February 2004

Had an interview for Columbia yesterday. I think it went well. I hope. The guy was pretty nice.

So my car has gone back to it's loud stage. Oh well. Guess all good things don't last.

I'm still in that Iced Green Tea mode.

Why is it that a week of doing nothing goes by faster than a school week? What kind of nonsense is that? But sadly, it's true. The week off is coming to a close. I did nothing too special but I had a great time. Definitely not looking foward to school again...

My dad took my car to get the oil changed and it came back quiet. For those who don't know, my car has the loudest, ugliest noise accompanying it every time I drive. But now it's quiet, almost like a regular car. Those mechanics...pure car magic. I actually enjoy driving my car now. I hate motor loudness.

Mmmmm....Iced Green Tea at Panera Bread. Something newly discovered. And it's pretty damn good! Who the hell knew? ^_^

Right now, away from everything stressful, I'm fairly content. They say that having nothing to stress over in life is boring. I don't know about that. I'm the happiest when I have nothing to worry about, nothing to do. Calm. Peace. Content.

It is officially winter break. One week off from school, thank you! I definitely need this break. One week to forget the stress of school.

Finished reading The Da Vinci Code a couple days ago. Let me tell you, I understand completely why it has been on the Bestseller list for practically a year. This book was incredible! I learned more from it than I probably have from school. Could not put it down. And it got me very interested in cryptology and all this religious secret societies. I'm not Christian, so I haven't read the Bible...which was okay, because the book explained most of it. But it's got me thinking about the whole thing. It's crazy. But in a good way.

Um...I really dislike my English teacher and his ridiculous projects. This week was looking to be a good one, but not anymore.