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You will come and I will go

A little diary

October, 15th,2003

I have moved my journal, I'm not telling you where.

August, 21st,2003

Lately I haven't been in the mood for doing any updates. Somehow it's lost it's appeal, but none the less I still continue.

My life has been rather messed up lately. Every time I pick up a pen and some paper I immediately come up with some more new depressing or halucination poetry. Lately I've been thinking of actually getting an acoustic guitar and just sitting down and writing songs. Bet I'd probably be succesfull with the amout of angsty teenagers getting signed to record companies these days.

August, 17th,2003

Due to the blackout any new additions are being postponed until an un-known time.

Having no power can actually be a lot of fun. You get to have candles and you start to notice people a lot more.

This reallu made me think just how dependant people are on electricity.

August, 9th,2003

A new feature is getting added to the site tommorow, Blooky! comics. Not many details are going to be disclosed until tommorow's official release date. But there's already a guest artist.

August, 8th,2003

Well, I didn't commit suicide. I could never bring myself to do it and the problem was resolved. I never want to get to that point again.

August, 5th,2003

Today wasn't as boring, me and my friend went to the library to go and make fun of stupid teeny magasines. Apparently you have the right to be an individual as long as you're the same as everyone else. 50% of what I saw in that magasine contradicted itself. It makes me sick that this is what little girls look at as somewhat of a guideline for life.

I just want to kill myself now. It's not the first time. I see no point in going on. My parents won't let me be who I want to be, I have a deep self loathing and if it were up to me I wouldn't be alive in the first place. I have people I love and care for but they're just not enough to keep me here.

I hope that I'll soon be out of this emotional downslope, but chances are that this is the last entry.

August, 4th,2003

I was stuck camping for three days and two nights. It was as much fun as one could have poking their eyes out with sticks.

July, 31st,2003

AC/DC was awesome! Angus Young delivered a solid performance, it was like he was in a trance.

I came too late to throw stuff at Justin Timberlake, but apparently people threw stuff at him anyways. It was great! I didn't get to see the Rolling Stones though, they took 40 minutes to set up so I just left. They started to play as I was walking out of Downsview park.

Even the ride home was fun. I took the TTC. On the first stop the lady told people to stop screwing with the doors, and then somewhere near Yorkdale station another announcer told someone named "Leeane Miller" to "GET OUT" because her friend was waiting for her. In the end it was all worth while.

\m/AC/DC \m/

July, 30th,2003

Going to the Toronto rocks concert today. I'm not going for the whole thing though, I'm just going for AC/DC and to maybe throw rocks at Justin Timberlake, along with a cabbage and a few other vile odoured vegetables.

July, 27th,2003

I'm slowly either going insane or just becoming less normal. Today I decided to wear rubber boots around the house, then I proceeded to running around chasing the family pet. I think it may have something to do with the fact that I haven't really had a full meal in over a month or it may just have something to do with the insomnia. Either one's pretty bad.

NP: Cradle of Filth - Mannequin

July, 25th,2003

I went shopping with my friend today. I got Damnation and a Day by Cradle of Filth. It's the best $20 I spent in a long time.

July, 23rd,2003

Did nothing all day. Took a quiz, it was good for a laugh.

which stereotype are you?

Apparently I'm Avril Lavigne. Excuse me while I go and vomit.

July, 22nd,2003

Went to the park today. Planned for trip around the world in the year 2010. Vancouver Olympic games here we come! I added the new poem to the site as promised. 45 days until back to school.

July, 21st,2003

I wrote a new poem, but because I am too lazy at the moment, I'll put it up tommorow. I also downloaded MSN 6.0 and hey it's actually pretty good. 46 days until school.


As I am bored out of my mind today I have decided to make an obscure and non existent word a day callendar. I will put it up as soon as I finish it. It's quite likely that I shall never finish it because I'm too lazy to finish it, but it's nice to look forward to it. 47 days left until I go back to school.


Today I had to go to the beach. I was actually quite shoked. I had fun there. I had time to reflect on my life. For once I felt like I was closer to sorting things out. I like that feeling.


Today wasn't too eventful. I got 5 inches of hair cut. I just felt I needed a change.

July, 17th,2003

I came back early from camp. I was tired of sleeping in a tent and being eaten by mosquitos. I found my ways of getting back home though. Well obviously. Anyways, it was fun at parts. One day my group stole a bunch of juice crystals from the kitchen and once we were already nice and high from the sugar somebody came out with those pills in capsules that they never used. Five minutes later we were opening the capsules and pouring out the medicine. After we pored out the medicine we filled the capsules with juice crystals. We had a pile of about a couple of dozen. It was a great night of eating pellets of juice crystals and snorting some once in a while.

July, 4th, 2003

I won't be able to update the site for a while. I'll be away for two weeks. Meanwhile I shall think of ways to improve it.

July, 2nd,2003

I am thinking about adding a poetry section to the site, I have a lot of it and I need somewhere to put it so why not here? Anyways today I expect shall be pretty cool. Sitting on my ass and doing nothing, that seems like a plan. I need a job.


To celebrate Canada day I had to go to a barbeque and even though it was a fairly decent barbeque I couldn't enjoy it. I had to wake up at 9 in the morning (extremely early for me) and then I actually had to stay awake for the whole thing.

Contact me if you have any questions or comments on the content of this site I may not respond as quickly, but I will respond eventually.