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Single Elim

Regular pool. 1 loss and you are out of the tourney.
Plus all regular league rules apply.See Below!

Double Elim

In this type of tournament, you have to lose two matches before you are eliminated. After you lose your first match, your team then moves into the lower (loser's) bracket. You continue playing matches in that lower bracket until you get your second loss, which means you are out of the tournament. However, if you win all the matches in the lower bracket, you then play the winner of the top (winner's) bracket. Since the winner of the top bracket has not yet lost, the winner of the loser's bracket must beat the winner of the winner's bracket twice in order to win the tournament. The winner of the winner's bracket only needs to win one of the two matches to win the tournament. If the winner of the winner's bracket wins the first game then there is no second game.
Plus all regular league rules apply.See Below!

1V1V1 Tourney

Is played with 3 players, each start off with 3 life's. You play in the order you are listed on the tourney page standings, The first player listed breaks, Only on a break does a player have 2 chances to sink an object ball, If a scratch occurs on the break the player making the break loses there turn and not a life, a scratch at any other time is a loss of a life, each player has one shot then stands if they do not sink an object ball they lose a life, if you play through an entire rack and there is no winner you rerack and the player who was next breaks and gets the 2 chances to sink an object ball. A rerack doesn't give you your 3 life's back, you carry on with the amount you had from the previous rack. Shooting out of sequence is not allowed and will result in you being dq'd from the tourney. Only time the cue ball is allowed to be moved is after a scratch at no other point can the cue ball be moved. If you are seen doing so you will be dq'd.
Plus all regular league rules apply. See Below!


-- Played on a training table, games are played as a normal Single Elimination tourney, where the first player sits and has 1 minute to pot as many balls as possible (including black). - After the minute is over, the second player sits and has 1 minute to pot more balls than the first player to progress to the next round, otherwise, they are eliminated as in a usual Single Elimination. - Players are allowed to miss balls at any time during the minute of play but if the player scratches(pots the white) then their turn comes to an end. - If the first player scratches then the 2nd player still plays to beat the number of balls potted before the scratch. - If the second player scratches, then the balls are counted from then. If there are more balls potted than player 1, then player 2 progress to the next round and vice versa. - If a player scratches from the break, the player re-racks and the timer is reset - 1 rerack only per played round!!! - The 1 minute is timed by the hosting TD and is down to their discretion wether balls are potted before or after the 1 minute is over - the TD's decision is final! - The hosting TD will also say when to start playing and when to stop - Under no circumstances must the cue (white) ball be moved except on the break where the blue ball break rule applies - an automatic disqualification will result and the opponent progresses to the next round - Players will be invited or asked to join the hosting TD's training table which is used for the whole tournament. Please note that , if the cue (white) ball is sunk and a ball goes in at the same time , that ball is not counted. Played at your own risk. If you are booted while you are shooting , this will result in a loss of turn
Plus all regular league rules apply.See Below!

True Swiss System

In True Swiss System format, the number of rounds is preset by the TD before the tournament starts and regardless of the number of registrations, the number of rounds does not change once the tournament begins. (The TD can manually change the number of rounds prior to the tournament.) After all the rounds are complete, the player with the most points wins. If there is no conclusive point leader, there is no winner of the tournament. However, as an example of a true swiss system, suppose there is an undefeated player after 5 rounds of play, and the tournament is set for 8 rounds of play, the tournament does not stop, giving those players who have already a lost a chance to win the tournament. Played in a 1 vs 1 format..
Plus all regular league rules apply.See Below!

Regular Swiss System

The tournament is finished as soon as there is only one player remaining who is undefeated. (The number of rounds is set before the tournament in order to specify a maximum number of players. If the tournament is set for six (6) rounds, this does not guarantee that there will be six rounds of play since players withdrawing from the tournament may shorten the rounds required to reach an undefeated player. If for some reason after the given number of rounds has been played and there is still more than one undefeated player, the tournament will be extended in order to determine a winner.) Played in a 1 vs 1 format.
Plus all regular league rules apply.See Below!

Teams ( ie. 2 vs 2 or 3 vs 3)

Played on an unrated table. Team captain shoots first and shoots until they miss( Note: Team Capt is the one who made the team-If it was a random pick, Then the player on top in the standings page is considered Captain) -- then they stand up and the partner sits down. The opponents captain then shoots until they miss and then stands. This continues until the game is over. Note: Shooting out of turn will be an Auto DQ for your team.
Plus all regular league rules apply.See Below!

Bank the 8 ball

Played as a regular 1v1 single elim , with no timer. All shots on the 8 ball must be banked. (ie. either the cue ball or the 8 ball must strike at least one rail before going in the pocket.) The hosting TD must witness this shot or the game didn't happen. JUST BECAUSE THE HOSTING TD IS SHOWING IN THE ROOM DOESN'T MEAN THE TD IS ACTUALLY THERE WATCHING THE GAME. MAKE SURE YOU INVITE THE TD TO WATCH THE FINAL SHOTS ON THE 8.If the Hosting TD does not witness the shot, you will not get credit for it and will be required to replay or get dq’d for it (Up to the TD).
Plus all regular league rules apply.See Below!

