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One-Eye, He Who Watches, He Who Never Sleeps

Greater God, Orcish pantheon
God of Orcs, Blood, Conquest, Law, Commitment, Revenge

Symbol Unblinking Eye  
Alignment Lawful Evil  
Priest Alignment LE, NE  
Plane Gehenna  
Worshippers Evil Eye and Impaled Head orc tribes, warriors, chieftains  
Race Orc, half-orc  
Sex Male  
Attributes Strength 13, Constitution 11 -1
Proficiency Groups Priest, General 0
Bonus Proficiency Orc history 2
Preferred Weapon Spear  
Allowed Weapons Any 10
Armor Any, any shield (plate mail preferred) 0
Primary Sphere Combat 10
Major Spheres All, Astral, Elemental (Earth, Fire), Healing, Law, Summoning, Sun (reverse) 53
Minor Spheres Divination, Necromantic, Protection 15
Additional Spells Magic Font (5th), Reincarnate (7th) 1
  Control Undead (1/2 level, rounded up) 10
  Orcish followers 5
  +2 on loyalty from orcs and half-orcs 5
3rd level Expertise in spear 3
7th level Incite Berserker Rage in orcs and half-orcs 7
9th level Inspire Fear (1/day, as Wizard spell)
5 (1/day) + 8 (W4) - 4 (9th level) - 2 (3 powers) = 7
11th level Eyebite (1/day)
5 (1/day) + 12 (W6) - 5 (11th level) - 2 (3 powers) = 10
14th level Paralysis (as wand) from eye, 1/day
5 (1/day) + 12 (W6) - 6 (14th level) - 2 (3 powers) = 9
14th level Inspire morale amongst orcs and half-orcs: +4 morale, +2 discipline, +2 on saving throws vs. mental attacks 4
  Priests of Gruumsh must pluck out their left eye (unless the right eye was already lost) -5
  Must attack and kill all elves on sight -2
  Fanaticism: each tribe may have only one dominant priesthood, though lower-level priests of other Orcish gods are acceptable. Non-orcish priests must not be associated with. -3
Raiment War helm, black plate mail, dark red robes for ceremonies  
Animal Giant rat  
Holy Days Full moon, blood sacrifices (especially elven blood)  
As a Greater God, the priests of Gruumsh are based on 140 points rather than the standard 120
Gruumsh requires frequent blood sacrifices. Tribal traitors are best, followed by elves, followed by other intelligent creatures, followed by animals.
The Reincarnation spell used by Priests of Gruumsh will always reincarnate to an orc (80%), ogre (15%) or half-orc of some sort (5%), and is only used on the greatest of warriors
The tribes that follow Gruumsh tend to be the most "generic" tribes. They are bent on conquest, but are also possessed of a certain low cunning, and will not throw their lives away needlessly. These tribes include the Evil Eye and Impaled Head tribes. The priests of Gruumsh will typically be the power behind the chieftains, and will only expose themselves when absolutely necessary.