritted his teeth and spun his hook swords around him, slicing more gashes into the thing’s body, yet it didn’t fall. Hael gritted his teeth harder and flung his hook swords up, catching the demon’s neck in the curved hook of his swords. Hael tugged on each sword and the demon’s head fell free from its body, the body falling to join its lost head. He didn’t have time to tend to his wound, he just had to find Melsaa, if there were more demons, they’d be after him soon, they were well know from picking up on the scent of spilled blood of their kin. He dashed up the stairs, which led up into an empty room leading into a large hallway. “I must be in some sort of castle.” He thought, not slowing his pace. The moment he arrived into the hallway, he saw two more serpent demons slithering towards him from the far side of the room. Hael bolted up to them, swinging his swords in a dance of slashes as he cleaved one of the demon’s head off. The other backed away from the human wielding the magical weapons and screamed an ear splitting cry that shook the walls and the floor. As had slashed open its chest and thrust both weapons into its heart, three more demons emerged from the end of the hallway. Hael gripped his weapons tighter and charged towards the new foes, He cleaved limbs from serpent like bodies, and his weapons found the hearts of the wretched creatures, yet more and more came through the hallway. He swung faster, adding more force into his blows; he was becoming badly out numbered, even as the bodies of the dead demons pilled up. An arrow thudded into his right shoulder, yet it didn’t slow him, he continued to fight even against such numbers. Hael grunted angrily as he realized he’d have to use some of his magic to stop so many, as he dealt devastating attacks to the demons, he chanted a short arcane verse and his hook swords began to glow. The runes on the weapons erupted and glowed brightly, sending energy into them. The glowed like the sun itself, yet the demons didn’t need to rely on eyesight to attack. With the weapons having such power surge through them, he cleaved into bodies, and killed nearly two at a time, but there were so many. He felt something tear into his side and an arrow thud into his arm; Hael grimaced against the pain, but didn’t slow his attacks. He killed one after another, they still attacked him, slicing wounds into his sides and his arms, but his mind drifted away from the battle. He thought of Melsaa, he saw her smiling face on that sunny day, then he saw her taken into the shadow, he saw her scream for him to save him. Hael threw his hook swords into the ground and screamed. A shockwave exploded from him, knocking every demon off their feet, shacking the hallway, flooding it with light. A few demons remained intact, if even alive; the ones closest to Hael were charred and burnt, barely recognizable. He walked through the bodies and split the skulls of the demons that lived. A small silver tear laid in each of his eyes, and Hael didn’t bother to shake them away.

He dashed away to the end of the hallway leading to another stairway; he raced up it. Hael was covered in blood; he couldn’t tell whether it was his own or the demons he killed, he had a large wound on his ribs and many others on his arms, sides, and face. As he ran up the stairs, he pulled out the arrow in his right arm, then the other from his shoulder. They didn’t seem to have any poison on them, yet they still stung with a strange burn. He threw the bloody arrows to the floor as he ran up the staircase, which didn’t seem to end until at last he reached the top.

Hael emerged to see a large ballroom, although it was far from beautiful, the balcony was cracked and seemed ready to collapse, the only lights were from two small candles sitting on the rumble of what seemed to be the dance floor. Two serpent demons slithered into sight as he took a few steps into the ruined ballroom. Each of the serpents held bows, each fitted a flaming arrow into each bow. Hael felt a strong tingling in his hands and he glanced down at his weapons. The runes flashed, and the hook swords started to change shape. Hael’s eyes widened as they turned into the axes he had once had. As the serpents pulled their arrows back, ready to fire, Hael smirked widely as he threw each axe towards each demon. Two flaming arrows were fired in different directions as an axe thudded into the center of their skull. When the demons were dead, the axes flew from the corpses back into Hael’s hands where they changed back into their hook sword form. To each side of the ballroom, there was a staircase, the staircase leading up to another section of the castle.

“Spirits, lend me the knowledge to which way so that I may find the girl.” He whispered softly, closing his eyes. A few moments past until Frendar’s voice whispered into his mind, “The key is located in the east tower, it is close, two more stories to the chamber in which she is held.” Had nodded and bolted to the east staircase.

Only a few demons appeared as Hael made his way up the east tower, he felt magic coming from the top, and figured it was where Melsaa was being held. He ran up the last staircase, even as the power of magical energy increased, he still pressed his ascension. He arrived at the opening to a new room, but skidded to a halt. A monstrous being stood in front of a heavy stone door. The thing’s feet was that like a bird’s, scaled with large talons, its torso was that of a man but with two large wings protruding from it’s back. Its head was of a human face yet with a more serpent like and demonic features, and its skin was dark grey, as if it was made from stone. The thing sniffed the air and turned to face Hael. With each step the floor shook, and making an imprint into the stone of the floor. Hael felt his weapons changing shape back into their axe form, he didn’t care how he would defeat this Gargoyle, but he had to. It blinked a serpent like eye and focused on him, as if thinking to himself. It stood about fifteen feet tall, but it was Hael who made the first move. He bolted underneath it, once he was behind the gargoyle, he said the chant he had earlier and his axes glowed with energy. The thing tried to react and stop him, but it wasn’t fast enough as Hael hopped on its back, hacking away at it’s stone like skin. It screeched and howled as it tried to knock Hael off, and slammed its back into the wall; attempting to crush him. Hael was too quick and climbed on to the gargoyle’s shoulders, chopping and cutting into the stone-flesh on its neck. It howled again and picked Hael up and threw him across the room into the wall. Hael felt a few ribs crack as he slid down the wall and coughed up blood. Shaking himself and pushing away the pain he got to his feet. He thought of Melsaa again, she was so close, he couldn’t stop here, he couldn’t fail her now. Hael gripped his axes tightly and channeled all his energy left into them, as they glowed and shook with power, the gargoyle took a few lumbering steps towards him, it had black blood running down it’s neck and back. Hael pushed all his energy into the axes and threw them both at the lumbering creature. They flew through the air with blinding light, the gargoyle didn’t stop trudging towards Hael, but and explosion halted the creature as the axes connected with its neck. Along with the explosion came a blinding flash of light. Frendar and Legathon flew back into Hael’s hands and the blinding light subsided. The gargoyle, looked as if nothing had happened, yet it didn’t move. After a few moments, it’s head shook a little, and to Hael’s surprise it slid off it’s body and fell to the floor, neatly cleaved off by the energy channeled into the axes. Hael smiled but coughed up more blood and rose to his feet. The pain was starting to come back to him since he lacked most of his energy, but he still pushed himself up.

