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Neopets List of Daily Things to Do

Free Jelly
Free Omlette
Fruit Machine
Grumpy Old King
Bank Interest
Healing Springs (every 30 mins)
W. of Mediocrity (every 40 mins)
W. of Excitement (every 2 hours)
Coltzan's Shrine
Guess the Weight of the Marrow
Test Your Strength (every 6 hours)
Wise Old King

Other Daily Links
Ticket Booth
Symol Hole
Deadly Dice (at midnight-1am NST only)
Scratchcard Kiosk
Desert Scratchcard
Guildmaster's Dinner
Lab Ray
Island Mystic(for avatar)
Buried Treasure (every three hours, for avatar)
Better Than You
Dubloon Disaster
Raiders of Marqua

Avatars I want to get:
Games Avatars Grarrl Keno Random event while playing Grarrl Keno. (Yes this IS random)

Smuggler's Dubloon Play Dubloon Disaster and get a score of 800+.

Meerca Chase Play Meerca Chase II and get a score of 1250+.

Brightvale Play the The Wheel of Knowledge and land on the Brightvale Flag (8 pointed star).

Swabby Play the game of Deckswabber and get a score of 825+.

Mediocre As quoted from the Neopian Times Issue 150 "You need to win the grand prize of 1,000 NP on the Wheel of Mediocrity in order to get the avatar.

IOM Moehog You will get this as a random event when playing the game of Invasion of Meridell - 300 BN.

Tyranu Evavu Play the game of Tyranu Evavu and get at least 15 wins in a row. NOTE: You may not get it exactly on the 15th win.

Wheel of Monotony - Spin Spin the Wheel of Monotony and if you're lucky, you will get this avatar.

Raider of Maraqua You need to play the Raiders of Maraqua game and get a score of 800+.

Master Vex You get this while playing the Cellblock game. When you get the avatar appears to be random. During Tournament 5 is the lowest reported for getting this avatar.

Turtum Get a score of 230 for the game of Ultimate Bullseye.

Lennys Rule You have to be one of the first 250 to win the Lenny Conundrum game.

Bomber Get a score of 1300+ for the Chia Bomber game.

Destroyer! Get a score of 3000 or more in the game of MAGAX: Destroyer.

Lucky Streak Win 10 games in a row in the game of Bilge Dice.

Extreme Play the Extreme Potato Counter game and get a score of at least 200.

200m Peanut Dash
Hubrid's Hero Heist
Ice Cream Factory
Jelly Blobs of Doom
Korbat's Lab
Grundo Snow Throw
Moon Rock Rampage
Double or Nothing
Whack A Kass

Bronze Short Sword 5-6 icons of damage (3 different types) 30k Faerie Slingshot Scorchstone, they get a bit expensive as you work your way up to the better ones Dark Battle Duck o.O