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The City is caught in turmoil... as most cities in the World Of Darkness are... however this city has gone from just a city of turmoil to an all out war zone. The lines are being drawn and the sides are being chosen. Bodies have already begun to fall... most of the mortals are exposed to the World Of Darkness and either don't realize it or don't say anything out of fear. The factions vie for control of the city, each group scraping to forge their own little niche of survival. With the Camarilla out of power, the Masquerade is difficult to keep active. Many of the vamps across the country flock to Creed to be able to basically do whatever they want. The mortals trudge out their dreary existence. The streets are filled with corpses and ashes every night. The city becomes more and more dangerous and out of control. The government is stepping in and considering bringing in the National guard to deal with the seeming unending string of violence, murder, shootings, muggings, corruption and terror.
The Supernatural and Natural alike continue to fight over the city... the only real question that remains is... how much of Creed City will be left when the dust finally settles...

The types of characters available for play are Werewolves, Vampires, Regular every day Mortals, Hunters, Kinfolk, Ghouls, Special Ops and a few others under special circumstances. These include ALL aspects... including Independant Ghouls, Rogue Hunters, Sabbat, Camarilla, Anarchs, Caitiff, Drug & Gunrunners, Blackspiral Dancers, Pentex Officials, Fomori, Demons, Infernalists, Wyrm Creatures, Bastet, Hengeyokai, Gargoyles, etc.,... These groups will of course, all be vying against each other for dominance within the city.

The Garou Characters will likely end up taking on the Wyrm Characters as well as the Hunter Characters, and the Vampire Characters. The Vampire Characters will be taking on the Werewolves.  The Hunters will be taking on everyone and basically just trying to survive. While the Hunters will be caught in the middle of everything. And EVERYONE has to watch out for the NPC's *snicker snicker*.

This means that Players will also be playing against and with each other. I anticipate a lot of backstabbing, conspiracy, blood, political maneuvering, blackmail, intrigue, shady dealings, sex, intimidation and power shifting. The downside to this is that there is a slightly larger chance your character could die... As a matter of fact... I can almost guarantee that several of your PC's will die.  I mean... in a circumstance like this not everyone can be happy. Only one group will come out on top. Of course... those who survive the coupe could always stage another coupe later and recover the city. So don't give up hope.  I've already lost a few characters personally.  But a player who has been in the game for over a year, playing a normal every day mortal is still playing the same character to this day.  It's really all about the role-playing and how you react to the situations. 

The goal is to not only survive but prosper. Use whatever tools and skills are at your disposal to make as many friends and eliminate as many foes as possible... before they eliminate you. This isn't to say you will constantly be facing each other... only that it is a possibility to be prepared for. There are already a large number of Players who have opted to join and there is room for a WHOLE lot more... most scenes will be run via Instant Messenger but some will be run over email, the chat room (when I get it up and running), White Wolf's Open Chat Rooms and so forth.

The city is still being rounded out and descriptions of the buildings finished up. A list and description of the city has been typed up and will be put on this site if room allows. If not then the description will remain on the Yahoo Group or be posted on the Hyper Board. Buildings will be on the map and some will be inhabited and some won't... it all depends. No other player or their characters will know your location or your plans... I really just think that this should be a lot of fun... It has been so far.

Subplots are available to get your characters integrated into the story and earn your characters some resources and experience... just catch me on Instant Messenger, post on the Group or email me... Characters should be beginning character level... A few exceptions will be allowed with permission. Anyone interested in joining the game please simply send an email to and tell me you are interested and what type of character or characters you would like to play and what email address you would like the invitation sent to. A few extra dots will be given to those who opt to play 'bad guys' and wreak havoc for the PC's, but I will make certain to keep things fair and fun.

I have also taken on a few assistant STs to handle any troubles that I may not be equipped to handle, to run seperate campaigns within the city, and I am looking for a few more.

I mean imagine a city... run by the Camarilla... suddenly being sieged by the Sabbat... they duke it out and virtually decimate each other... then the garou from nearby swoop in to take on the survivors, only to find out that the enemy is not quite as weak as they had anticipated... bam... they get beat down... then the Hunters come and so on and so on... now the city is basically up for grabs for anyone with the balls (or ovaries) and brains to pull it off.

The Players are all playing different types of characters so some of them are working together and others are working against each other. Then I have Assistant ST's playing the bad guys behind the scenes and setting the PC's up for trouble... It's been a blast so far. Anywho... its a laid back game for the most part... just having fun... want to know more or have I bored you to sleep already? *blinks hopefully* Just contact me for more info or to get signed up...





This site is copywright 2004 to Sarah Jarvis    (

The name Creed City is copyright 2004 to Deven Parbst

World of Darkness content & materials is copyright 1990-2004 White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
All rights reserved.

This page is an entirely unofficial use of the Vampire: The Masquarde and A World of Darkness gaming materials published by White Wolf Publishing, Inc. and not intended as an official or profit making venture in any way, shape or form. Although the use of these concepts, rules, etc., is unauthorized, no infringement is intended. This page is not affiliated with White Wolf Publishing, Inc. in any way and should not be viewed as such. This page are freely available for viewing and personal use, but are, under no circumstances whatsoever, to be sold for profit.