Hael put a hand on his broken ribs and walked to the stone door where Melsaa was held. He stood before the door and took one of his axes from his belt and crushed the bolt locking it and cleaved off the hinges, the door fell forwards with a crash.

He walked into the room; it was completely empty except for one thing. A stone alter stood in the center of the room, on the altar, lay Melsaa. She was wearing a black gown that was cut off in certain areas revealing parts of her legs, and it had no sleeves; a ceremonial gown. As Hael walked closer to her, he saw the slow rise and fall of her chest, she was alive, and had her eyes closed. He couldn’t tell if she was unconscious or awake. Her hands and feet were chained and the chains were bolted into the altar, she had a few bruises on her face and arms, and a small cut on her right cheek. Hael got closer to her but stopped and coughed up more blood, he was bleeding badly; but he smiled anyway. At least she was all right. He took Frendar in one hand and cut the chains as if they were mere ropes. He was going to put his hand on her shoulder when he coughed again. Melsaa moaned softly and opened her eyes. They widened in shock when she saw Hael covered with wounds and holding his side in pain. “Hael!” she yelled and she jumped off the altar and ran over to him as he started to fall to his knees. She put his arms around him, trying to keep him from collapsing altogether. Tears streamed down Melsaa’s face “Hael why did you try to save me… I’m not worth all that!” she cried. He looked up at her and smiled slightly, and then he collapsed in her arms. Her eyes widened in shock, but she felt the slow rise and fall of his chest, he was still alive. But he was badly wounded; she didn’t know how long he’d live with the wounds he sustained. Tears still running down her face, she remembered some of her past. She closed her eyes against the tears and focused her mind on Hael. She chanted a few words of an arcane verse and placed her hand on Hael’s chest, pushing a healing spell into his body. His wounds slowly repaired, and partially healed, but they were still weak. She looked at Hael’s face, and wiped some blood from his cheeks and mouth with her hand. Melsaa laid Hael down on the stone floor and stood up, looking at the altar. She remembered what hid there, what was kept locked inside. Walking over to it, she placed her hands on the top and pushed with all her strength, making the stone lid fall to the floor with a crash. Inside the stone case, laid a large, broken swords. It was black, with red runes outlining the edges, even though it was broken, it still held great magical power. Her eyes wandered over the sword, as she placed a hand on it and ran a finger gently along the metal. After pausing for a few moments she placed her hands together and closed her eyes. Two runes in her skin on the exposed shoulders glowed softly, and Melsaa went into the casting of another spell, the blade of the sword was outlined in light as she finished up the casting. With the last arcane word, she pushed her spell into the sword, breaking the seal of its ethereal prison. “Keivel, I call to you now, I have freed you from your cursed prison, now fulfill for me, one task.” She said to the broken blade as it rose into the air in front of her. There was a short silence before a strange voice spoke. “…What is this task you ask?” Spoke the sword to her. She shifted nervously and motioned towards Hael, speaking in the firmest voice she could. “You shall be the protector of this man. Whenever he is to call for you, or in trouble, you shall aid him.” She told Keivel. The sword hovered into the air, above the young man. Keivel’s voice spoke once more, with a strange, eerie voice. “Protecting him shall mean binding my spirit to his, as well as my power. You wish to give a mere human my power?” it asked. “Y-yes, I do.” She stuttered. There was another short silence until the voice spoke again. “Then I shall fulfill your task, granting upon this human my power, although, I shall be your protector as well.” Melsaa gave a slight nod and the broken sword floated over above Hael’s heart, it then slowly faded, and fell into his body, disappearing from sight. Melsaa sighed and walked over to Hael, they had to get out of this horrid castle, away from this place, and Hael needs more than just a simple healing spell, she thought to herself. With that, another thought made its way into Melsaa’s head and she went over to Hael and placed her arms around him. As she mutter another string of arcane words, bright white light engulfed them, as they both disappeared from the stone floor of that horrible castle.

* * * * *

A sensation unfamiliar came to him, but he didn’t know, realize, or see where he was. Hael slowly opened his eyes to see a ray of sun coming through a window. He felt slight pressure on his chest and shoulders and looked to see the cause. He was wrapped tightly with some sort of white cloth, some parts were bloodied, but it was wrapped entirely around his body and shoulders. A smaller figure lay asleep gently on his chest, her arms crossed and her head resting on them. Hael went to wake her up but when he moved his arm he felt great pain in his side and arm and winced. Melsaa woke up when she felt movement of Hael, was he finally awake? She lifted her head and looked at his face and as he winced in pain at the same time. She quickly removed her arm from his chest and looked at him again. “You were asleep for four days…” She started. Hael glanced over at her and then closed his eyes slightly as his breath came slower. Melsaa fidgeted in the chair next to his bed, then spoke again. “Hael…” she started, her lip quivering a bit, “…why did you try to save me?” Hael sighed lightly as he felt the pain in his ribs. “…I couldn’t leave you…” he started, in a somewhat groggy voice. He sat up slowly, pushing the pain away and put a hand on the side of his broken ribs. He heard some sort of sniff and looked over at Melsaa, silent tears ran down her face. She looked back up at him and burst out sobbing and flung her arms around him. He might’ve winced in pain, but he didn’t mind her touch. “Why did you try to save me at the cost of your life?” she said through sobs. He put his hands on her shoulders and pushed her back a little, “Something in side me… I couldn’t just sit there and let those demons take you, I had to protect you.” Hael said in the firmest voice he could manage. Still crying, she hugged him again and wiped the tears from her eyes. “Would you mind…” he began and she looked at him again. “Changing my wrappings?” He smiled slightly which brought a small smile to hers as well. Hael lay back down on the bed as Melsaa began to unwrap his bandages, Hael meanwhile drifted back into sleep.

