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Welcome to the Covert Assault Team web site. We are continuously updating this site so keep checking back for more. We are now a squad listed at AAOHQ, for more news please check the message board, and register, also get Team Speak 2 and AOL aim!

Back during the days of Vietnam a group was formed from a detachment of U.S. Rangers by J.F. Kennedy to infiltrate, gather reconnasiance, and to combat terrorism. This group fought side by side with the Navy S.E.A.L's and helped coordinate attacks upon the the Viet Cong's efforts to gain all of Vietnam. As times advanced, this team was trained to be the deadliest of all teams against terrorist operations and now during the times of modern war, even though most of it is classified they wreak havoc upon the battlefield, these Rangers call themselves the "Covert Assault Team" or better known as the "C.A.T Team".

If you are interested in joining our team then please visit the "Join" link to the left, and follow the directions if you meet all the requirements. You will be contacted with further information after we review the information you provide. We are a squad in the process of some changes so bear with us. We are members that enjoy having fun while belonging to a group, so please remember that before contacting us.