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My Boring Blog
Wednesday, 30 July 2003
Muggy Day
It's all muggy and icky outside. I'm going to my bf's house today so that should be pretty kewl. I slept till four today. Insomnia sux big balls :\ Atleast I got some sleep though... thats the good thing... Well nothing else to say so I'll "blog" later.
Muggy Day Victim,

Posted by vamp/heather0 at 8:18 PM
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12 Days Untill My Birthday!
I'm going to be 17 here soon and I can't wait, I'm getting my tongue pierced this coming Mondy and its gonna hurt like hell but you know what? I've been buggin my mom to let me do it for like ever now, so its really kewl... I miss Jessie :( She's my snuggle bunny. It's 6:26 over here and I can't sleep for shit... I can't believe this! Anywho, Talk to you later.

Posted by vamp/heather0 at 8:27 AM
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