* * * * *

He was in darkness; surrounded by nothing but shadow. There was no time, no space, nothing. He looked around until a heard a voice, speaking to him in this darkness. “Tell me child, what is it that you desire?” it asked. Hael couldn’t see anything; not himself or the unknown speaker. Without thinking, he answered the strange question, “I desire to protect.” Hael stated, unsure of what the strange voice would ask next. “Protect what? Yourself? Your power? Or perhaps the ones you care about?” it asked again. Hael replied again without thinking, just like the last time, “One person.” He simply said. The voice laughed as a dark figure walk in front of him. Hael tried to look for an appearance, but it had none, it seemed just a shadow, a thing created from darkness. “How foolish these mortals are, giving up everything to protect another mortal that will eventually die? Foolishness.” The figure spoke. “Don’t mock me.” Hael softly and slowly replied. The figure held out a hand, embedded in the hand was a rune, as Hael looked at it, he saw it was the same rune embedded in his own hand. “Foolish human, unknown to you is that my power has been granted to you, you shall use it to fulfill what you desire, whether what that foolish reason is, I will help you achieve it. You and I shall become one, a new, and different being, yet still hold aspects on our former selves. But you must promise me something child, the power I give you is stronger than you can ever imagine, you must promise me to never forget yourself.” It spoke to him, speaking in an eerie, inhuman voice. Hael stood silent until he asked his own question, “Who is it that I will become?” The figure snickered before answering, “That is up to you, if you choose to protect your special and fragile little mortal, then you shall have the power to protect her. If you choose to gain power, you will be given that power. If you choose to fully fulfill the wishes of the Goddess’s you serve, then you will be able to. I give you want you want and desire, its you that needs to decide the purpose.” Hael shifted on his feet that he couldn’t see, is this thing talking about Fellonda? Why and who is this thing? What do I truly desire…? He asked himself silently but his thoughts were interrupted by the figure who spoke again, “You may not know what you desire, but deep inside you tells what you want. Tell me, do you agree not to forget yourself; to be granted my power?” Hael sighed slowly and nodded. “I will never forget myself, and I shall take up your offer.” Hael couldn’t see, but he sensed a smile for on the lips of the figure in front of him. “Very well, young child, you are reborn with my essence, my power, we are now one.” A light suddenly flashed and he felt something burn into his chest, arms and hands. He closed his eyes and screamed, as the burning continued. Then it stopped, as quickly as it started, it was gone.

* * * * *

Hael sat upright when he awoke making Melsaa nearly scream since she was in the middle of wrapping him with new bandages. He breathed heavily but he could barely feel the pain in his sides. He sensed magic in the air and looked as the gashes on his shoulders and his ribs, which mended slowly. A healing spell, he thought to himself, but from where? He looked at Melsaa who looked back at him with equal puzzlement. “Melsaa… You know magic?” She looked towards the floor away from his eyes and nodded. He turned to face her, bringing his legs to the edge of the bed, his feet touching the floor. A strange feeling coursed through him, a sort of strength almost, but he dismissed his thoughts and stood up. Melsaa’s eyes widened before she spoke, “Hael…! You have to rest!” She said frantically. Hael shook his head slowly, “No… I’m fine.” He stretched his arms and they felt as if he had never been injured. “Hael…” Melsaa began, and a small tear ran down her face. Hael sat down on the bed and looked at her, she tried to brush away the tears before Hael could see them. Hael looked at her again and she sat down on the chair, looking at the floor. Hael put his hand on hers and she looked up at him, more tears in her eyes. He smiled at her a little and grabbed and hugged him again. She sobbed more and Hael put his arms comfortingly around her. They both were like that for a few minutes when Melsaa stopped crying and looked back up at Hael. Melsaa sat up closer to Hael brought he face closer to Hael’s and pressed her lips to his in a small kiss. Hael’s eyes widened at the sudden action, but he then slowly closed his eyes, enjoying the small sign of affection. When they both broke off from the kiss, Melsaa turned away from Hael and looked at the floor. Hael looked at her and saw the slight shadows below her eyes and realized she must’ve been staying up late into the night watching over him while he was asleep. He put his arms gently around her and kissed her again. When the kiss ended he smiled slightly, “Melsaa… you should get some sleep, I’m going to walk out side and get some fresh air, try to get some rest.” He told her. She nodded and smiled a little and climbed onto the bed where Hael had been sleeping. He watched her fall asleep for a few minutes and went to the door to the room, pushing it open, and walking out side.

Melsaa must’ve taken him to this small town, which he walked through. Hael was slightly puzzled at Melsaa’s actions, but happy at the same time. He walked through the main street of the small town and was nearly at the gate when he sensed something. He felt the way he had when he was in that wretched tower, “Demons…” he muttered to himself. He didn’t have any armor, and he must’ve dropped his weapons when we made it to the room where he found Melsaa. He took a breath and concentrated his thoughts to the runes in his hands. Hael felt a sensation of magic as green smoke floated around each of his hands, and taking form into the hook swords that he willed them to become. A moment later he had two hook swords strapped to his belt and made his way to the main gate of the town.

When he arrived at the gate, he senses felt the presence of the demons closer, they might have tracked Melsaa to this town… He shook his head and sighed but a bright red light caught his attention, coming from behind a large hill about a mile away.

The bright red light shown through the window in which Melsaa was sleeping. She opened her eyes slowly and looked in horror when she saw the light. As fast as she could she jumped out of bed and ran out the Inn towards the main gate of town, knowing Hael would be there.

Hael saw the first black, serpent-like demon wander over the hill, followed by dozens upon dozens of its kin. They moved fast, and were half way to the gate when Hael pulled his hook swords free from his belt. He sighed slowly as the demons came closer. He ran towards them, not wanting the town to be destroyed.

He met the wretched horde but slashing open the chest of the first demon he saw, then slashing the throats of the nearest ones. He kicked and he slashed, cleaving limbs and spilling the insides of the creatures. It continued for a few minutes until Hael felt something rush into him. Hael didn’t know how long or how many of these horrid things he could kill, but he had to do his best. But whatever it was that was flowing into him increased with every kill he made, almost giving him more power. Spinning in a circle he slashed out the legs of the nearest demons making them fall to the ground as he slashed at the ones behind the ones that had fallen. That’s where it began. He felt something burn into his forearms and quickly glanced down to see a strange black mark appear on his arm, and it grew slightly larger, as if vines growing on a tree branch. He felt the same thing on his chest and new something was forming there as well. As he didn’t slow his pace of killing the demons he fought, the edges of his vision glowed a dark green, nearly black; he even watched his skin slowly change from its pale tan to a grey steel color. “What’s… Happening to me…” He said out loud as the mark slithered down to his hands and up his shoulders. But he felt power in his changes, new strength, as his arms became just a little more muscular. His dark hair that usually fell in front of his eyes stood up and spiked to the back. Hael’s flesh became harder, stiffer, as a grey smoke swirled around him. The voice from his dream spoke into his head as the mist surrounded him, “Now I give you my power… Awaken!” With that, Hael screamed aloud but something did wake up inside him, his skin was now somewhat scaly, the tips of his fingers clawed, and he was clad in dark pants with silver plated greaves. The new being he had become tossed the hook swords to the sides as the smoke cleared.

