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Final Fantasy VII Online

Revolutionizing the Internet, one geek at a time

FFVII Online is the ultimate Final Fantasy VII website this side of cyberspace. All plot questions and walkthrough questions are answered here! A full Walkthrough and plot analysis will be here. You've got questions, I've got something in return(hopefully answers). Enjoy the site ^_^ ...

Need help?


Plot analysis


Weapons and Armor

Boss battle strategies can be found in the Walkthrough.

July 9th

I've finished all the major work in the Characters section but need to work on the details as well as the Other section. I need my guide back still for the Weapons and Armor section and need to start a new game for the Walkthrough section. The last thing I finish will probably be the Walkthrough section seeing as how Final Fantasy 7 is a three disc game! T_T !But I will persevere!

July 8th

I started this website the 7th of July 2003. I learned the skills required from I currently need animations of all chracters except Cloud from anyone. I also need plot questions for my plot analysis section. I need my FFVII guide so that I can make the Walkthrough and the Weapons and Armor guides. I also need to know how to make this website public. I'll probably use Geocities or Angelfire. Any suggestions would be helpful. I want to learn Java script next so I'll be mixing them together. Well that's it for tonight, I think.

Contact me

You can also AIM me at HedgeHogWarior0. Gimme plot questions! That'll improve that section majorly.