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Latest Match Writeup

We played >MaH0< and killed them, but the only ACTIVE members playing were the ones currently on the list, our SIX inactive members need to come to practice. We won like 20 to 4

< - - - Welcome- - ->

:. News .:




July 4th - Wow, what a day 4 CS. I got on 2day very tired, but willing to play and got schooled. Props to the FoD Clan 4 kicking my ass...until we played de_dust. I did better, but they still beat me. Later on that Nite i kicked ass. I came in and did really good with like 5:1 or better kill ratio.

July 5th - Today I played with Shark0807 and he is the newest addition to our clan. If u ever see a guy (fag) named 7 (NOT Shark0807) kick/kill/torture him. After i kicked his ass several times, he joined my team and followed me and threw flashbangs when i saw ememies and fucked me every time. 7 also dissed our clan. FUCK HIM, FUCK 7.

July 26 - Today i led some serv 38/20 and played 2v2, it was great killz and fun.

August 16 - Today i led Just Another Server in dust and iceworld like no other, in dust i was 18-3, and iceworld i was good too, but i cant remember specifics. I also recruited a new member, his name is pending.....

August 17 - His name is v!p and i need a server, the guy who had one got so sick of CS he stopped playing, so now we have no serv, so we need to find an empty one to play on or get someone to make one. BTW sry to our new clan member i GTG and my fucking AIM stopped working when i got off 4 a second





We need more practice

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Match Schedule

E-mail me at If you are interested in playing us.

Prac Sched.

9:00 to 10:00