Melsaa saw the smoke appear around Hael and she rush towards him, but stopped abruptly when the smoke cleared, revealing not Hael, but something… Different. The being resembled Hael with facial features but was taller and more muscular with grey skin and dark green spiky hair. Her eyes widened when she realized what Keivel had meant when he said he would bind his soul to Hael’s. Could this new being be Hael’s new form joined with Keivel? She ran towards the being as fast as she could.

The demons stood still when the smoke had cleared, revealing this new figure, this new being. The being looked at its hands; then the rest of its body: and admiring itself. Then it turned its dark eyes towards the demons that surrounded it. It walked forward to one of the demons and put it’s hand in front of the demon’s chest. Without hesitation it shoved it’s hand forward, the clawed fingertips tearing through the demon’s flesh. The demon let out a howl as it collapsed into a lifeless heap on the ground. The other demons watched their kin fall and realized this new creature was no ally. They attacked at once but the being was too quick. It slashed with its claws and tore demons apart at two and ever three at a time. It tore through the demon ranks and slaughtered them, not slowing. The remaining demons hesitated, not knowing whether to flee or to fight. But as the new being ripped through the demons with the punches and slashes of its clawed hands, the remaining of the once horde, turned and fled. The dark red light appear behind the hill again, as the demons made their way as fast as they could to it. The being chased after them, killing as many as it could when if finally stopped, letting the last remaining demons flee to the portal back to their wretched world. But the being stopped and called out with a strange voice, “Foolish wretches, you shall come to know my power! The power of Valihel!” It spoke in a strong and deeper voice than Hael’s but similar nonetheless.

Melsaa saw the new being kill the demons as if they were nothing, and saw it call out it’s warning, was Hael gone? Was this what Hael is now? She rushed faster towards where the being stood.

It walked back to where it had tossed away the hook swords and retrieve them when a cat-girl with white hair approached him. Melsaa looked at the being and spoke in the firmest voice she could manage, “W-who are… W-what are y-you…?” She asked, trembling slightly. It looked at her with its dark eyes then responded, “You must be…” it hesitated, “…Melsaa?” Melsaa nodded and the being nodded as well. “I am Valihel,” it told her and he continued, “I’m no longer Hael, or the demon sword, yet something… Different now. Although I contain the feelings, emotions, thoughts and memories of both creatures, I am a separate entity.” He told her as he picked up the hook swords and strapped them into a dark red sash around his waist. “B-but… What happened to Hael…?” Melsaa asked, her lip trembling. “He resides inside me, as I reside inside him. When I am asleep he is awake, and he is asleep, I awake, I exist because of his will, nothing more.” He answered. Melsaa still trembled a little, she assumed that Hael would reawaken when Valihel slept, but when would that be? Valihel turned towards the small forest to the east of where they stood. Valihel smirked. “You can out Fellonda.” He said. An elven maiden walked out from behind one of the trees. “So you’re the one Hael serves… Interesting. You realize that he resides in me do you not?” the elf nodded slowly, and walked towards Valihel. As she approached, she spoke in a calm and clear voice, almost sounding like a song, “Has it been so long that Keivel was locked away? Hael has held my gift for nearly three years now, do you plan on fulfilling my wishes as well?” she asked as she walked towards Valihel. He smiled, “Goddess, you should know that I do what Hael wishes, if he wishes to follow your will, then it shall be done.” Melsaa, meanwhile, stood dumbstruck and feeling out of place, not know what was going on between these two strange beings, but listening closely. Fellonda walked up to Valihel and placed a tender hand on his chest, “Valihel, has it been so long that you were asleep within Hael? Even though with Keivel’s help that brought about your awakening, I know you have a righteous heart…” Valihel looked down at the elf, not really knowing how to respond. “Poor child… But I’m sure you’ll follow Hael’s and my will as best you can.” She turned to look at Melsaa, “This woman is to be protected, I know Hael cares about her most, but she is essential.” She told Valihel. “B-but I… What d-do you mean…?” Melsaa asked, trembling with the mention of her name. But Valihel nodded, “As you wish, Goddess.” And he turned to Melsaa and spoke, “We should head back to town, the demons won’t be back and Hael will reawaken soon… I know you want to be with him when he does.” And Valihel smiled warmly at the cat-girl. Although Valihel was larger and seemingly strong, Melsaa didn’t get a bad feeling from him, and took comfort in his smile. She wanted to thank him for protecting Hael, but she couldn’t find the words. She turned to look at the elf, but she had disappeared, she was about to look for her when she saw Valihel walking toward the gate and she followed after him.

The two where a sight to be seen, and with Melsaa’s out of place heritage, and Valihel’s steel colored skin and marks, they stood out. The Inn Keeper didn’t question them as Valihel led the way to Melsaa and Hael’s room, seeming to know where he was going. As he entered the room, he sat down on Hael’s bed and Melsaa sat on hers. The silence lasted a few minutes, as Melsaa continued to glance over at Valihel nervously, but she finally worked up the courage to speak. “S-so… W-where is Hael…?” She asked, her lip trembling. Valihel looked at her with that question, and waited a moment before he answered, “You would not understand unless you’ve heard my story.” She frowned as that statement and fell silent. The silence was so unbearable she could barely stand it so she finally asked him the question that he knew she would. “C-can I hear it…?” He looked at her again, and so he began to recite his past.

