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Bamberg Witch Trials


Bamberg Witches

The slaughter Of witches in germany was in the areas rulled by prince-bishops treves,strausbour,breslau, and faulda. With The last 2 being rulled by two brutal cousins, Prince-Bishop Phillip Adolph Von Ehrenberg, who burned atleast 900 witches. And the hexanbischof , Gottfried Johann Georg II Fuchs von Dornheim (1623-33) , Who burned atleast 600 witches. Witch Hunting in Bamberg came later then other

german states , and it wasent intil bishop Johann Gotfried von Aschhausen (1609-22) . Who burned about 300 accused witches.

1617 was a bad year were 102 accused witches were burned. But witch bishop Johann Georg II Got better results with the aid of his Vicar-general , Suffragen Bishop Friedrich Förner . Together they continued the persicutions in 1626-30 and even had to erect another jail.

During theese times Dr. Ernst Vasolt, Executed 400 Accused witches.

The Vice-Chancellor Of Bamberg , Dr. Georg Hann , Had some limited success in checking the trials but he because of this was believed to be a witch lover and he and his wife and daughter were burned in 1628.

For this action all the burgomasters were condemned And during this time Johannes Junis was able to get a letter to his daughter that told of the tortures for the first time. Everyone accused had to give up there wealth and land wich was in turn givin to the bishop. Also the familes of the ones in the prisons were also forced to pay fees.

All of the accused citizens some very wealthy or related to royalty were still executed with the rest. And this was a very speedy process some taking only 20 days from imprisonment to execution.

Bamberg had become famous for its intense executions. Like the infamous thumb screws, and the leg vises. But also the stocks, rope burns , cold water baths , burning feathers under groin area and arm pits, the prayer stool , forcefeeding a salty herring without water. And Hot water baths with lime ( Wich killed atleast 6)

Also Cutting off of the right hand or tearing at the breast of women before they went to be burned were common intil the emperor put a stop to it.

Even Pregnent women being tortured went on the list of complaints that came as a result of theese witch burnings.

Förner died in 1630 , bishop of bamberg in 32' , of Würzburg in 31' and the death of the cardinal bishop of vienna in 1630 caused persicutions to go down for the top 3 persicuters were now dead.