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Cheeseballs Box

About Me

My name is Justin and I am 15 years old, I attend Lansing High School and I am in my Sophmore year. I LIKE FUNNY STUFF. I attended Leavenworth High School last year, and I would much rather be at Lansing. I live with my parents and I have two sisters and one brother. I am the oldest child in my family. I lived in Germany with my family when I was younger, and I speak a little bit of German.

My Family

My family is very large and it has many origins. Throughout my family tree, there are many different origins, from many differnent countries and I have many people that are in my family that have been to wars, Vietnam, World War 2, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and most of my family that have been in wars have come home in perfect health.

My Friends

I have many different kinds of friends, and many of my friends have different kinds of parents. Some of them are very easy going, and some of them are mean. I have a lot of friends that like to skate and ride bikes, we all like to go paintballing. Me and my friends usually have a great bond with each other, and always get along.

Touch Me Here
Chapter 3 and 5 Example
United States: Special Forces
Favorite Cartoon: South Park
Lansing:K-5 Here
Mikes Site
Ballad Of Jayne