Part III: Valihel

He shook from entering the enchanted gate. These strange godly magics where so new to him, he didn’t know if he could cope going through one of those gates again. His hands were bound by glowing shackles that seemed to be made of light, but held his hands together firm. The guard motioned to his peer as the bound warrior trudged forward, followed by his younger brother who was also captured. The guards mumbled as the pushed him forward, until they reached a glowing temple. It was made of a stone he had never seen before, that seemed to glow, similar to his shackles. The large arched doors opened by an unseen force as the guards shoved him and his brother into the temple roughly. The two captives stood before six beings that he guessed held great power within this realm. The center one, an Elven male with crimson hair that draped past his shoulders, looked at the two and spoke, “State your names, the two of you.” He spoke, with a firm hardened voice. “I am called Valihel,” the first captive spoke, and his brother shifted and spoke his name, “And I am Talakaphis my Lord.” The Elf smiled slightly, “You show proper respect, that is good.” Valihel stood motionless, but Talakaphis shifted a little. “Do you know why you two have been brought here?” the elf asked again. “We have not the slightest idea why we have been brought to this realm, Lord.” The other five, sitting on either side of the red haired elf looked at them until a female elf with sapphire blue hair spoke next, “You both have shown great power in the lower realms, you are called the best of the best, and you were brought here to server, not as slaves if those thoughts you get, but this is truly a great position of honor.” Talakaphis’s eyes widened a bit at the statement but Valihel still stood silent and unmoving while he thought to himself. It was true that he and his brother were very accomplished swordsmen, known throughout their realm, but to be brought here? He didn’t even know what this place was, or whom these Elven Lords and Ladies were. “I have a question, if I would be given the privilege to ask,” he spoke, and Talakaphis turned to look at him. The red haired elf nodded and Valihel continued, “I sense that what you say is true, although my brother and I do not know where we currently are. We are lost in this strange realm, filled with beings with more power than we could ever hope to imagine. Nor do we know who you Lords and Ladies are.” The red haired elf looked at his fellows before he spoke his answer. “You stand be for the six, the six that command the elements, you have been chosen from your petty realm to be a guardian to whom so chooses you. Does that displease you that you are in the presence of Gods, Valihel?” Valihel remained still and calm, “It does not my Lord, I feel great honor as I’m sure my brother does as well.” The red haired Elf smiled again and his fellows nodded their agreement, “Very well, you shall be chosen in the coming morning, now I’m sure you two need your rest after such a journey.” And with that statement, both of the glowing shackles disappeared, leaving their hands free. Valihel and Talakaphis bowed and turned to follow the guard that was to lead them to their new living area.

The next morning, the two brothers awoke to see fine clothes laid on the ends of their beds. The two quickly dressed and followed the guard at their door to the choosing ceremony. They walked until they reached a different hall, similar to the entrance of the temple, but far more glorious. The six stood before them, each wearing an elegant robe of a different color. The red haired elf, wearing deep crimson robes walked forward along with two female elves. One work deep green robes and hand long dark hair, and golden eyes, the other had golden hair with matching golden robes, and soft green eyes. Valihel looked at them both but did not gawk or stare, but held his respective posture. Meanwhile Talakaphis’s eyes wandered over both until they settled on the dark haired one. “My two youngest sisters shall pick the guardian whom she likes best. Once you are chosen, you are to follow the wishes and will of her, and protect her at all costs, even with your life if that need arises. The two females both walked forward, looking at the two. Valihel and Talakaphis were elves themselves, but hailing from a less royal line. They were called Gold Elves, and theirs skin was a deep copper color, Talakaphis’s a little lighter than his brother’s. The dark haired one moved around Talakaphis and looked at him, into his eyes as if seeing his soul. Her sister meanwhile walked around and looked at Valihel, studying his demeanor, and his appearance. The two then switched as the dark haired one’s golden eyes wandered over Valihel, until their eyes met. She smiled slightly as he looked at her, but he remained motionless. She walked toward her brother in the crimson robes and spoke in a soft voice, almost sounding like a song, “I have chosen my Guardian, dear brother.” And with that she smiled and walked over and stood by Valihel. “As have I.” Her sister said, and she stood by Talakaphis. “Very well, now let us tell you both your tasks as new Guardians, come with me.” And he motioned them forward.

After the ceremony had finally ended, Valihel stood in his new room, apart from his brother but more closer to the Goddess he served, Fellonda. He had been given his new armor and weapon when the ceremony ended, and he sat on his bed now, running his finger over the flat of his new, enchanted blade. Engravings that looked like the vines of a tree wrapped around the blade and the handle, and an emblem of a tree was embedded in the hilt. He ran his finger over the markings as the blade glowed softly, but looked up when a soft voice spoke, “Do you like it? I helped in the forging of it.” Fellonda said, leaning against a wall in his room, now dressed in a soft green gown. Valihel ran his finger over the Two-Handed sword again before he answered. “It is a wonderful blade, perfect in balance and weight.” He answered. She smiled at him and walked over and sat on his bed, being careful not to wrinkle her gown. “You know…” she started and Valihel looked at her again. “My golden eyes seem more than just the appearance of beings, I see into your soul, your past, into your existence.” Valihel’s eyes wandered back down to his new sword, before he spoke, “Then perhaps,” he started and Fellonda looked at him, “...You can tell me why I exist?” His eyes didn’t leave the sword with that statement. She placed her hand on the edge of his face and smiled at him. “You’ll have to wait and see.” With that she got up and walked slowly to the door, and turned to offer a wave and a smile before she left. When the door was shut tight and laid back on is bed, speaking to himself in a small whisper, “Do you really know? Or do you just merely toy with me?” Valihel sighed, putting his sword on a stand and closing his eyes to sleep. Meanwhile, on the other side of the door, Fellonda listened to Valihel’s small statement until she frowned slightly. He truly is a strange being; just like me. And with that thought she walked slowly to her room, lost in thought.

