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Dark Side of Hell's Fire

Explore My Castle

Explore the First Floor
Climb to the Second Floor
Brave the Third Floor
Visit Me in my Bedchamber

Welcome to the Dark Side...

Close the heavy oaken door, you are dripping wet from rain and you can hear each drop fall to the stone floor. Mist swirls between your legs and a flickering torch sconce to your left casts feeble light. You can see a refectory table to your right, and you take off your cloak, setting it heavily onto the polished wood. A single chandelier hangs over your head, jewels sparkling like watchful eyes.

You can either explore the first floor of my castle, or take the stairs and explore the second and third floors...maybe one day you will be brave enough to tackle the Attic, hmmm? You never know what lurks in the nether regions of Hell!!!
