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Finally, an update.

The new Looking Glass magazine is coming. It is hovering just at the point of completion, yet refusing to go over the edge. I'm doing my best to coax it forward, so don't dispair. (I know that people often dispair over my magazine... I understand.)

my love to ziggie, anna, steve, kendra, tamra, alex, gabe, gabe w., chris g., chelle, blackfly, anthony, & others.

Random Survey, Updated

[x] Fallen for your best friend? oh, yes

[x] Made out with JUST a friend? i make a habit of it [

x] Been rejected? more than i care to admit

[x] Been in love? yes

[x] Used someone? yes

[x] Been used? Not to my knowledge

[x] Cheated on someone? Yes

[x] Been cheated on? yes.

[x] Done something you regret? No.

Who was the last person...

[x] You touched? Zig

[x] You talked to? my Pa

[x] You hugged? ziggie

[x] You instant messaged? ziggie

[x] You kissed? ziggie

[x] You yelled at? I'm not sure. I'm not a yeller.

[x] You laughed with? ziggie! (i spent the day with ziggie.)

Have you/are you/do you...

[x] Considered a life of crime? yes, i have, i think that would be very exciting

[x] Considered being a hooker? yes.


Considered being a pimp? now i have

[x] Are you psycho? I hope so

[x] Split personalities? Just one.

[x] Schizophrenic? No, except for when I see the giant fuzzy man-bunny.

[x] Obsessive? Yes

[x] Obsessive compulsive? i've been diagnosed with that, but my new psychiatrist un-diagnosed me.

[x] Panic? oh yeah...its quite bad

[x] Anxiety? very much

[x] Depressed? clinically

[x] Suicidal? occasionally

[x] Obsessed with? Glam rock

[x] Dream of mutilated bodies? uh-huh.

[x] Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? my own, perhaps

[x] Understanding: I try.

[x] Open-minded: oh yes...i am so brains have fallen, i'm not always that openminded. i'm quite against some things.

[x] Insecure: Very rarely, hardly at all. [x] Interesting: fuck, i hope so. [x] Hungry: yeah...i'm poor...we don't have any food. [x] Friendly: bout a third of the time...and usually want to be left alone and not talked to, esp. by parents [x] Smart: yesh.

[x] Moody: oh, hell. yeah, i guess so.

[x] Childish: only when i choose to be.

[x] Independent: Somewhat. I'm working on that.

[x] Hard working: very.

[x] Organized: No...not at all...

[x] Healthy: Physically, spiritually, and intellectually, yes. emotionally, not quite.

[x] Emotionally Stable: hardly ever.

[x] Shy: No, not at all.

[x] Difficult: to my parents, yes.

[x] Attractive: i am very sexy

[x] Bored Easily: Yes. [x] Thirsty: yes

[x] Responsible: a bit

[x] Sad: yes, sometimes.

[x] Happy: sometimes.

[x] Trusting: somewhat. i don't need to trust most people, just a very few.

[x] Talkative: that varies tremendously.

[x] Original: yeah, im the real deal.

[x] Different: yes and no.

[x] Unique: yep.

[x] Lonely: oh, god...:) yes, very.

[x] Color your hair? yes, from time to time

[x] Have a girlfriend/boyfriend?no, sadly. or not sadly. depending on my mood

[x] Floss daily? maybe every other day

[x] Own a webcam? nope

[x] Ever get off the computer? To go to work. usually to eat but not always. sometimes to sleep. to go have real fun.


[x] Current Clothes: red cut-offs, bare feet, black tank top.

[x] Current Mood: gently acidic

[x] Current Taste: acid.

[x] Current Annoyance: i can smell the cat box.

[x] Current Smell: see above.

[x] Current thing you ought to be doing:'s 4:50 am.

[x] Current Desktop Picture: a temperature-sensor style artwork from the cover of Polymorph.

[x] Current Worry: I want Chris to be safe.

[x] Food: i wish

[x] Shoes: no shoes currently. but i have lots of cool shoes.

[x] TV Show: None. [x] Movie: not favorite is Velvet Goldmine...

On Dating...

[x] Long or short hair? short on girls, long on boys

[x] Dark or blond hair? Dark.

[x] Tall or short? doesn't matter at all.

[x] Good or bad ? bad :)

[x] Dark or light eyes? dark

[x] Hat or no hat? hat? what an odd requirement. no, i don't require hats, nor do i reject them... [x] Pierced or no? i love piercings, except that they make certain areas very sensitive, and then i can't lick them, which makes me sad

[x] Freckles or none? i adore freckles.

On preferences...

[x] Chocolate milk or hot chocolate? hot chocolate

[x] McDonalds or Burger King?mcdonalds

[x] Marry the perfect lover or the perfect friend? i wasn't planning on marriage!

[x] Sweet or sour? both, with chicken wings.

[x] Root or Dr. Pepper? that is a close one. both. not together.

[x] Sappy/action/comedy/horror? there are more genres than that. i like art films.

[x] Cats or dogs? cats are awesome, but i love my dog too, i just understand the cat better.

[x] Ocean or Pool? ocean

[x] Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese? cool ranch,i die for cool ranch.

[x] Shine or rain? both, concurrently.

[x] Winter/Summer/Fall/Spring? Summer (no school).

[x] Vanilla or Chocolate? Vanilla

[x] Gloves or mittens? gloves; mittens are kind of inhibiting to one's fingers

[x] Eyes open or closed? when doing what? for instance when sleeping,i prefer them closed. when walking, i like them open. when kissing, it depends on my mood/whim.

[x] Fly or breathe under water? Fly. water is scary.

[x] Bunk-bed or waterbed? regualr bed? [

x] Chewing gum or hard candy? gum

What's your favorite...

[x] If you could be anywhere, where would you be? can it be in any time too? I want to see the beatles play tonight.

[x] What would you be doing? Who knows.

[x] What are you listening to? computer buzz

[x] Can you do anything freakish with your body? can turn my tongue upside down...that's not very freakish.

Seven Deadly Sins


1. Who did you last get angry with? my desk


1. What is your overpriced yuppie beverage of choice? SoBe's Zen Blend

2. Meat eaters: white meat or dark meat? white

3. What is the greatest amount of alcohol you've had in one sitting/outing/event? a third of a beer,

4. Have you ever used a professional diet company? no...? 5

. Do you have an issue with your weight? not really. i usually like it.

6Do you prefer sweets, salty foods, or spicy foods? all of em, but i love spicy. i wish i had some spicy food now.

7. Have you ever looked at a small house pet or child and thought, "LUNCH"? Yes! I have, when im really hungry. its amazing how this submerged hunting instict comes out. and the otehr thing is when i see peopel in bathing suits with oil on their skin at the beach and theyre asleep and very brown, i get very hungry...


1. How many people have you seen naked (not counting movies/family)? two

2. How many people have seen YOU naked (not counting physicians/family)? 3

. Have you ever caught yourself staring at the chest/crotch of a member of your gender of choice during a normal conversation? lol...yes, i believ si,

4. Have you "done it"? done what? i am virginal and pure!

5. What is your favorite body part on a person of your gender of choice? waist/hips, nipples, shoulders, back. 6

. Has a prostitute ever propositioned you? nooo

7. Have you ever had to get tested for a STD or pregnancy? nope

email: syrupnuts