
Hello! i finally got this layout thing down =D..i'm getting better at html by the minute ^.^


Ok..this site has no main purpose as of right now but i am currently looking for one wich is why this shall be under construction for a few days while i get images and ponder on things and all that...so far so good though


July 31 2004

Alright..i got the picture portion of this whole website down for now..till i can get home and put up more photos those ones will suffice...they are very well if i do say so myself =D..now i just need to work on something else ¬_¬...eventually i intend to make an adoptable page...and all that..i must really get some graphic programs...i also intend to put drawings on as soon as i find drawings i think will fit nicely..so as i have said this is a pretty useless website as of the moment =)


Blankity blank blank

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