
Aw, you wanna know about lil ole me? Well, there's not much to tell. I'm a (almost)normal girl. I spend my days going to school, speech practice,
going to concerts with my friends(Jack, Twiggy, Roxxxy, and MAX), and writing fic. Sometimes I eat and sleep.
I like(duh) writing, singing, dancing, and all that crap. Me and my friends are all on the Speech Team. Except for Max, he's 21. Forensics kids are the worst, as we prove again and again.

This is Jack, Twiggy, and me. I'm in the middle.

Oh yeah, happily munching in Mcdonalds. That's a really bad habit. Especially for a vegetarian. Ya see how I snuck my middle finger in there? Oh. Yeah.

Me and Twiggy embracing some Twisted Method Bassist salty goodness.

The big guy on the right is Max. He's cool peoples. Jack is doing something very...disturbing with his mouth(some say he has an oral fixation).
Twiggy is smiling prettily, and I'm just there. We were going to Ozzfest wooohooo!!!!

This is my Pops. Nice guy, easy to love. And as always he's Supa Pimped out in one of his hats and Cadillacs.
But really folks he's a minister. *g*