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*~*~*~MiSs InDePeNdEnT*~~**
Thursday, 14 August 2003
Swimming, Swimming, In the swimming pool!
Hehehehe... I went canoeing and I had the WORST experience of my whole entire LIFE! Anyways, it's a LONG LONG STORY! If you want to know, we were stuck in a canoe for about an hour or more! It was awful! Ugh! I go swimming EVERY Tuesday and Thurday! Last Tuesday, I went and guess who I saw? CHRIS SHIM! He's not supposed to appear anywhere! Emily says they're going to a Christian School! Hmmmmm.... wierd! Anyways, he's so annoying! He was like, asking us all these questions! It was extremely annoying! Anyways, gtg! POST COMMENTS!!

Posted by vamp/charmedlilangel at 10:38 AM EDT
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Saturday, 9 August 2003
Okay... SOME ONE sent me a comment, which I think is totally rude. If that SOMEONE does that again, I will get my revenge next year! Anyways... I made a website at summer camp. The URL is: Bye!!

Posted by vamp/charmedlilangel at 9:14 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 22 July 2003
I can't WAIT! School's almost starting and, well, I'm really excited! All my FRIENDS from all the other schools are coming back! YAY! Plus, I'll be in grade 7! And my teacher, Mrs. Campbell (this year's teacher) sent me mail! WHOA! It's really really really amazing! Anyways... gtg ! REPLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by vamp/charmedlilangel at 3:17 PM EDT
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I can't WAIT! School's almost starting and, well, I'm really excited! All my FRIENDS from all the other schools are coming back! YAY! Plus, I'll be in grade 7! And my teacher, Mrs. Campbell (this year's teacher) sent me mail! WHOA! It's really really really amazing! Anyways... gtg ! REPLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by vamp/charmedlilangel at 3:10 PM EDT
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Strawberry: 50/100 Pear: 20/100 Banana: 30/100 Tomato: 15/100 Lemon: 0/100

Take the What Fruit Are You? test by Ellen and Aaron!
I'm a FRUIT!!!! This is a relaly boring day... BORING!

Posted by vamp/charmedlilangel at 3:02 PM EDT
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Monday, 7 July 2003
Okay... after, like an HOUR of trying to get the truth out, I finally know the 2 ppl that Peter likes! Unfortunately, I can't tell anyone cuz I swore on my blood, so don't try to get the truth out... SHAN!! Talking to you especially!

Posted by vamp/charmedlilangel at 2:57 PM EDT
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Sunday, 6 July 2003
Hey! I'm bored bored bored! And it's a Sunday too! I think I'm gonna go shopping! BYE!

Posted by vamp/charmedlilangel at 12:32 PM EDT
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Friday, 4 July 2003
Close Call!
Phew! Was that a CLOSE CALL or WHAT!! I'm not gonna tell the story, but Lazzy Queen knows! LOL!!! Anyways, Meng Ting helped me get this Blog and i wanna thank you! Now, I have something to do... no more BORING stuff! I'm having a really crappy summer so far... no adventure! i don't know about you guys, but I freakin' bored bored bored! Anyways, comment on this! bye!

Miss Independent

Posted by vamp/charmedlilangel at 12:44 PM EDT
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