-Two Years Later-

Talakaphis walked up to the doorway but was stopped by the guards. “I’m sorry Sir, we’ve been told not to let anyone through.” The one said. Talakaphis’s face reddened with anger. “You dare question me? I am a Guardian you fools! Be gone with you!” And the guards hurried away from the enraged guardian. He sighed to calm himself down. He open the door and saw Fellonda wearing a light blue gown, laying on her bed, reading a book. Talakaphis shifted slightly and bowed “Good day my la—“ but she cut him short. “Talakaphis, need I remind you, you have not the right, nor the power to dismiss my guards from their posts?” He gulped slightly and stuttered his response, “I-I’m sorry M-my Lady… I w-will go fetch them immediately…!” and he turned and left through the door. “You know, you shouldn’t be too harsh on him,” Came Valihel’s voice, as he dispelled his Invisibility spell. “He has taken a liking to you.” She sighed softly, “He has his own Goddess to deal with, and besides,” she shot a quick glance at Valihel “I have my own liking for someone.” She said giving him a little wink. She tossed her book onto a table next to the bed and laid down, her long dark hair spreading out over the bed. She looked up at him and motioned him to sit down, which he did. “My brother was groaning over another task for you two, so you’ll probably leaving again soon.” She spoke, irritation hanging in her voice. She pulled herself up and draped herself on Valihel’s shoulder. “Why is it you always have to leave?” He looked at her and smiled. She was truly something different from her brothers and sisters, Gentle and carefree. “You know I have to, I’ve been in this realm and already my ability to complete these ‘tasks’ is noticeable.” Fellonda got up and put her hands on her hips and made a playful angry face, “I’ll have you know you’re my Guardian before so lackey. So therefore I order you to stay here with me!” she said and jumped onto him draping her arms around his torso. Valihel did likewise and sighed as she looked up him again, “But honestly… I don’t want you to go…” She frowned and pushed him back on the bed and laid beside him. He saw a tear streak down her face and Valihel sat up and looked at her, “What is wrong Fellonda?” it wasn’t she did often, he had only seen her in tears a few times, but it had to be something important. “Oh Valihel!” and she hugged him tightly and continued to sob. “I get this… Horrible feeling… about this next task.” She said between sobs. Valihel looked at her as she clung to his chest, “One of those feelings…?” and she nodded slowly. It was well known that Fellonda could predict certain events, one time she had cried before he left on a mission and he was severely wounded when he returned, if not for Talakaphis, he would’ve been dead. He held her tightly and looked at her again, “Nothing will happen… I don’t even know if I’ll be selected to go on this mission.” With that she sobbed even more, and turned to point to the door. A moment later there was a loud knock and Valihel could tell it was Talakaphis. Valihel gave Fellonda a kiss on the forehead to calm her down, and got up to go to the door. “My Lady, I need to ask—“ Talakaphis stopped when Valihel opened the door. “—If you know where Valihel is.” Valihel glanced at his brother, “Fellonda isn’t feeling well at the moment, may I ask what you need me for?” Talakaphis nodded and started to explain, “I’ve just been given a new task from Drathius that I think you’d want to help me with.” Valihel smirked, “Of course, when are we scheduled to leave?” A smile appeared on Talakaphis’s face until he finally answered, “Tomorrow morning, be reading and bring all your stuff, we’ll need it where were going.” Valihel nodded and Talakaphis turned and left from the doorway. Valihel closed the door and walked back over to Fellonda still in tears. “Listen… I won’t be gone long, and I’ll return to you.” Her lip quivered as she spoke, “Y-you’re going…” she shivered, “…To the demon realm.” Valihel froze. Demons were not to be trifled with, any mistakes could mean death in an instant. He cursed in his mind and looked back to Fellonda, “Nothing will happen, I’ll cut down the mightiest of demon lords down if have to, in order to return to you.” She gaze another small sob and she stood up and hugged him again. “Please… J-just be careful… For me…” She looked up and him and stood on her toes and pressed her lips to his. Valihel held her for a long time, for comfort, but more for reassurance. When he turned to leave, he gave her a small smile and she did the same, and Valihel headed to his room, he needed to get ready for the next day.

The next day, Valihel stood at the entrance of the temple. His enchanted Two-Hand sword strapped to his back, and clad in grey steel plated armor. He stood and waited for his brother’s arrival until he saw the gleaming white plate of his armor as his walked to meet his brother. “Shall we go then brother?” Talakaphis said and Valihel nodded his agreement. They both walked out of the temple to Drathius, the red haired elf that was to open the dark gate to the demon realm. “You two are to find and destroy the possessed demon sword: Keivel. It is an instrument of unspeakable evil and power and must be destroyed.” The two nodded, “Understood.” Valihel said, giving his acknowledgement. Drathius then chanted a spell, opening the dark gate before them, as the two brothers walked forward, into that horrible realm.

The two emerged on the other side of the dark gate, deep within the demon realm. Valihel pulled his glowing enchanted sword from his back; demons were quick to sense signs of light with in their domain. Talakaphis followed his brother’s example and walked cautiously, but quickly, forward, the sooner they completed this mission, the better. Valihel led first but stopped as his elven ears picked up a strange sound and he and his brother ducked to avoid being impaled by an arrow from a demon sentry. “Ready brother? We change and cut down any in our path, we reach charge to the throne room where the sword is most likely held.” Valihel spoke, and with that the demons came charging at them. The weak, snakelike demons led first, followed by rows of Skeleton Knights. The knights were undead soldiers taken from battlefields on many realms, wearing armor of bone of their fallen kin. They all charged and enchanted sword met bone and flesh as Valihel and Talakaphis fought through the first wave, fighting back to back.

As the two blessed warriors cut through the ranks of undead and demon alike, they panted with exhaustion for fighting nonstop for more than two hours. Valihel, more skilled with the sword than his brother, cut down two to three at a time with each swing of his mighty sword. He cleaved his way through the ranks of creatures and spilt open the stomach of a snack demon as he shouted to his brother, “We’re nearing the throne room! We must slaughter these wretches and make it there!” Talakaphis grunted his agreement as he cut off the head of a skeletal warrior, and it ran of to go find it’s missing body piece. They hacked through them all until they finally reached the gates of the throne room, where another wave of the foul creatures attacked them. The two cleaved them down, not wasting anytime or showing any signs of weakness, they cut through the demon hordes.

