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Darkness Of Night

Cheese Cheese Cheese

Hello and welcome to Darkness of Night. This is the windex warriors site for "non-potter" fiction. I am Dave and I am Windex Warrior #4... I think... but in my spare time when I'm not writing for Windex Warriors I film, produce and re-write Windex Warrior stuff for the Big Screen!... not.... I really just write mushy and really crappy romance stories and poetry... I'm working on something now...But We (meaning the Windex Warriors and I) are really going to try and film DBW I, II, and V this summer so if you have some vauge acting abilitys we will have a part for you!! so e-mail me at Sleepmode_drummer and I will see what part I can get you!!! In the mean time enjoy yourself at my site!

Into this wild abyss,
The womb of nature, and perhaps her grave,
Of nethier sea, nor shore, nor air, nor fire,
But all of these in their pregnant causes mixed,
Confusedly and which thus must never fight,
Unless the almighty maker them ordain,
His Dark Materials,
To create more worlds into this,
the wary fiend stood on the brink of Hell and looked a while pondering his voyage..





This site was created by:Sleepmode_drummer