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Welcome to Ella's the jewelry store with the finest jewelry in the kingdom of Bloodraivyn.As you enter it's large wooden stained glass doors you immeadiately notice it is an establishment of class the walls with gold ivy wallpaper are adorned with large oil paintings hung in various places.In the corners of the room stand large gold statues of gargoyles.As you step within you see the marbles floors are adorned with elegant persian rugs.As you walk about the room there are several large cases made of thick glass filled with all types of jewelry,in a couple of the cases that line the wall there are all types of precious stones and metals from bloodstones to the rarest black emeralds.I welcome you to browse in my establishment and find what you like and if what you seek is not found within my various cases I happily except special orders for a slight charge.Thank you for coming to Ella's for all your jewelry needs and please do come again.

Item Silver Gold Platinum
Ring 150gp 200gp 300gp
Necklace 150gp 200gp 300gp
Bracelet 150gp 200gp 300gp
Earrings150gp200gp 300gp
Engagement Ring 200gp 300gp 400gp
Wedding Ring 200gp 300gp 400gp
Set Wedding Rings 450gp 500gp 750gp
Pendant 200gp 300gp400gp
Choker250gp 350gp 450gp
Tiarra  250gp 350gp 450gp 
Amulet 250gp 350gp 450gp
Brooch 250gp 350gp 450gp

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