** basics **
Nickname::FREAK (a as anarchy), Twiggy & Amy (my GF and Best friend call me that), Cupcake I get from my friend BabyBoo
Birthstone::Flint, Garnet
Birthday::Oct. 29, 1986
Righty or Lefty::Right
** your looks **
Shoe size::10 1/2
Hair Color::DARK Brown (looks black)
Hair Length::Longer then a Foot
Eye Color::Brown and some Green
Size::34 (sagging)
Piercings::Yes (3 in left ear, 2 in right ear)
** fashion **
Where do you shop::Hot Topic, Teezers, (old) Gadzooks
What do you usually wear::Black, Baggy Pants, Tight or Baggy Shirt
What kind of shoes do you wear::Etnies (most the time), Sometimes Boots
Do you wear a watch::no
Color you never wear::Pink, Yellow, Baby Blue, Orange
Color you wear at least once a week::Blue, Red
Something you wear everyday::Black...
Do you wear make up everyday::Yes, almost
Make up essential::No
Most cherished piece of clothing::Ummm.... Ok?
You wouldn't be caught dead wearing::A Bra (lol)
Do you wear belts::Yes
Do you wear hats::No
How many pairs of shoes do you have::3
** music **
Favorite kind of music::Industrial
Least Favorite::Rap, Country, Pop
How many CD's do you have::80+
Last CD you bought::H.I.M. (Razorblade Romance)
Whats in your CD player right now::Orgy (Punk Statik Paranoia)
Do you download music::no
** Favorites **
Color::Duh... Black, but if you wanna get technical, Red
Ice cream::Rocky Road
Quote::"Ain't Nothing But A Goth Thing"
Store::Hot Topic
Band::Nine Inch Nails
Singer::Trent Reznor
Rapper::I put i dont like Rap
Group::Isnt this the same as Band?
Song::The Wretched
Movie::The Ring
Actor::Adam Sandler
Actress::Dont Know
Kind of movies::The ones that Freak you out in the end .. but not scary
Place to be::Hot Topic
Time of day:: 6:66
Clothing Brand::Tripp
Holiday::Umm.. Halloween
Restaraunt::Dont Know
Fast food place::Taco Bueno
Boy's name::Keiran
Girl's name::Anastasha
Word::Dont Know
Month::Dont Know
Candy::Sour Apple O's
** love and relationships **
Sexual Preference::Girls
Crush::My GF Kassie =P
Do you believe in love at first sight::I guess so
What do you look for in a girl::Good Personality, Beautiful Eyes, Nice Lips, Smooth Skin, Hair
Best physical feature::Waist, Stomach
Best hair color::Black
Best eye color::Blue
** randoms **
Do you paint your nails::Yes
What color is your tooth brush::Red
What's on your desktop:: Nine Inch Nails (Desktop Theme)
Do you like roller coasters::Ya
Do you do drugs::Nope
Are you a virgin::Yes
Do you have any pets::yes, 3 cats
What time do you go to sleep::10-11 PM
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