4 Corners

1) 1v1 format with the 60 second timer. 2) All balls must go into any of the 4 corner pockets , if at any time they do not it will result in a loss of turn. 3) Player 1 losing their turn must tap cue (white ball) to Player 2 with no ball in hand (bih) , Player 2 receiveing tap from Player 1 must move the ball back to its original spot before it was tapped and has the allowed 60 seconds to shoot. 4) Any ball(s) going in after the corner pocket shot is a bonus ball with no loss of turn. 5) If a player deliberately shoots / sinks any ball(s) in side pockets , they are to tap cue to their opponent who then will receive (bih) ball in hand. A warning will be given , if it continues through the game , they will be dq'd.
Plus all regular league rules apply.See Below!

Rotation aka CutThroat

Set of balls are chosen by shooting order. As long as you continue to sink an opponents ball you get to continue shooting. Failure to sink one of your opponents balls or scratching results in the loss of your turn. Whoever has at least one ball from his group on the table when all the other balls are pocketed is the winner. The object, in other words, is to pocket your opponent's balls. When someone scratches, one of both of his opponents' balls is returned to the table. NO SAFETY SHOTS ARE ALLOWED AS PER LEAGUE RULES. Please see 9 ball rules for ball color identification.
Plus all regular league rules apply.See Below!

Handicap Tourney

Regular pool except that the higher rated player in the pairing has an extra task (e.g. Banking the 8) while the lower rated player has a straight pot on the 8 ball -- The extra task that the higher rated players have to perform is upto the TD and can be different each round -- The rating is league and not Yahoo and is taken from the Teams/Check-in page of the Tourney once it is closed -- If Playing 'No Middle Pocket' or 'No Corners', this applies to all balls, not just 8 ball, if a player pots a ball in one of the "banned" pockets, the offender taps the ball to give cue ball to opponent (if a ball is pocketed by accident, rules still apply, only opponents balls are allowed) -- This tournament usually comes with a donation.
Plus all regular league rules apply. See Below!

Last Pocket Tourney

Played as a regular 1v1 single elim , with no timer. The only difference in this tourney is the hosting TD must witness the last 2 shots. The last pocket where the ball goes in (stripe/solid) is where the eight would also go in order for the game to be won. Make sure TD is there to witness or could result in starting the game over or a dq.
Plus all regular league rules apply.See Below!

Rack & Run

The number of racks per round is variable and the TD is allowed to choose before the match begins. In the case of a tie , an extra rack will be given to each player. The racks may continue till the tie is broken. Played as a 1v1 format on Training tables. Each player will shoot continuously until they either miss or scratch. One (1) point is given for each ball they sink during their rack. After Player 1 finishes their first rack, Player 2 takes a turn. Each Player gets however much racks the TD announces. Example: 3 racks the maximum score is 45 points (15 points per rack).

Rules for break & gameplay:

A scratch on break is a re-rack. If two (2) consecutive scratches occur the score is zero (0) for that rack. If a ball is not made on the break, the Player will get another shot. Ball in hand (bih) is NOT to be used. Only on break can cueball be moved. If a Player scratches, any object balls that go down on the same shot DO NOT COUNT towards the score.
Plus all regular league rules apply. See Below!

Decreasing Timer

Played as a regular 1v1 Single Elim. Timers for this tourney decreases as the rounds go down. Example: rd 1 - 20 seconds / rd 2 - 15 seconds / rd 3 (finals) - 10 seconds , in some cases the hosting TD may make the final round 5 seconds. The timers are set and may vary depending on how many members enter the tourney.
Plus all regular league rules apply. See Below!

Whacked Tourney

This tourney is played with all rounds being different. (eg: rd 1 - bank the eight, rd 2 - rack and run, rd 3 - 10 sec timer ... etc.) The hosting TD has a pre-made list of the games to be played. The list is numbered where the TD will ask for members input of picking one. The list is numbered 1 through 5. When the TD has the number the round will then be announced with the pairings.
Plus all regular league rules apply. See Below!

Scotch Doubles 2v2

Played on an unrated table, with the 60 sec timer. Team captain shoots first (Note: Team Capt is the one who made the team - If it was a random pick, Then the player on top in the standings page is considered Captain) -- You shoot one shot and stand wheather you made a ball or missed a ball and your partner then sits and takes the next shot. This continues until the game is over. Note: Shooting out of turn will be an Auto DQ for your team.
Plus all regular league rules apply.See Below!

