Current Stats

mood: a mix of frustrated, tired, and stressed
music: miscellaney bg noise
readingmaterial: Midnight's Children by Salman Rushdie (assignment book!)
movie(s): Kill Bill, The Returner, Running Out of Time, BRII, Volcano High, Infernal Affairs, The Eye, BLT
badthing: i can't log in. why, why, why?
goodthing: friday. yipee.


-Name: Yael
-Occupation: Net Vigilante! And webjournalist.
-Webmaster Status: no longer suffering from newbie ass
-Belong with someone at the moment?: No. This may or may not be a good thing. >_<
-I would just like to say: Screw this. >:(
-How's the weather in my head: blindingly sunny and oven-like. i'm melting!!!
-Beat this! Latest and greates Tetris score: 350,000+ 194 lines
-Contact:, AIM FlltimeKillersLD

Hey, know what? yesterday was kinda nice.
-I'm filipino.
-I'm most like Buffy
-My heart is red
-I am rather smitten with Andy Lau (Lok Tok-wah in Fulltime Killer)
-...and also Collin Chou (Seraph from Reloaded)

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writing just to let you know i'm NOT dead...

and also to let you know that my target date for the new place to be up is on or around THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23. that's my birthday. i thought it would be nice to have A3 launch on the same day.

This is why that might not happen:

i have tons of schoolwork

i have tons of other commitments

i have no idea how to use my ftp and i'm still fumbling around about how to werk it

i have an offline life now.

yep, who would've thought?

in any case...i'm hoping to get it done by then. if i don't, i don't know what i'm gonna do.

Thanks everybody for continuing to drop by and leave me messages! I really appreciate it. <3

posted by Freelancer on 10.6'03 @ 10pm pactime


i'm feeling rather sad right now...

My new domain's reserved, I've dl'ed a decent ftp (i think)...

the only reason why I haven't moved is because I CAN'T LOG IN!

i don't understand what I could possibly be doing wrong. I input all the right information... >_< argh. and then i sound like the biggest idiot in the world asking roy for help. "I can't log in!" whine, whine, whine... damn.

i have so much to say. a lot has happened since the last time i wrote. *sigh*

you'll all know when i figure this out...

posted by Freelancer on 9.12'03 @ 5:44pm pactime


Yes, that's right...this place is MOVING!

Not immediately, or anytime soon. I have to figure out how the new place is going to werk, and I might be making some changes along the way. (Change number one: I'm ditching this shitty counter.)

Because of time (and other) constraints, I won't be able to move everything at once, or update this for a while. Anything I need to write will be on regular paper...and I don't know if I'll be in the mood to type my days up. I guess there'll just be a humongous life update at the new place. :)

For now, I'M ON HIATUS.

posted by Freelancer on 9.1'03 @ 9:35pm pactime


shutter happy girl

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