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Goths, rockers and punx united!!

Welcome to my site! This site allows anyone with a love of rock, metal, nu metal, punk or any other kind of music! (except Townie, R n B, Garage, or any other type of antipunk person.) Damn you townies!! \m/ rock lives!! :) OH and vampires like myself are welcome here!! ONE DAY WE WILL RULE THE PLANET! *mwahahahahahaha* Dudes, visit the sites on my list!! (especially my one hehe...)

People who can come to this site!

Sites that rock

Online clothes for punx! Its american, so I cant buy anything, but really nice stuff to look at!
This site has everything on the latest rock scene, including news, reviews, videos and posters!
Linkin parks' official home page!!
Evanescence ROCK! What more can I say?!
Good Charlottes official website!
Dudes!! This is my evanescence site! Join the legion of fallen angels and live forever!! *mwahahaha* ;)