Until the last demon and undead creature lay in pieces before the throne room, the two looked at the door, it was sealed by a powerful magic. Talakaphis cursed under his breath but Valihel merely smiled and started removing pieces of his armor. Once his upper torso was freed of the heavy plated armor, he stretched and gripped his sword tightly and started chanting arcane words. Talakaphis’s eyes widened as he looked at his brother, “Are you mad? Those spells are forbidden!” he shouted at his brother. Valihel eyes him with one eye and smirked, continuing to chant. His sword started to glow red, his hands shook, struggling to hold the sword. As he finished his chant, he brought his sword above his hand and slashed the sealed door three times. The sword then returned to its greenish glowing hue and Valihel panted slightly as he watched the sealed door simply fall apart. Valihel smirked at his brother but Talakaphis just got his sword free to strike at the new wave of demons attacking. Valihel brought his own sword up but Talakaphis stopped him with his shout, “Go destroy the sword! I’ll hold them off!” Valihel nodded and ran into the throne room.

The room was decorated with many strange runes and other types of horrific tapestries that hung on the walls. Valihel walked up the steps to the throne, and when he reached the top, he saw the dark altar. Lying on the top of the altar was a long, black, two hand sword. It had one bladed side, unlike Valihel’s own double bladed sword, and it engravings going up the un-bladed side. Valihel’s eyes wandered over the sword, it’s black blade gleaming, even in the darkness. It truly was a beautiful sword; did he really have to destroy this? If he could only just feel it… Feel the handle in his hands, the cool swish of wind as he swung the sword, feeling the power flowing through it, Valihel tossed his enchanted sword to the ground as he reached for the dark sword. At that moment, a tried Talakaphis walked through the doorway of the throne room to see Valihel’s hand reach towards the handle of the sword, he tried to shout, but by the time he opened his mouth, his brother’s hand was wrapped around the handle of the sword.

Valihel’s vision went white the instant his hand touched the sword, he remembered this, saw things, things he couldn’t explain. Images flashed so fast that he wanted to scream but was unable to. He saw his childhood, the pathetic human children making fun of him for being out of place, being weird, being him. Flashing into his older years, his first sword contest, the loss of his family, his first kill. Everything and anything he saw hurt him. The images flashed, and he was able to see every single one clearly. His body shook as his skin lost it’s copper hue and turned to steely grey. His body shook as strange marks erupted over his body like fire. His body shook as his fingers became longer and clawed at the tips. His body shook when the sword took him; something was inside him. He gritted his teeth against the pain, struggling for control, but lost.

Talakaphis watched in horror as his brother’s body changed, watched in horror as his brother lifted the dark sword in front of him. Was this really his brother? Talakaphis ran to him. Valihel was lost as the essence of the sword flooded into him. It moved his body with its will, pushing Valihel into a dark corner of his mind. Valihel turned to see Talakaphis running towards him, his lifted the dark sword and swung when Talakaphis reached him.

He was lucky; Talakaphis barely got his own sword up in time to block the powerful blow of the evil sword. There was no emotion in Valihel’s eyes; no feeling, he just wasn’t there. He blocked another attack from the powerful sword, but he didn’t know if he could continue the blocks. “Brother! What are you doing?! Snap out of it!” Talakaphis shouted at his brother while he tried to block another attack. Valihel stopped at the comment, and laughed. It wasn’t like a laugh he had heard before, cruel and merciless. “So you’re the ‘brother’?” the voice asked. Talakaphis remained silent and cautious. “Ah, the weak little brother who can’t fend for himself. Always being second best, never good enough.” The voice within Valihel spoke. Talakaphis gritted his teeth, he wasn’t going to be taunted by this creature inside his brother. “Even with Fellonda,” it continued, “Always wanting to be with her but she was already taken. She never wanted you. You’re just a weak little boy, unfit to be a Guardian.” Talakaphis screamed and launched his sword at Valihel. Metal met metal and the voice inside Valihel continued, “What? A tender nerve?” and Talakaphis gritted his teeth and attacked again. Only to be blocked. “Don’t you hate it to be second? Don’t you hate me?” the voice roared and blocked another one of Talakaphis’s slashes. This thing wasn’t his brother. “Poor weak little brother, never able to get any attention while Valihel gets all the glory!” Angry over took Talakaphis and he attack continually, not slowly against this foul thing. But it was right, he was always second, with Fellonda, against his brother, nothing was ever good enough. Valihel brought his blade down in a large slash that cut into the shoulder of Talakaphis’s glowing plate, meeting the flesh underneath. Talakaphis winced at the pain, “Or should Valihel end it for you? So you don’t have to be a weak little worthless brother anymore.” It taunted. A few tears streamed down Talakaphis’s face and he gripped his sword with all his strength. Valihel saw it coming and brought the dark sword up to block the attack, but when the two blades met, a large crack streaked through the air around the two. Talakaphis panted as he saw two feet of the six-foot long sword snap off. The broken piece fell to the floor and Valihel stood motionless, until he began to wobble. He lost his balance and consciousness and fell to the floor. Talakaphis kicked the broken evil sword from Valihel’s hand and at that moment, Drathius’s gate to the higher realm opened before the two brothers. Talakaphis took the limp form of his brother and threw him into the gate angrily, and walked through after.

Valihel awoke on a cold stone floor. His surroundings were blurry and he let his vision adjust. He was in the jail cells of the Temple. We was about to question the guard, but he stopped when he looked down at his hands. He skin was steel grey, and his fingers clawed at the tips. His upper torso was unclothed and he saw the strange black marks all over his skin. He was shocked to see himself in such a way, yet he remembered the events before. It all happened when he touched that sword… “What is the meaning of this? I am I in such a place?” he shouted to the guard. “Quiet you filthy wretch.” Valihel gritted his teeth. “You dare speak to me in that manner?” but the guard simply shrugged it off. “Let me out of this… place; take me to see Fellonda at once.” Valihel commanded. “Quiet you, you’re not seeing someone as high as the Lady for a long time. Quiet or I wont let you eat for a month.” Valihel balled his hands into fists until they both glowed black with a purple aura. “W-what are y-you doing?!” the guard stammered when he looked at Valihel. Valihel merely smirked and charged at the metal cell door, slamming his clawed fists into it five times. The door shuddered under the forth hit and collapsed with the fifth. He turned towards the guard and grabbed him by the neck. “Be thankful I’ll let you live.” Valihel told him, and threw the guard against the wall. With that, Valihel climbed the stairs to see go see Fellonda.

When Valihel arrived at the top of the stairs to the main entrance hall, he was greeted with two dozen guards, all swords drawn. They all ran at him, but he just smacked them away like flies. He kicked the feet out from under the closest ones and punched and kicked the others. He was careful not to use his new claws on his fists. A sword tip bit into his arm and he hit the attacker in the side, cracking a few ribs.