9 Ball


  1. All games are to be played on TRAINING tables.
    1. Start a training table and change it's type to "protected".
    2. Sit and hit "Start Game" button. DO NOT hit the balls.
    3. Move all striped balls near the side pockets except for the 9 ball (yellow striped).
    4. Place solids in a diamond shape. Order does not matter EXCEPT 1 ball must be in front.
    5. Put 9 Ball where the 8 Ball normally is (see picture above).
    6. Take cue and place near the striped balls.
    7. Pocket the striped balls. Please be careful not the hit the 9 ball rack. If you lose the cue stick (which happens ocassionally) you must start over.
    8. Once all striped balls have been sunk, place cue ball back behind line to break the rack.
  3. OBJECT:
    To sink the 9 ball (yellow striped) first BUT the balls must be HIT in order. That is, hit the 1, then the 2, then the 3, etc. You do not have to sink your object ball just hit it. Failure to hit the object ball gives your opponent ball-in-hand (this and a scratch are the ONLY BALL-IN-HANDs). If you hit the object ball, then sink another ball your turn continues.
  4. The 9 Ball MUST be called. If it is not called and pocketed, you lose. If it is called and pocketed in the wrong pocket, you lose. To call the pocket please INVITE THE TD announce it at the table and the opponent MUST say "ok" or something along those lines.
  5. This is a 1 v 1 player bracket per round tournament. Top of bracket makes table, protects it and invites in order of bracket from top to bottom. Bottom of bracket sets table. Top of bracket breaks.
  6. ON THE BREAK, YOU MUST HIT THE 1 BALL FIRST. You may invite the TD to witness the break in order to prevent any posible problems.
  7. Players take turns shooting. A player continues to shoot until they miss sinking a ball or scratch, the order of shooting is determined by the order of the bracket from top to bottom.
  8. Ball colors are as follows:

1 - solid yellow 6 - solid green
2 - solid blue 7 - solid magenta
3 - solid red 8 - black
4 - solid purple 9 - striped yellow
5 - solid orange
    1. As soon as a player shoots, misses and the cue stick returns, they stand up and the next player sits to shoot.
    2. Combos / luck shots are allowed, pocket any ball you want as long as you hit the object ball first. A combination that sinks the 9 Ball wins !!!!!!!!!!!
    3. DO NOT move cue ball unless it was a scratch or your opponent did not hit the object ball. Player that moves cue ball will be automatically DQ'd from the tournament. Cue ball can ONLY be moved if previous player shooting has scratched or missed the object ball.
    4. To set up the 9 Ball rack, do the following: Start game, move all striped balls except the 9 (yellow stripe) from the rack, arrange the rack in a diamond format with the 1 in front and 9 where the 8 is. If you need help or an example, please see the TD.
    5. Timers will be 7 minutes . Ask for timer in lobby and stop playing until player on timer comes back or is DQ'd.
    6. No swearing, harassing, etc.
    7. Report all losses to the TD in the lobby .
    8. Do not start next round until TD says.
    9. All TD decisions are final.
    10. TD will invite for finals.
    11. Have Fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Plus all regular league rules apply.See Below!

      Ball color chart

      GlobalPool Rules

      NO Forced Forfeits

      NO Swearing, Abbreviated Cuss Words (tables /lobby /IM's) ,or Detailed Sex Talk (Clean flirting type talk is allowed)

      NO Arguing With Staff Persons or anyone for that matter.

      8 Ball In On The Break Is a Re-rack

      Must maintain a Valid E-mail Address and your league name must match your yahoo ID (No Cuss Words Within Name or it will get kicked)

      NO Multiple Accounts (If You have Family members that share computer ,an Admin must be notified right away)

      If on the break you hit in both types of balls,You may NOT move ball after you choose type

      Absolutely No coaching while playing or you will be disqualified for it.

      No watching tourney games unless you ask both players and they both agree.

      ALL league games are to be played on rated, protected, un timed tables, in a 1v1 format.

      There is a 7 minute total timer throughout each tourney if ya get booted or a no show for a tourney game (eg.You get booted round 1..return with 3 minutes left on timer for that round...get booted next round, timer starts with 3 minutes to return...after a 3rd boot in one tourney ..That player is automatically disqualified automatic disqualification. All finals hold a 10 minute timer

      All league games are to be reported immediately before you are allowed to play another one, or enter a tourney.

      No Cap Letters (Only A T.D. Running A Tourney Or Staff Member Spamming League Info May Use Caps.)

      The Blue Ball Break is now banned in this league. The cue ball must be moved from original position that yahoo starts it in before the break for all league and tournament games. It needs to be moved at least 1 ball width away from where yahoo starts it. If you Do Not move the cue ball you will be DQ'ed.

      Snookering and Safety shots are not permitted(e.g Tapping balls ) in this league.

      There is a 60 second timer per shot.All shots are to be taken within 60 seconds.


      Saying GG before the game is over , will result in a warning then a dq.