Negative Bass
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    The first time I heard Type-0 Negative I knew that I wanted to be a bass player, tone, the thunderous rumble of spiraling madness is my passion. I settled on guitar for a while but I hated it, when I was 18 I Finlay bought my first bass. I paid $50 for it and it was crap. The body of the bass was huge and the star burst was nicked and scratched and the 21 fret neck was split the truss rod bent, not to mention the neck was 1.5 inches thick. from the shape it was in I agree that paid too much but I played it all the time for months... now the body is being redone and im looking for the best pieces to complet the project. When I first played with John and Alicia, I got to play on Alicia's metallic red Jackson j-style 4 string as things continued this was given to me as a gift and i am ever in her debt...Skultina as it was dubbed was a great bass but for the style we play it was better to find a bass more set for metal and so i bought a Yamaha rbx775 this Low B 5-string has 2 double wound active Humbuckes and a 24 fret neck. I have dubbed it Aria. 9 times out of 10 im playing my bass... that is when not working or doing web pages. so, Welcome to my page.dont mind the ramblings .I hope that the content gets better but until then this will have to do. I hope to have some personal pics and some music up on the site soon, once the band gets the money we hope to have a few downloads of songs for any fans.

My Favorite Bands and links to their page.


    Metalic red Jackson custom J-style 4 string
      yamaha rbx775 w/ double coiled active humbuckers.
    Fender J-style 4 string
    B.C. Rich Warlock 4 string
     ??? under construction is my first bass... it will rise again.
  Im using the boss GT6B for my effects ..   I love this thing its dubed by other bass   players as overkill... i figure leave no   witnesses!!


Alicia Post Slipknot

Web sites

hey this page is just a shell of whats to come so go to hell ...and come back later please. please!!! please???

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