Fellonda lay in her room crying after what Talakaphis had told her. She wasn’t able to even see Valihel let alone talk to him. She cried harder realizing she was to be apart from her love, and she cried that Valihel was in such a place as the cells. She heard a faint sound in the distance, almost like shouting and yelling. She got up from her bed and wiped the tears from her face and walked out the hallway to see what the commotion was.

She froze in her place as she saw Valihel surrounded by a dozen guards, about a dozen were already on the floor unconscious but Valihel has more than a few cuts and slices on him from the guards’ swords. She ran towards the group and screamed, “Stop it, all of you!” The fighting stopped when everyone looked at her. She ran towards Valihel and wrapped her arms around him. “My Lady! Get back from that vile wretch!” the Guard Captain shouted. Fellonda continued to hold Valihel as he panted and put and arm around her. He was exhausted and she knew it, but she needed to be with him, if not for just a few moments. “F-Fellonda…” Valihel started, “I-I’m sorry… You were… right…” And Valihel collapsed.

Fellonda hugged his limp form, he was still breathing, but it came to him ragged. She was interrupted when a figure in white armor pulled her away from him. “Get away from that wretch!” Talakaphis shouted at her. Fellonda turned to face him with fury in her eyes, “You shall not tell me what to do you fool!” she screamed at him, and dark green vines exploded from the tile beneath him, wrapping around him and holding him tight. She then turned to the Guard Captain, “Bring Drathius and healer to me at once!” and the Captain quickly spun away, doing what he was told. Fellonda released the vines holding Talakaphis, and he turned to her, trying to apologize but his face connected with the swish of her hand. With that, he turned on his heel and left, furious.

Valihel felt the cold stone floor when he awoken again, but hearing the voices coming from the next room. “You cannot be serious Drathius! You can not banish him, I-I wont let you!” came Fellonda’s voice. “Can you just dismiss his actions? I am aware you care for him, but this is inexcusable.” Drathius replied. With that, Valihel got up from the floor, and walk to the edge of his cell. “You don’t have to speak as if I wouldn’t understand, I do and will take full responsibility for my actions.” Valihel spoke, make the two of them jump.

The two looked at him, Fellonda having tears in her eyes, Drathius holding a firm and angry expression. Valihel pushed himself up and leaned against the bars, keeping his calm expression. Drathius seemed reluctant to say anything, but he finally broke the silence. “I thought better of you Valihel,” the prisoner noted the distaste in his voice. “When we first brought you into this realm you had honor, and now look at you. Cover in those demonic marks, your fair skin the color of decay and your purpose tainted. Foolish child, you’ll be severely punished for taking up that evil sword.” Valihel raised his eyes to Drathius and looked at him a long time before he responded. “You must do as you must.” And with that Drathius turned on his heel and walked away from the prisoner and Fellonda.

She edged toward the bars of Valihel’s cell but he turned away from her and sat back within the shadows. Fellonda’s soft sobs continued as he spoke, “You should get going also, you shouldn’t be around a tainted wretch like myself.” His voice was still calm, holding no emotion. He watched as she turned and ran from his cell, her hands clutched on her face, tears running from her eyes. There was nothing he could do for her now. He had changed so much in so little time. Valihel looked down at the marks covering his now steel color skin before he finally closed his eyes to wait for the next morning.

* * * * *

The next morning, Valihel stood awake in his cell and waited for the guards to come escort him to the temple where he was to be sentenced. Upon arrival, he saw all the guards lined up around the temple, Drathius and his brothers and sisters standing towards the center of the temple. Fellonda stood among them, and Talakaphis was not present. His attention turned to Drathius when he spoke in a loud, clear voice in which everyone could hear.

“You are to be banished from this realm, never to return. We have decided a place which is,” he paused, trying to find the right word, “—suited for you.” He finished. Then Drathius’s brother Saelratha walked forward. Saelratha was the God that held power over the shadows, Valihel was to be banished to a nether-realm. Saelratha went into a quiet chant until the air in front of him seemed to change color, slowly turning darker until the dark portal opened wide enough for a humanoid to walk through. The guards at Valihel’s side nudged him forward but he needed no guide in which path he was supposed to take. He was damned from this realm yet he still held his honor. Valihel walk proudly forward, within an inch from the dark gate, he glanced at Fellonda’s tear-filled eyes and mouthed something that only she could hear. After that was done, he walked through the gate as it sealed instantly the moment he passed through it.

Part IV:

Melsaa sat still as the strange creature known to her as Valihel finished his story. He left many things unanswered, but it was better not to question him. She stuck with that until a more important question pushed it’s way into her mind. She quick mumbled out her concerns. “B-but you d-didn’t say where H-hael is…” She looked at him with concern until he finally answered her. “Haelvayas is currently within the realm where I was banished to.” She guessed that ‘Haelvayas’ was Hael’s full name, but that didn’t give her much info on where he was. She was about to ask Valihel to explain better when Valihel stood up. He placed a clawed finger on his chest and sent it down his torso until it stopped below the rib cage. His next action surprised Melsaa. With the clawed finger on the center of his torso, he pushed it into himself, and pushed the claw down. He sliced open the middle of his stomach, but there was no blood, instead between the damaged sides of skin, a dark metal object started to push out. Valihel’s face remained calm the entire time, even as he pushed his hand into the slash in his stomach and pulled the metal object out. At first it looked like a metal stick, but it turned out to be a handle, followed by a large, dark, broken blade. When the broken great sword was finally out, the wound he inflicted upon himself healed slowly. The blade itself was nearly five feet long, even when broken. It gleamed black in the darkness as if the sun was shining upon it’s black metal. Melsaa’s eyes widened when she laid her eyes for a second time on the demonic sword: Keivel. “We will go to him,” was all he said to her as he raised the dark sword. He turned from her and brought the blade down in a fast swipe and it cut through the air. But the air in the wake of the blade seemed to be actually torn. Valihel laid the blade on the floor as he gripped the tears of air and pulled them apart. All that was within the torn air was only blackness, but it didn’t seem to bother Valihel, he walked to the edge of the tear and held out a clawed hand to Melsaa. She walked over to him nervously and placed her hand in his. He walked through the ethereal tear and she followed.

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